
Under the epidemic, the children remember these two years

author:Four o'clock fairy

If you haven't experienced it firsthand, don't easily say "empathy.".


Last night, we relived the restored version of Zhang Guorong's 2000 "Hot Love" concert, and fans from all over the live broadcast room were enthusiastic and excited, and Shanghai fans threw dishes to show their cherishing.

Under the epidemic, the children remember these two years

On April 1, 2022, The restored version of Zhang Guorong's concert was broadcast live

Since the beginning of March, Shanghai is experiencing a special period. Friends and relatives ask each other, the most touching sentence is: "Are you enough food?" ”

Time back to the beginning of 2020, Xiao xian is very worried about wuhan friends; two years later, he is deeply immersed in it, deeply experienced "I have not experienced it personally, please do not say that I feel empathy." ”

The children who took online classes at home again could not go to the campus and could not go downstairs due to the sealing control, and the scope of activities was reduced to the family, and the experience and feelings were more different. How do they see the outbreak? Children will bring us more answers.


"The COVID-19 Pandemic Keeps Me in Mind"

Minor Author: Jingle Bell

In early 2020, a strangely dressed boy wearing swimming goggles and a mask appeared at the airport. That's right, that's me.

The day before the incident, my parents and I were still watching Sichuan opera in Sichuan, and a bad news came that there was an outbreak in Wuhan and many people were infected with the virus. At that time, we didn't know anything about the epidemic, but for safety reasons, our mother asked us to go home "fully armed", and the scene at the airport appeared.

When I got home, I went online and learned that the virus that caused the outbreak was called "novel coronavirus", which may have originated from a bat carrying the virus. The virus spread rapidly, in Wuhan, Beijing, Shanghai... Soon there were patients everywhere; Asia, the Americas, Europe... The whole world is shrouded in the epidemic.

The epidemic has caused us a lot of trouble. In the second grade, we had to take online classes, and some children had lost their eyesight due to watching electronic products for a long time. Many adults can only work from home, and various industries such as catering and tourism have suffered economic losses. The sudden increase in COVID-19 patients has also put healthcare workers at great pressure and risk.

As recently as March this year, the epidemic in Shanghai became serious, and some communities and schools were temporarily closed, and students and teachers were taken under medical observation. I hope that we Shanghai citizens can cooperate with the epidemic prevention work, do not cause trouble to medical staff, and hope that the epidemic will end as soon as possible.

I remember this wave of COVID-19. I want to study harder, and when I grow up, I will overcome the invisible virus and become the keeper of human life.

Appreciation: The little author starts from a special scene in 2020 and tells about the situation of the new crown epidemic outbreak at that time, the impact on people, and the troubles faced two years later. The overall thinking is clear, the experience of encountering the new crown is told by leaps and bounds, and finally expresses the desire to become a guardian of life, which is very beautiful!


"Covid-19 Bothers Me"

Small author: Chen Xiaoyuan

I remember that it was the Spring Festival of 2020, in Wuhan, Hubei Province, the war between the new crown virus and our humanity began.

The originally lively street has calmed down like a trick, and the people who were originally cheering and visiting the door are closing their doors at home.

But the "most beautiful retrogrades" are still fighting the epidemic in hospitals, medical staff and volunteers from many places have gone to Wuhan to support, the people's army has done its best to help medical staff, and countries around the world have also reached out to help.

At the beginning of the epidemic, we also flew to Hainan without knowing it. We were staying in a comfortable hotel, listening to beautiful music and enjoying the holiday, but the epidemic was like a sharp needle that pierced the beautiful atmosphere. Hainan has a new crown case, we have to wrap up layers of masks every day, looking at the beautiful scenery outside the window, but we can't go anywhere. Later, the airport also stopped operating, and we struggled to get back to Shanghai.

Another time, my family and I went home to visit our relatives. I didn't expect that the epidemic control in my hometown was very strict, and the nucleic acid test on the way back to my hometown was like a snake pestering me, checking back and forth six times, and I couldn't get rid of it.

Now, the epidemic will still invade our lives at any time, but everyone is united to defeat the epidemic and restore the world to its original glory.

Appreciation: The small author told about the outbreak of the epidemic in early 2020, people were isolated at home, all walks of life to fight the epidemic, and used two personal cases to highlight the impact and troubles of the epidemic, and finally expressed the desire to fight the epidemic as one. Some metaphors aptly highlight the feelings, such as "the originally lively street calms down like a trick", "the epidemic is like a sharp needle piercing this beautiful atmosphere".


"COVID-19 Makes Me Grow"

Small author: Li Xiaofei

My memory of this COVID-19 pandemic began during the Spring Festival of 2020. At that time, there were countless people who wanted to go home but could not return, countless people were forced to stay in place for the New Year, and countless medical staff rushed to wuhan by train.

The culprit is the coronavirus. Because of the destructive and contagious power of the new crown virus, many people have lost their health and lives, many people have been isolated at home, and many medical staff have worked day and night to treat patients. Some health care workers and volunteers can't even go home to rest, sometimes sleeping on the floor.

The epidemic came very suddenly, but fortunately, China's medical staff have the courage to take on heavy responsibilities, and ordinary people have actively cooperated. Chinese medical scientists have developed a new crown vaccine in a short period of time, and people have heeded the call for vaccination. Healthcare workers are overwhelmed, and many volunteers have joined in to help with vaccinations and nucleic acid testing.

In the news, I often see medical staff suddenly fainting on the front line of the anti-epidemic due to excessive fatigue or heat stroke, and I insist on not going out unless necessary and not causing trouble. My mom is also a doctor and often needs to go out during breaks to help with vaccinations or nucleic acid tests. While I will feel sorry for her for not being able to accompany me, I am also proud that she has helped a lot of people.

Once my mother wanted to get a vaccine again, but I was very uneasy about staying at home alone. I told my mother that I could arrange my studies and life. I first arranged what I had to do, playing the piano when I should play the piano, and doing homework when I should do homework. When my mother came back, she saw that everything was in order and praised me for growing up and taking care of myself.

Now the way of taking classes has changed to online, I am not used to it, but in order to fight the epidemic, I have worked hard to adapt and learn self-discipline. Although I can't meet many friends now, I will also ask a few classmates to play in the community and exchange some life topics.

We should thank all the medical staff for their dedication and efforts, and I will also learn from their spirit of self-denial, hoping that this epidemic will be eliminated as soon as possible with our joint efforts. The COVID-19 pandemic has taught me self-discipline and learned to plan my study life, which has allowed me to grow a lot.

Appreciation: As a family member of a doctor, the little author focuses on the hard work and dedication of medical staff, and combines his own experience to tell the good habits of planning and self-discipline because of his sympathy for his mother's worries, thus highlighting the theme of "growth". Take this opportunity to pay tribute to the medical staff on the front line of the war! Cheers for the growth of the children!


"COVID-19 Makes Me Strong"

Minor author: Hitomi

In recent days, the new crown epidemic in Shanghai has suddenly become serious, affecting people's normal lives, and the main culprit of all this is the new crown virus.

What I remember vividly is that in early 2020 there was a highly contagious and destructive virus that was later named "Covid-19." Many medical staff rushed to the front line for rescue, the number of infected people is still very large, the hospital is overcrowded, and a square cabin hospital has been set up to treat patients. Our school is also closed, and we can only attend the "air class" at home. Mom and Dad still have to go to work, we can only chat with friends online, can't go out to play, it feels boring.

Recently, the epidemic has been serious again, but I think that since things have happened, let's look at the problem from another angle and face it positively! Now, I think of home online classes as a way to improve my self-control, and I adjust my study time to control my internet time. When the community was sealed, my parents and I exchanged learning experiences, held family meetings, or played cards and chess together, so that home isolation was no longer boring. When I was allowed to go downstairs, I would call my friends Lao Chen and Yue Yue to play in the community wearing masks. Through this epidemic, mom and dad said that I have become stronger.

This epidemic has taught me that we can look at things from multiple perspectives, be optimistic and strong, and we can finally defeat the epidemic.

Appreciation: The young author recalled the situation at the outbreak of the epidemic in 2020 and the impact on society and families on the grounds that the recent epidemic has become serious, and now he has changed his perspective to look at the epidemic and treat life positively, so he has become stronger. Particularly praised is the fact that the young authors use appropriate contrasts to highlight the idea of "strong".


"The new crown epidemic makes me feel the strength of the motherland"

Minor author: Jin Lele

My memories of this COVID-19 pandemic began in January 2020.

The outbreak first broke out in Wuhan. More than 300 medical teams and more than 40,000 medical personnel from all over the country have been sent to support. Academician Zhong Nanshan, 84, took the high-speed train to support and repeatedly video-linked to guide the rescue and treatment work. Some medical staff could not return home for months, and their faces were marked by masks and eye masks, but they continued to work. Because of the epidemic, the people of Wuhan cannot go out of their homes and can only call for takeaway, and the takeaway brother insists on transporting daily necessities despite his own danger.

With the help of the people's army and all parties, Wuhan completed the reconstruction of 16 square cabin hospitals and 86 designated hospitals in one month, adding 60,000 beds, equivalent to more than 60 beds in more than 60 tertiary hospitals. Under the meticulous treatment of medical staff, some new crown patients have gradually recovered. This made me feel the great power of the unity and dedication of the people.

A few days before the lockdown in Wuhan in 2020, the Ministry of Science and Technology held a meeting and announced that it would make every effort to develop a new crown vaccine and promote five major routes, including inactivated vaccines, nucleic acid vaccines, recombinant protein vaccines, adenovirus vector vaccines and attenuated influenza virus vector vaccines. It is precisely because of the country's forward-looking planning, the national righteousness of enterprises, the reluctance of scientific researchers to work day and night, and some people to personally try drugs that China has a number of vaccines. As of March 18, 2022, more than 3.2 billion doses have been reported nationwide, and the number of people vaccinated has exceeded 1.2 billion. This is a powerful force in China in promoting medical development and treating the people.

Now, two years later, we have entered a new round of the epidemic. Although this epidemic is protracted, the process of fighting has made me feel the strength of the motherland, and we will definitely defeat the epidemic!

Appreciation: Starting from the memories of January 2020, the young author tells the story of Wuhan's fight against the epidemic and the birth of a vaccine, thus reflecting the strength of the motherland. The small author can collect and study the materials related to the epidemic, and sort out the appropriate views from the complex, focusing on two points of content for strong expression, and also reflecting the depth of thought.


"COVID-19 Has Taught Me Solidarity"

Small author: Everyday

In previous years, the winter vacation was always hurried and hurried, and it was over before anyone could return to the taste. However, the winter vacation in 2020 is different, not only can not celebrate the Spring Festival, but also have to stay at home. This is all because of a sudden outbreak.

The pandemic has taken many people's health and lives in a short period of time. The epidemic, like the night covering the earth, makes people feel fearful and uneasy. However, behind this darkness, countless people who are struggling in the front line also let us see the light.

When the epidemic came, Academician Zhong Nanshan stepped forward. "The whole country helps, Wuhan can get through the difficulties, Wuhan is a heroic city!" The 84-year-old hero, who has worked for the country all his life and fought the virus all his life, went to the front line when he was supposed to be happy at home. His spirit inspired more people.

When the epidemic came, district workers everywhere used their lives and health to form a "human wall" and strive to protect us. From the beginning of the petition to the subsequent hard work, they explained to us with actions what is called "the most beautiful retrograde".

Throughout history, the Eight-Power Alliance invaded China, Japan launched a war, the Tangshan earthquake, the Wenchuan earthquake... We have experienced countless hardships and dangers, and the motherland is strong and the fight against the epidemic is inseparable from our unity. Unity makes our nation more cohesive and the soul of the nation.

Appreciation: From the epidemic that shrouded the earth like a dark night and took away people's health and lives, to the people's heroes such as Zhong Nanshan coming forward and everyone uniting to fight the epidemic, the small author highlights the suddenness and ferocity of the epidemic, as well as people's unity and struggle. The overall content is rich and the examples are rich, so that the theme of "unity" leaves a deep impression on the reader's mind.

# Little Fairy Conclusion #

Under the epidemic, it has been tested

Not only medical technology, social system

It is more human nature and spirit

How do we view the pandemic

Children learn something from it

Distance children from writing this assignment

More than ten days have passed

The epidemic is still glued and continuing

But the children are positive and optimistic

It's like a beam of light in the darkness

Let us be more hopeful and empowered


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