
"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone

"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone

With the in-depth investigation of the traffic police brigade of the Zhangzhou Taiwan Investment Zone on the phenomenon of illegal modified cars and illegal drag racing, a number of illegal drag racing personnel have been arrested. On the morning of the 3rd, Zeng Mou, a drag racing man known as the "fastest corner beauty", also came to the case and was investigated by the police.

"The man, who is known as the 'fastest in Kakumi', is said to be driving at more than 150 km/h. He had previously posted a video of 170 km/h, which was later deleted after the Straits Herald reported it. According to a reader who did not want to be named, the so-called "fastest corner beauty" drag racing man is still a school student.

"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone
"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone
"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone
"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone
"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone

After the Straits Herald reported on the "crazy modified car" for many consecutive days, it attracted widespread attention from the society. For several days, readers have continued to guide reporters to provide information about these drag racing personnel, and even the locations where these people are located. Some readers also reported that these illegal drag racing personnel hid modified cars in order to avoid the police crackdown. After the Herald reporter grasped this information, he also provided an important clue to the traffic police brigade of the Taiwan business district in a timely manner, providing important clues for the police to detect illegal drag racing cases.

"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone

On the morning of the 3rd, the Herald reporter learned from the traffic police in the Taiwan business district that Zeng Mou, a drag racing man known as the "fastest in Jiaomei", has surrendered to the police, but the specific information of the man, the police said that it is still under further investigation. But what is certain is that Zeng and the people who have already arrived at the case have assured the police that they will never play drag racing again.

"Crazy Modified Car" Follow-up |" Kakumi is the fastest" is also gone

It is understood that some of these drag racing personnel are minors. For juvenile illegal drag racing personnel, the police said that they will notify their guardians, schools, or village departments as soon as possible, asking for strengthening the supervision of these people, "In the future, if these people drag racing again, we will take tougher punishment measures." ”

Since April, the traffic police brigade of the Taiwan Business District has once again seized 3 modified vehicles and committed 10 illegal acts. The relevant person in charge of the traffic police brigade of the Taiwan Business District said that for illegal modification of cars and illegal drag racing, the police will continue to crack down and resolutely eliminate hidden dangers in social safety.

Herald reporter Wang Longxiang text/photo Editor Hong Tingting