
This unique mutiny opened a different Song Dynasty

author:Nan Ge Zi Yin

If someone tells you now, "Wake up tomorrow, you'll become the most powerful person in the world." What would you think?

But there is indeed such a person in Chinese history who wakes up and finds that he has become an emperor!

Right! This person was Zhao Kuangyin, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty.

When he woke up, the yellow robe on his body gave the general a new identity.

Shaanxi young scholar and writer Wang Jia said in his new work "Fengya Great Song (I): The World Is One" said: History cannot be reproduced, only from the historical materials to find a single scale feather, there must have been countless moments in history that deserve our memories and admiration, and the history books can only hang a leak, my goal is to try my best to explore, what I try to do is to restore their vivid existence, although this is difficult, although this is almost impossible, but I have tried, will try.

This unique mutiny opened a different Song Dynasty

With a relaxed and comfortable brushstroke, this book explores the spiritual world of the emperors, scholars, and warriors of the Southern and Northern Song Dynasties, focusing on highlighting human nature and individuality.

The author Wang Jia unveils the historical mysteries one by one with his easy-to-understand, witty and humorous brushwork, combined with the main history and wild history, showing us a real historical picture.

The heart of a monarch

There is a lot of ink about Zhao Pu in the text, he does not often appear in the front desk, but behind the scenes to make suggestions. The Chen Qiao Mutiny was an important historical event of the Song Dynasty, also known as the Chen QiaoYi Mutiny, Zhao Kuangyin was proclaimed emperor after sleeping and waking up, in fact, in this matter Zhao Pu participated in the secret planning. He was resourceful but did not like to read, and was later exhorted by Taizu to learn knowledge, which gave rise to what we now hear as "half of the Analects rule the world."

It turned out that the real Kou Zhun had a straightforward and stubborn personality, and was not good at recognizing people, which was his fatal shortcoming, and even his three ups and downs in his career.

This unique mutiny opened a different Song Dynasty

Because of the difference of opinions, Emperor Taizong of Shangsong also dared to block the way, pulled his clothes, and continued to speak his opinions. Emperor Taizong teased, "I get Kou Zhun, just as Tang Taizong got Wei Zheng." It can be seen that Song Taizong cherishes talents and can take advantage of people's strengths. He likes to read, and the beneficial allusions to the opening of the book also come from him.

During the Song Taizong period, vigorously opened up science and technology, recruited talents, and left famous courtiers and sages for his descendants, with relatively stable politics and economic development.

The people live and work in peace and contentment.

A glass of wine to release the military power, the brother follows the "brother Zhi"

Some things, once done, become addictive. Zhao Kuangyin is a good performing character. A glass of wine about his first act slowly opened the curtain of history. It is said that one day, Zhao Kuangyin invited guests to dinner, and sighed during the banquet, "Life in the world, like a white colt crossing the gap, more good fields and beautiful houses, less through the shadow of the sword and light, is not a very pleasant thing."

The speaker has a heart, and the hearer has a full commandment. The ministers looked at me, and I looked at you, and it seemed that the life of eating wine and stuttering meat in a big bowl was gone. The next day, the ministers, who knew it well, sounded the "drum of retreat" for various reasonable reasons and handed over their military power happily.

This unique mutiny opened a different Song Dynasty

If there is a brother, there will be a brother.

Zhao Guangyi, this "incompetent" younger brother grew up in an environment of deception, naturally good habits have not been formed, and bad problems are innumerable. In "Axe Sound and Shadow", the younger brother Zhao Guangyi and the older brother Zhao Kuangyin drank a meal of wine to shield unrelated people, etc., and as a result, the older brother was inexplicably drunk, and the younger brother was afraid of being sad and anxious again, so he had to take over the mantle of his brother and continue the performance he thought was seamless.

In the battle for the throne, Song Taizong forced his brother to die and killed his nephew, if it is said that in the suspicious public case "Candle Shadow Axe", he killed his brother Zhao Kuangyin is not certain, but in the face of the Southern Tang Dynasty Li Hou Lord, his dose of poison made the first word people of the ancients regretfully close their eyes.

Li Yucai, a poet of thousands of years, was born in the imperial family, originally had no intention of sending love to Buddhism and writing, studied poetry and songs all day, lived a petty bourgeois life, and how to take care of yin and yang mistakenly ascended to the throne of tianzi. However, Li Yu, who was cowardly by nature, really lacked the wisdom to govern the country and soon became the king of the subjugated country.

Only because of the sentence: "The carved fence jade should still be there, but Zhu Yan changed", and the poisonous hand was tragically created.

This unique mutiny opened a different Song Dynasty

Although Li Yu is pitiful, because of the literati filter, he is always covered with a layer of sadness.

However, we have forgotten what it means to "be in position and seek its own government".

When Li Yu ascended the throne, he did not think about the government, and only knew how to chant and dance ink, and sing songs at night and night, and he was just a faint and incompetent monarch of the country.

"Fengya Great Song (I): The Unity of the World" is ostensibly about history, but in essence it is about life.

Born in the imperial family, although there are endless possibilities, there is essentially only one one and one weak and strong. Even without the monitoring of today's society, your every move is under the attention of the people around you.

The feeling of a thorn in the flesh and a nail in the eye will make you forget who you are, not so much a pivotal role as a symbol that has never existed.