
Huichang Highway Branch Center: "Epidemic" Whistle Keep vigilance and do not relax

author:Drunken Ganzhou

Recently, in the normalized regular nucleic acid testing of employees in key places, Huichang County, Ganzhou City, found that a person with a positive nucleic acid test result of the new coronavirus nucleic acid test was confirmed positive by the city and county CDC. On March 30, after consultation with the municipal expert group, it was diagnosed as a confirmed case of new coronary pneumonia (mild). The case has been transferred to a designated hospital for isolation and treatment at a closed loop. The sound of the epidemic "sounded in the night. The epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility, and the Huichang Highway Branch Center quickly launched the emergency response mechanism for epidemic prevention and control.

That night, the main leaders of the sub-center commanded and dispatched the front line, and the leaders in charge led the team to form an epidemic investigation team, and conducted door-to-door inspections of 23 families in the family building in the courtyard of the organ, focusing on the returnees from the activity areas and places of confirmed cases in the county since March 22, and patiently publicized the knowledge of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively built an iron wall of epidemic prevention and control.

Huichang Highway Branch Center: "Epidemic" Whistle Keep vigilance and do not relax

Recently, the center organized nucleic acid testing of all the staff of the organ and the permanent residents of the family building in the organ sports field, in order to ensure the safe, efficient and orderly conduct of the nucleic acid testing work, the sub-center in accordance with the requirements of epidemic prevention and control, scientifically divided the waiting area, registration area, sampling area and other areas, while equipped with killing supplies, protective equipment, sampling supplies, all the inspected personnel in strict accordance with the "one-meter line" queue. With the close cooperation of all the staff, the medical staff completed the nucleic acid testing of 111 people within 2 hours, and all the results were negative.

Huichang Highway Branch Center: "Epidemic" Whistle Keep vigilance and do not relax

Zhang Zhiyong, director of the center, presided over the scheduling meeting of epidemic prevention and control work. The meeting deployed the key points of the current sub-center's epidemic prevention and control work; First, it attaches great importance to it, deeply understands the current severe situation of epidemic prevention and control, overcomes the paralyzing thinking, strictly follows the epidemic prevention and control requirements of the superior, and the sub-center must implement various prevention and control measures from top to bottom. The second is to do a good job of personal protection, so that we do not believe in rumors, do not spread rumors, do not leave Huichang unless necessary, go out to ask for instructions and reports, consciously build a solid defense line for epidemic prevention and control in thought and action, and consciously obey and cooperate with all aspects of epidemic prevention and control. The third is to comprehensively do a good job in epidemic control in the office area of the sub-center, strengthen the duty duty, strictly implement the relevant procedures such as visitor registration, temperature measurement, showing the itinerary code, and wearing a mask, and make sure that the entrance and exit are good.

Huichang Highway Branch Center: "Epidemic" Whistle Keep vigilance and do not relax

At 18:00 on the 31st, the sub-center issued access permits to all cadres and workers of the organs and the permanent residents of the family building, and the sub-center implemented the access permit system, which on the one hand can reduce the work pressure of the personnel on duty to enter and exit the registration, on the other hand, the family building residents' home and going out situation are more accurate, and at the same time effectively eliminate the entry and exit of unknown outsiders and vehicles.

The epidemic prevention and control task is heavy and long, and we must not slacken off at any time, the center compacts the responsibility for epidemic prevention and control, adheres to the concept of "people first, life first", and weaves a dense epidemic prevention and control network with practical actions.

Text/Photo: Zou Changzhou, Huang Feng, Ouyang Minghua