
Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time

author:Shanghai aided Tibet
Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time

Recently, under the continuous support of the Shanghai Aid Tibet Yadong Group and the first batch of "group-type" Tibet Aid Medical Team in Putuo District, Shanghai, yadong county central hospital successfully carried out two cases of minimally invasive laparoscopic gallbladder removal surgery through Shanghai-Tibet cooperation and military-local cooperation, which is another minimally invasive surgical operation successfully carried out by Yadong County Central Hospital following minimally invasive laparoscopic appendectomy and hernia repair surgery, marking that the minimally invasive surgery of the county central hospital has basically covered common diseases and multiple diseases of general surgery in terms of laparoscopic technology. The level of surgery has taken to a new level.

Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time
Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time

It is understood that the two patients are middle-aged women, who have suffered from gallstones for many years, and the inflammation has recurred many times, but the patients have always been afraid of delaying the operation so far. Recently, two patients had another outbreak of inflammation and unbearable pain in the upper abdomen, and they were admitted to the hospital one after another. After the emergency department doctor asked for a detailed medical history and related examinations, the two of them were admitted to the hospital with "gallbladder stones with acute cholecystitis". Through the multi-party research and consultation of the Shanghai Tibet Aid Medical Team, a thorough treatment plan and surgical plan were formulated for the patients, and it was decided to implement minimally invasive laparoscopic gallbladder resection. On the afternoon of March 24 and the morning of March 25, shanghai- Tibet, military and local experts came to the stage together, and with the careful cooperation of the chief surgeon, anesthesiologist and surgical nurse, the two operations were successfully completed, and the postoperative vital signs were stable.

Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time
Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time

Compared with traditional surgery, laparoscopic surgery has many advantages such as small trauma, aesthetics, and fast postoperative recovery, and has the characteristics of minimally invasive, safe, economical, aesthetic, and less postoperative pain. During the operation, Wang Mingfei, the leader of the Tibet Aid Medical Team, used head-mounted telemedicine equipment to explain every step and fine operation in detail in the operation, and gave all the medical staff of Yadong County Central Hospital a vivid laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgery lesson.

Contributed by: East Asia Contact Group

Editor-in-charge of this issue: Zhou Wenqing

Shanghai-Tibet cooperation, military-local cooperation丨 Yadong County Central Hospital successfully completed two laparoscopic cholecystectomy surgeries for the first time

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