
Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

author:Nankai Sun Pharmacist

#非常病例 #

What are the effects and uses of Xianling Bone Bao Capsules, Left Gui Pill and Right Gui Pill?

Xianling Bone Bao Capsules are epimedium, continuous, psoralen, salvia, rehmannia, and zhimu. Fangzhong Epimedium Xingan warm, tonify kidney Yang, sperm blood, strengthen muscles and bones, dispel rheumatism, cure bone fistula, for Fang Zhongjun medicine. Continuous tonic liver and kidney, strong tendons and bones, continuous fracture injury, bone fat warm tonic kidney yang, paralysis analgesia, auxiliary medicine to enhance the effect of nourishing liver and kidney, all-paralysis and analgesia, a total of as a subject drug. Salvia invigorates blood stasis, tongluo relieves pain, Sasuke Jun medicinal stasis and pain relief; dihuang, Zhimu nourishes kidney yin, sperm blood, not only can Sasuke Jun medicine tonify sperm blood, strengthen muscles and bones, and the medicinal properties are cold, beneficial to yin and heat, and can also be accompanied by jun medicine warm kidney yang, dry and fierce yin disadvantages, so that the supplement is not dry, a total of adjuvant. The whole formula nourishes the liver and kidneys, activates the blood circulation, strengthens the muscles and bones. It is used for osteitis caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, blood stasis obstruction, muscle and bone insufficiency, waist and spine pain, sore feet and knees, fatigue and drowsiness, and fragility and fragility of bones; primary osteoporosis is seen in the above symptoms.

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

The left gui pill group is cooked ground yellow, turtle shell gum, deer horn gum, goji berries, silkworm seeds, dogwood, yam, and ox knee. Fang zhong cooked yellow flavor sweet and warm, kidney water, fill true yin, for tonify the kidney yin medicine, for the king medicine. Turtle shell gum salty cold, nourishing yin latent yang, beneficial kidney healthy bone; staghorn gum salty temperature, warm kidney yang, lean blood; goji berries nourish yin tonic kidney, yijing tonic blood; silk seed both tonify kidney yang, but also yin essence, four medicines combined, auxiliary jun medicine to enhance the kidney nourishing yin, the effect of sperm filling pulp, a total of medicinal herbs. Dogwood warm tonify the liver and kidneys, astringent essence to collect sweat; yam tonic spleen and kidney, solid essence and remains, two drugs for adjuvant. Beef knee tonify liver and kidneys, strengthen muscles and bones, activate blood and dissolve stasis, introduce drugs down, and make medicines. The whole party nourishes the kidneys and tonifies the yin.

Zuo Gui Pill is used for low back pain caused by liver and kidney deficiency, symptoms such as waist and knee soreness, night sweats, fatigue, tinnitus, forgetfulness, mental fatigue and dry mouth, red tongue and less moss, fine pulse number; sperm loss caused by insufficient liver and kidneys, sperm insecure, symptoms of fatigue, waist and legs, sperm, premature ejaculation, thin tongue, fine pulses; bone impotence caused by liver and kidney insufficiency, symptoms such as waist and knee pain, hand and foot heart fever, cramps of the lower limbs, hunchback bending, dry eyes, body loss, dizziness and tinnitus, hot flashes night sweats, insomnia and dreams, red tongue and less moss, pulse fines Primary osteoporosis is reported in the above symptoms; there are also reports for the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus with osteoporosis, oligospermia, perimenopausal syndrome, vaginal dryness in young women, and menorrhagia.

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

The right gui pill group is cinnamon, appendage (cannon attached piece), deer horn gum, eucommia (salt stir-fried), silk seeds, dogwood (sake), cooked ground yellow, goji berries, angelica, and yam. Fangzhong cinnamon, appendages of Xingan, big heat, warm tonic kidney Yang life gate, cinnamon can also disperse cold and relieve pain, ignite fire back to the source; staghorn gum warm kidney yang, sperm blood, three medicines with combination, warm tonic kidney yang, fill the lean marrow, so it is a king medicine. Eucommia Ganwen, tonify the liver and kidneys, strengthen the muscles and bones; silkworm silk seeds, dogwood not only tonify the kidney yang, but also to benefit the yin essence, and can also consolidate the essence and stop the will; reuse the cooked yellow to nourish the blood and nourish the yin, the essence of the marrow; goji berries nourish the yin to nourish the kidneys, the essence of the blood, this six flavors are combined, yin and yang double supplement, focusing on the yin in the yang, a total of medicinal medicine. Angelica tonifies blood and activates blood, disperses cold and relieves pain; yam is beneficial to qi, healthy spleen and kidney, and is an adjuvant. The whole party warms the kidney yang, fills the sperm and stops the remains.

Right Gui Pill is used for low back pain caused by kidney yang deficiency, kidney essence deficiency, waist government must not be warm and warm, waist and knee pain, lower limbs are soft, cold and afraid of cold, limbs are not warm, less qi and weakness, frequent nocturnal urine, light tongue, fine pulse; impotence caused by the decline of the life gate, insufficient kidney and yang, symptoms see yang things are not lifted, thin and cold, dizziness, tinnitus, pale face, mental atrophy, waist and knee soreness, cold limbs, pale tongue, fine veins; sperm caused by kidney and yang deficiency, sperm is not solid, the symptoms see dreams for a long time, or slippery sperm, or residual drainage, Cold limbs in shape, pale tongue with tooth marks, white and slippery moss, and fine pulses; diarrhea caused by the fire failure of the life gate, spleen loss of warmth, diarrhea, symptoms see umbilical abdominal pain before dawn, intestinal sound that is diarrhea, cold limbs, soft waist and knees, pale tongue, veins are thin; chronic colitis sees the above symptoms; bone impotence caused by kidney and yang deficiency, symptoms see cold pain in the lower back, soreness and weakness, hunchback bending, limited activity, cold and warm, aggravated in cold, especially in the lower limbs, frequent urination, pale tongue, weak pulses; primary osteoporosis see the above symptoms.

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

What are the pharmacological effects of Xianling Bone Bao Capsule, Left Gui Pill and Right Gui Pill?

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Xianling Bone Bao Capsule has anti-osteoporosis effect, can improve bone density, increase the content of calcium, alkaline phosphatase and estrogen in serum, promote calcium absorption, promote the formation of mineralized nodules in osteoblasts, reduce the formation of osteoclast cells on bone grinding tablets to form absorption pits; has anti-osteoarthritis effect, can alleviate degenerative changes caused by knee arthritis and synovial inflammation, inhibit chondrogenic hyperplasia and infiltration of inflammatory cells; there is still anti-femoral head necrosis and analgesic effect.

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that Zuo Gui Pill has the effect of delaying aging, can improve the metabolic abnormality of central monoamine transmitters, make the hypothalamic excitatory and inhibitory amino acid neurotransmitter content - rise, can correct amino acid and monoamine neurotransmitter metabolism disorders in the hippocampal and amygdala brain region to varying degrees, so that excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters eventually tend to balance, which is conducive to maintaining the dynamic balance of the axis regulation of the elderly body, helping to improve the homeostasis regulation of nerve meat secretion, delaying the aging of the body, and has the effect of anti-osteoporosis It can improve the volume percentage of trabecular tibial bone, reduce the percentage of trabecular resorption surface and trabecular formation surface percentage, increase calcitonin content, reduce osteocalcin content, inhibit the activity of inflammatory factors, and have inhibitory effect on bone-breaking activity; it also has the effect of regulating immune function, anti-kidney injury, anti-Alzheimer's disease, anti-neurotoxicity and so on.

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

Modern pharmacological studies have confirmed that the right gui pill has a provocative effect, can promote uterine development, improve ovarian tissue function, increase the number of follicles and luteum bodies in ovarian tissue growth, reduce locked follicles; has the effect of promoting hematopoietic function, can increase the number of hemoglobin, bone marrow nucleated cells, platelets and white blood cells, inhibit bone marrow cell apoptosis; there are still anti-aging, liver protection, regulation of metabolic disorders and other effects.

How to take Xian Ling Bone Bao Capsules, Left Gui Pill, Right Gui Pill?

Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules 3 capsules at a time, 2 times a day, 4 to 6 weeks for a course of treatment, or follow the doctor's advice; left gui pill once 9 g, 2 times a day; right gui pill 1 pill, 3 times a day.

What do you need to pay attention to when eating Xian Ling Bone Bao Capsules, Left Gui Pills, and Right Gui Pills?

Often eat Xian Ling Bone Capsules need to pay attention to:

  1. Not for use when you have a cold.
  2. People with allergies should use with caution.
  3. Avoid cold, greasy foods during medication.
  4. Liver function should be measured periodically during the administration of the drug.
  5. If there is abnormal liver function or general weakness, loss of appetite, oil aversion, nausea, epigastric distention and pain, yellow urine, yellow eyes, yellow skin and other clinical manifestations that may be related to liver damage, the drug should be stopped immediately for medical treatment.
  6. Avoid combining with drugs that are hepatotoxic.
Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

Often eat Zuo Gui pills need to pay attention to:

  1. It should not be taken by cold patients.
  2. Kidney and yang deficiency, life door fire decline, Yang deficiency and waist pain should be used with caution.
  3. People with external cold and wet, fall trauma, and low back pain caused by stagnant blood stasis should be used with caution.
  4. Spicy and greasy foods should not be consumed during treatment.
  5. Use with caution in pregnant women.
Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

Often eat right gui pills need to pay attention to:

  1. Yin deficiency and fire, heart and kidney incompatibility, damp and hot betting and disturbing the spermatic chamber should be used with caution.
  2. Use with caution for impotence caused by hot and humid bets.
  3. Use with caution in summer dampness, damp heat, food stagnation and diarrhea caused by the spleen.
  4. During the medication, avoid raw and cold diet, and be cautious about intercourse.
  5. The square contains cinnamon, attached to the big warm and hot food, should not be taken.
Often eat Xian Ling Bone Bao capsules, left gui pill, right gui pill, these 5 questions must be known

What are the possible hazards of eating Xian Ling Bone Capsules regularly?

XianLing Bone Capsules may cause the following adverse reactions:

  1. Digestive system: nausea, vomiting, nausea, stomach discomfort, abdominal pain, diarrhea, constipation, etc.
  2. Liver: elevated alanine transaminases (ALT), aspartate aminotransferases (AST), bilirubin, etc., and liver failure can occur in severe cases.
  3. Constitutional symptoms: fatigue, peripheral edema, deepening of urine color, etc.
  4. Allergic reactions: rash, itching, etc.