
The whole family loves spring bamboo shoot ham stew chicken, which has a fresh taste, rich nutrition, and the rice cooker is simple to prepare

author:Ann with truffles


1/2 chicken, 4-5 spring shoots, 5 slices of ham, 2 shallots, 4-5 slices of ginger, salt to taste, a little chicken essence.


1, first cut the coat of the spring shoots with a knife, peel off the coat and cut off the hard skin, cut off the hard root of the root, rinse it with water, and cut it into large pieces for later;

The whole family loves spring bamboo shoot ham stew chicken, which has a fresh taste, rich nutrition, and the rice cooker is simple to prepare

2, put the cut chicken cut pieces in cool water to rinse, heat a pot of boiling water, put the chicken nuggets into the pot, boil on high heat, skim off the foam, fish out the chicken nuggets and rinse;

3, put the blanched chicken nuggets and ham slices into the rice cooker, put the cut bamboo shoots into it, put the sliced ginger into the pot, pour in the boiling water that has not been spring shoots and chicken nuggets;

The whole family loves spring bamboo shoot ham stew chicken, which has a fresh taste, rich nutrition, and the rice cooker is simple to prepare

4, after the lid of the pot is covered, set the time, press the cooking button on it, and the time can be on it;

5: After lifting the lid of the pot, add salt and chicken essence to taste, sprinkle chopped shallots and garnish Titian before serving, and you can serve on the table!

The whole family loves spring bamboo shoot ham stew chicken, which has a fresh taste, rich nutrition, and the rice cooker is simple to prepare

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