
The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

author:Released in Wuxi

April 3, 2022



1. [The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summarizing the Scientific and Effective Practices of Continuous Solidification and Resolutely Winning the Battle of Epidemic Prevention and Control and Annihilation with One Heart And One Mind]

The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

At noon and evening on April 2, the Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters for the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic held two video conferences to thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on epidemic prevention and control, listen to the relevant work reports of various working groups and sectors in accordance with the deployment requirements of the provincial party committee and provincial government, study and judge the epidemic prevention and control situation in the city, focus on key links, and study and deploy work measures.

Vice Governor Chen Xingying attended, Du Xiaogang, secretary of the municipal party committee, presided, mayor Zhao Jianjun, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee Zhu Aixun, and others attended the meeting.

>>> click to read the original article

Wuxi side affairs

1. [Non-stop supply of arrears during extraordinary periods]

At present, the city's epidemic prevention and control situation has entered a critical period, the Municipal Municipal Group and its Wuxi Water Affairs, Wuxi China Resources Gas to do a good job in water supply and gas supply protection and services, users can enjoy the "24-hour no closing" online service through online business halls, 962181 service hotlines and other channels, users owe money without stopping water and gas, free of late fees.

The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

2. [More than 30,000 emergency epidemic prevention kits have reassured the hearts of the masses]

In mid-March, in view of the increasingly severe epidemic prevention situation, the city focused on the requirements of putting the safety and health of the masses first, took precautions, and customized the emergency epidemic prevention package for emergency sealing and control places. Over the past half a month, with the intensification of emergency prevention and control measures in our city, more than 30,000 emergency epidemic prevention kits have been put into use in enterprises and communities such as emergency closed and controlled highway crossings, railway stations, express delivery, etc., to send warmth to the masses here.

The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

3. [Reward for good deeds: 5 billion yuan insurance for frontline volunteers in the fight against the epidemic]

Volunteers take the initiative to pay without seeking what they have gained, and their good deeds are worthy of the kindness of the whole society. In recent days, tens of thousands of volunteers in Xicheng have helped prevent and control the epidemic, rushing to the epidemic prevention and control posts such as entrance and exit control, body temperature detection, information screening, and distribution of daily necessities in the city, and the front-line volunteers have a huge workload and there are unexpected risks. Yesterday, led by the Municipal Civilization Office and the Municipal Insurance Industry Association, 6 provincial-level civilized unit insurance companies in Wuxi jointly issued a special guarantee plan for donating frontline volunteers for epidemic prevention, and donated special insurance with a total insurance amount of 5 billion yuan to frontline volunteers in the fight against the epidemic.

The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

Today's topic

【Step out of your comfort zone and meet a better version of yourself】

Don't limit yourself, don't always regret the past, don't rely too much on others, try to change, and meet a better version of yourself. What are your expectations for your future? Let's talk about it in the comments section

The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control
The Municipal Joint Prevention and Control Headquarters of the New Crown Pneumonia Epidemic Held a Meeting: Timely Summary of Scientific and Effective Practices for Continuous Solidification Resolutely Win the War of Annihilation of Epidemic Prevention and Control

Don't be depressed, you need to know that no matter what you go through, you are growing.

Source: @ People's Daily, Wuxi Daily, etc

Editor: Wuxi Publishing Studio