
Forty and Standing "17"

author:The piano rhymes with the owl

The sky is high for birds to fly,

The clumsy device is late.

Forty and Standing "17"

On the 28th of the month, under the suggestion of Chang Yuan, the three sisters met in Kunming for the New Year, and this time the Chang Cheng family did not take holidays because of the outbreak of the epidemic in Wuhan, so they did not plan to travel.

Therefore, Lin Wen and Chang Yuan set off in two cars and arrived at the elevator room of Chang Yuan's home in the Sports City Astral Garden at noon. Before leaving, they bought a lot of meat and vegetables to take to Kunming, so as soon as they arrived at Changyuan's house, the sisters began to cook and prepare for the afternoon dinner.

After dinner, the three sisters and children went to the Sports City Square for a tour, returned to Changyuan's home, and began to play mahjong and play games. Changmu's motion sickness has long been rested! Lin Wen and Chang Fang each lay on the sofa browsing their mobile phones, Peerless, Zheng Yu, Zheng Lei and Chang Juan playing mahjong, Tang Min and Yu Tong playing games, chang yuan for the mahjong table spectators.

Entertainment until about eleven o'clock in the evening, playing mahjong is estimated to be playing all night, Lin Wen and Chang Fang said hello to Chang Yuan, and went out to stay in the elevator room just purchased in September. At present, Peerless still lives in the rented apartment in the city, and the rent is only due in March 2020. Peerless is still working in a private company, and everything has to wait until the beginning of the year before the final decision can be made.

Entering the newly purchased hardcover house, through observation and Chang Fang's introduction, Lin Wen felt that the house he purchased was quite satisfied. The next morning, Lin Wen and Chang Fang slept until they woke up naturally. According to Chang Yuan's plan, Chinese New Year's Eve did not travel until now, only resting at home and cooking for the New Year. Therefore, from the twenty-ninth day of the waxing moon to the night of the Chinese New Year's Eve, the three sisters have been staying at Changyuan's house to eat, drink and have fun, and Lin Wen and Changfang have returned to the new house to rest in the evening, and Peerless and his cousins, as well as Chang yuan, play mahjong every night until the early morning, and the next day they have to sleep until noon before getting up. Almost all the housework was done by the two sisters Chang Fang and Chang Juan! Lin Wen and Xiong Jun occasionally went to help, and Chang Yuan and Tang Min didn't bother to do it.

On the morning of the first day of the first lunar month, Lin Wen and Chang Fang went to Chang Yuan's house early in the morning, and the family did not get up. So he hurriedly urged Chang Yuan to tell everyone to get up early and play nearby.

At about ten o'clock, after urging two hours, the family got up, washed and finally went out. Then, at the suggestion of Chang Yuan, go to the nearby scenic spot ''Underwater World'' to go around casually.

Lin Wen and Chang Yuan drove two cars, and a group of thirteen people arrived at the scenic spot in a short while. After taking the children to play in the underwater world, a group of thirteen people hiked into the village with national characteristics, took a lot of scenery with their mobile phones, and tasted a lot of snacks along the way.

At 2:00 p.m., we visited the underwater world and drove back to the Astral Garden. Parking the vehicle, Chang Yuan suggested that everyone go to Guandu Ancient Town on foot.

So a family of thirteen people strolled along the Sports City Square, watching the scenery, laughing, and touring a circle.

Walking to Lin Wen and Chang Fangxin to buy an elevator room, the sisters and a group of people went to recognize the door and visit. After a while, a group of thirteen people continued along the direction of Guandu Ancient Town.

Walking into Guandu Ancient Town, tourists from all over the world flocked to the family, all the way to see the scenery, all the way to take pictures. After about an hour of turning, Chang Yuan proposed to slowly turn home!

Crossing the zebra crossing, walking on the opposite sidewalk, returning along the Astral Garden, walking for about half an hour, a group of thirteen people swam back to Changyuan's home. That night, after making a hearty dinner, eating, drinking, and playing well, Lin Wen and Chang Fang first returned to the new house to rest.

The next morning, Lin Wen and Chang Fang learned through online news that the epidemic prevention and control was more severe, especially that the kunming urban area was about to begin strict prevention and control. So he quickly called Chang Yuan to explain the situation and discussed whether it was best to return home as soon as possible.

On the second day of the first lunar month, that is, on January 26, 2020, after consulting with Chang Yuan, the three sisters left behind, and the rest of the families returned immediately.

Seeing Lin Wen and Chang Yuan's two cars set off together, Peerless immediately took a taxi back to the rented apartment and waited for the start of the year to make a decision.

Lin Wen and Chang Yuan, a group of twelve people, arrived home safely on the evening of January 26, and opened the door normally the next day.

The situation of epidemic prevention and control is getting more and more severe day by day, and with the lockdown of Wuhan, various localities have also adopted control measures to seal cities and roads. Beginning on February 1, Lin Wen and Chang Fang closed their doors and quarantined at home in accordance with the requirements of the community notice.

During the quarantine period, only one person per household per day can be allowed to go to the street to make purchases, and masks must be worn in strict accordance with the requirements of epidemic control. Take the pass, one in and one out and sign one.

Home isolation for twenty days, February 21, the road began to be unsealed, physical store stores are allowed to open doors, in addition to the temporary closure of catering, Lin Wen and their agricultural machinery stores into normal business.

After the severe control period of the epidemic, in March, according to the suggestions of Lin Wen and Chang Fang, Wushuang agreed to resign from the private company and sink his heart to focus on the matter of the examination.

So in early March, Peerless private company resigned, quit the apartment it rented, moved her belongings and belongings to a new house, and then temporarily returned home by car.

Through communication with Lin Wen and Chang Fang, Peerless said that she had participated in the examination training class before, and to understand the operation of the training class, there was no need to waste money to participate in the examination training, she said that she only needed to review carefully at home.

However, Peerless said that in this home, she and Ben could not read books, in order to make herself quiet to read books and learn more about the recruitment information, she asked Lin Wen and Chang Fang to arrange living expenses for her every month, and she had to live alone in the new house in Kunming, reviewing and examining posts.

Lin Wen and Chang Fang, who hoped that the woman would become a tool, had no choice but to agree to the unreasonable demands of Peerless. This time, because Peerless lived in a self-purchased house, Lin Wen and Chang Fang stopped paying rent for Peerless! However, from then on, every month, it is necessary to arrange living expenses for Peerless, and also to arrange all the expenses required for the examination of Peerless. Peerless Examination Post does not seem to be seeking a future for himself, but rather like he is trying to cope with Lin Wen and Chang Fang, and he is unscrupulously nibbling on the old.

Facts have proved that Peerless is still stubbornly examining the post, and it is delayed to go ashore. Peerless gave up the engineering cost major he studied in the four years of college and lost his competitive advantage. Then Peerless resolutely only chose to take the post in Kunming city, rather than in the region or county seat. Therefore, the peerless examination of all the positions suitable for him in 2020 is still fruitless.

Affected by the epidemic, the physical store business that Lin Wen is engaged in is also deteriorating, and it has suffered serious losses from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. The family's expenses are eating the old money, and the store operation is difficult to live.

Lin Wen and Chang Fang were very angry and speechless, and at the end of the year, Peerless actually said that she couldn't help but spend ahead and owed a loan of one million yuan on the Huabei platform. I hope Lin Wen and Chang Fang can help her go up, she said not to take the next example.

So Chang Fang taught Peerless through, or helped Peerless return one million yuan.