
Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

author:Farmer Planting Notes

To let everyone choose their favorite flower plant, the orchid will definitely rank first. Orchids have been loved by people since ancient times, and many people are attracted by its beautiful appearance and elegant temperament. Many literati in ancient times were loyal lovers of it, and even now, it is still the treasure of flower lovers. Today we will introduce an orchid - green cloud orchid.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

You may be unfamiliar with the name of the green cloud orchid, it rarely appears in the eyes of the public, but it is a very suitable variety for cultivation. Its appearance is very unique, unlike other flowers with colorful flowers, its flowers are as green as the leaves, and the name is derived from it. From a distance it looks like a green cloud, lush and very beautiful.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

And its leaves are also very special, unlike the leaves of other orchids are as tall, its leaves are curved. And the leaves are thick and jade, dark green, revealing a mysterious and stable atmosphere. In many flower exhibitions or competitions, we can see it.

Although it is not as delicate as other flowers, its tender green flowers are new and unworldly. Its flowers are mostly green, but the heart has a pink texture that adds a touch of vitality to the plant.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

The variety of green clouds has been cultivated very early and is a good and inexpensive variety. Although the plant is relatively rare, its price is not high, and the difficulty of planting is not high, which is very suitable for us to try to plant. Before choosing to grow it, let's take a look at its habits.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

First of all, we should pay special attention to the choice of flower pots, and it is recommended to choose purple sand pots. Pots of this material have excellent breathability and can guarantee the activity of the plant. And the size of the pot can be determined according to the size of the plant. If the plant is too small, you don't have to choose a large pot, which is more suitable for the plant to absorb nutrients.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

In the choice of soil, it is recommended to consult some professionals. Green cloud has relatively high requirements for soil, and the soil quality of the flower market is uneven, and it is easy to be deceived. It is necessary to give priority to the loose and breathable soil, and appropriately add some nutrients to ensure the nutrient content of the soil. If you are not sure of your own ideas, be sure to ask the opinions of professionals before purchasing.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

When transplanting into new soil, it is necessary to ensure that the water is fully soaked into the soil, and the growth of green clouds has a great demand for water replenishment. When it grows, it is necessary to convert water into nutrients to promote the growth of the plant, so we do not have to worry about the problem of the plant being drowned due to too much watering, and it is best not to use tap water directly.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

In fact, the green cloud basically does not need the support of fertilizer, and it is enough to add fertilizer once every six months. It is best to use a fertilizer with a lower concentration, and it should be done in small quantities and many times, just cover the surface of the soil. Because too much fertilization can enrich the soil, causing the rhizome of the plant to be burned, which hinders its growth, which is counterproductive.

Chunlan Queen - Green Cloud, like the little sister next door, shy and beautiful, unique flower type, simple care

The green cloud orchid is the leader in the orchid world, with a high status, and is known as the queen of orchids. Usually after careful care, it is very beautiful. Both its flowers and leaves are extremely unique and extremely stanced.

And it is not as kitsch as ordinary flowers, what it reveals is a more mysterious and noble temperament. At the same time, its fragrance is also very unique, rich but not pungent. If you want to grow flowers and plants at home, it is the most suitable.

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