
Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

author:Jiang Ge Kan Finance
Now there are many people like to shop online, with the rise of e-commerce platforms, people's consumption methods have undergone earth-shaking changes, so gradually do not like to run to the supermarket inside, only some urgent needs of things, will go to the supermarket to buy outside, most people prefer to shop online. Online shopping has made us experience unprecedented convenience, especially now the emergence of e-commerce online plus offline model, which can basically achieve the purpose of next-day delivery, and also allow e-commerce to harvest a lot of consumers.
Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

In the past, every holiday or weekend, the business of the supermarket was always very hot, we can always see many people come to visit the supermarket, however, now the business of the supermarket is very deserted, many people just go to the supermarket when they are bored, and the frequency of buying things is very small.

So now many people do not know much about some of the unspoken rules of supermarkets. Many supermarkets in order to attract more consumers, through a variety of ways to promote, some of which routines, so that many people are defenseless, do you know what routines supermarkets have?

In fact, these routines of the supermarket are only a small microcosm of society, as long as there are specific unspoken rules in the place where people live, but compared with the unspoken rules of other aspects, the unspoken rules of the supermarket are the closest to our lives, and they are also the easiest for everyone to feel.

Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

For example, the placement of items in the supermarket, there is also a certain degree of attention, although it seems that the items in the supermarket are placed casually, in fact, when displaying items, it will be placed according to high profits and a relatively short shelf life.

I don't know if you have found that many high-profit commodities are often placed on our right-hand side, or on the right side of our entrance, because most people are habitually used when buying things, and the right hand comes to take things, so it can also promote the sales of products.

In addition, many goods with a relatively long date are often placed in the easiest place to get, so as to ensure that consumers can easily get the goods that the supermarket most wants to sell when buying goods.

Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

Sometimes many labels in the supermarket will be set very large, especially some discount promotion goods, often the words on the label are very large, so whether it is a discount promotion of goods, as long as the label is set to a very large word, it will give people the illusion that the product is a discount promotion.

In fact, the prices of these goods are very normal. For example, when we buy sand sugar oranges, if the price of a pound of sand sugar oranges is three yuan and three, I believe that there are not many people who buy them, but if the sign is ten dollars and three pounds, there will be many people who think that this is very cheap, and often there will be more people who buy it.

When we buy things, we often see that kind of package sales, such as buy one get one free, if you don't pay attention to the price of a certain product for a long time, only see the goods to buy one get one free, you will feel very cost-effective.

Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

In fact, this is the same as our double 11 double 12 routine, many goods are raised in advance, and finally sold in this way.

For example, the original price of a plate of yogurt is seven yuan, but usually, these supermarkets will increase the price to 12 yuan, or higher, and then promote it in the way of buying one get one free.

In fact, in this case, many supermarkets have not lost money, and consumers have not made a profit, but supermarkets have also made a lot of profits.

There is also a way, but also through the way of bundling to let consumers buy, such as when consumers want to buy a thing, the salesman will recommend another kind of goods that consumers want to buy, often these goods with the use of profit margins are very high.

Supermarkets also have "insiders"? Ordinary people have not found it, but it is a "careful machine" for supermarkets to make money

Therefore, even if the profit of the goods that consumers want to buy is not high, the overall combination can also make the operators earn a lot of money.

So when you visit the supermarket, you can see if there is such a routine in the supermarket, in short, when you buy goods, try to do the opposite, such as some goods with fresher dates, often placed on higher shelves, or called the shelves inside.

Many consumers are because they think that these goods are profitable, often under the promotion of salesmen, they have purchased a large number of things, and there are only a few things that need to be purchased at home, and when they go to the cash register to check out, they did not expect to buy dozens of things.

I have to say that these routines of the supermarket are very sophisticated, so that many people who often visit the supermarket are not necessarily clear, so when everyone goes to the supermarket to shop in the future, we must be more discerning and avoid impulsive consumption, otherwise it may fall into these unspoken rules of the supermarket.