
Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists

author:Huainan Procuratorate

Source: Anhui Huainan Procuratorate

In order to thoroughly study and implement the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" of Political and Legal Cadres and Police in the New Era jointly issued by the Central Political and Legal Commission and the Supreme People's Procuratorate, implement the spirit of the work conference on the construction of party style and clean government in the procuratorial organs of the whole city, continue to rectify the work style and discipline and fight corruption, and strive to build a loyal and clean procuratorial iron army in the new era, the procuratorial organs of the whole city have carried out the activity of collecting and selecting the mottos and aphorisms of the "Ten Strict Prohibitions" of the "Political and Legal Cadres and Policemen in the New Era".

The proverbs and aphorisms participating in the selection will be displayed on the new media platform of the Huainan Municipal People's Procuratorate, and everyone's favorite proverbs and aphorisms will be selected according to the number of readings and likes.

Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists
Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists
Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists
Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists

Proverbs today

Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists
Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists

Proverbs meaning

In the new era, procuratorial cadres and policemen should regard party style and discipline as a sacred and inviolable requirement, and use the red thread of law and discipline to weave a glove of honest government that is not leaked. Cultivate a sense of reverence for law and discipline, a fear of violating discipline, adhere to the bottom line of behavior, and save your own body and mind three times a day.

Proverbs aphorism 丨Su Ronghai: Hanging discipline is three feet above the head, and the law is between the fingers and wrists

Personal experience

Self-cultivation and honesty are the first, and self-discipline is morality. As procuratorial personnel in the new era, they should learn from history, draw the nourishment of honesty from China's excellent traditional culture, draw self-discipline virtues from the practical experience of party history over the past hundred years, cultivate themselves, be honest with their own families, and cherish the "great power of the country" in order to realize the grand plan of justice for the people and the world of law and security; they should learn from the law, use law and discipline as a self-discipline to increase their weight, ensure that law enforcers first study the law to bind themselves and then benefit the people with law, cultivate reverence for law and discipline, let law and discipline be on the same foot, guard against the risks of honest government, and jump out of "running away for a long time, being tired for a long time, and being tired for a long time." The historical cycle law of integrity and self-discipline.