
Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night

author:Cold Eye cx330

When writing this article, I struggled for a long time, I didn't know what kind of name to take, I was sorry for not having inspiration, I didn't write for a long time, and I hesitated and finally ended up with the name "Rare kindness is a light in the night". I am a person who must pursue a clear understanding of everything, read books to be clear, talk about love to think about the consequences, get married to understand...

It seems that it is a long and exhausting thing to understand, but if they are confused and sorry for their own exploratory heart, I try to neutralize them, knowing the world and not the world, living transparently but also rarely confused. I have not been very clear about the meaning of the record, until recently there was a vague answer - the record is to let me with the increase of age, the lack of memory, the decline of physical functions, when I am about to lose, I will ring a wake-up call to myself, do not forget, do not forget, remind myself not to repeat the same mistakes.

I'm a person who doesn't know much about expression, so writing and music have something I want to say, and if you want to listen, I can speak slowly. Since it is a record, as long as it can make me better, what platform is not so important, and I encourage you!

Previously, due to poor writing and general vocal music, it was rarely updated, and it was fast and private. I remembered that I had some literary friends and singers, and their appearance made me feel that I was valued, which made my inferior heart have a little more confidence. We learn from each other and cheer each other up, making me feel like I have to work harder and harder, and use each good work to give back to them and myself. There are days when there is no update, of course, as you can see, the writing is still poor, but there is a best effort.

Counting a few days ago, my ancient Chinese novel was shared with some people again, the Taoist writing is good, the length is too short, it is not enough to see, the background description is not detailed enough, the ancient style is lacking... emmmmmm, I am grateful, I remember, said these I have long been well versed in its reasoning, I replied: this is the ancient short story, of course short, I did not intend to write it long, of course, as far as the chapter is concerned, it is indeed too short, so there is in learning, set into privacy, slowly change, as for other problems do exist, it is indeed I am confused, so there is in strengthening, thank you for the suggestion!

It is said that it is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles, and this theory is also most appropriate for writing and vocal music and many other things. Want to know how to write more, how to improve without often practicing, and not having a bad tongue in three inches? Doesn't it rain when it thunders? So I decided to learn and practice at the same time, and there was no conflict in thinking about it. So in the future, I will try to update it, of course, not for more, it will be too limited, too boring. Start today! Since the title is called "Rare Kindness is a Light in the Night", it is naturally not off topic, but for now, I guess it will be a long essay.

In this fast-paced era, in the era of fast-food feelings, the secular world, the real society, the hard life, the boring life, the obscene and addictive crowd, do you often feel lonely among the people who pretend to be masked? Feeling upset? Feeling confused? A little social terror? ...... It's okay, you're not the only one. The hard road has been walked a lot, and those who want to go and don't want to go have gone, and they almost forgot the road when they came and their own at that time. The pain of life has never spared me, I am immune, numb, used to it, I thought God should not have made the worst setting for the people and things I met. It wasn't until I met such a group of people that I knew that there would also be a beam of light in the days of helpless collapse, which might be short, but enough for me to remember for a lifetime. Have you encountered those "rare kindnesses"? Do you remember? I remember.

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night


It was the first day of the Chinese New Year in 2010, and yes I was on my 9th birthday, a special birthday, without my mother around, and my grandfather was missing. Father Yomo gambled to go to it, he liked it the most, gambling addiction, even more festive. Carrying the money, I ran to the dam a hundred meters away outside the door, and quietly looked at the Longshan Mountain in the distance, which had been destroyed by excavators, which had been my paradise.

It was very windy and cloudy that day, and the sun was occasionally outcropping its head from the clouds, and the fierce wind blew across my cheeks, as if to accuse me of why it had not been protected. Tinnitus, brain blank, I seem to be on top of the Dragon Mountain, the animals are coming to me one by one with their teeth and claws, the sound of sadness is getting stronger and stronger, and the heart is empty.

I don't know how long I stared, until the wind stopped and the sun came out, but it was about to set, I shifted my gaze, I think this is all a sad answer - can't forget, can't put down, but still have a good heart, don't miss the opportunity to meet beautiful things for the sadness of this time, that's a pity.

On that day, I was ready to sort out my thoughts and go home and pick up three hundred dollars, I was so happy, look, there is no shortage of beauty in this world. After the excitement, I still rationally returned it to the owner, and I think he should be in a hurry.

But I couldn't see anyone, I could only shout loudly, and after a while a couple came out and said that it was the money that his son had lost, and I gave it to them, and they then gave me 20RMB, saying that it was not much, and it was time to press the old money, thank me. I said in the tone of a little adult, "Nothing is too much to do, this is what I should do." The couple looked dazed, as if they couldn't understand what I was saying, and shoved it into my hand and said, "Big New Year's Day, don't give up, thank you little girl, good people have good rewards, here is strange and dangerous, the wind is so big, go back early." Looking at their obstinate portion, I had to accept it, my eyes were a little moist, my heart was warm, now, this birthday is also very good...

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night


One winter in the fourth grade, my dad and I were poisoned by coal because the charcoal in the stove burned out last night, there was no mention of the kitchen, no closing of the door, no ventilation, no mention of going outside the door. I sleep deeply, but for the sound I care about even if I wake up from sleep, I also remember, feel that something is wrong someone close to me will also be aware, sleep is particularly quiet, generally I fall asleep is not to wake me. It is also because of this property that when I found that the charcoal burned to produce carbon dioxide, I was aware of it, and I found that I was poisoned, dizzy, and powerless.

I was so frightened that I quickly used the power of the flood to wake up my father and let him quickly open the window for ventilation, which was spared. The next morning I still got up early as usual, but the aftermath was not cleared, I walked out of the room was fluttering, felt that the house was turning, suddenly my eyes were dark, and when I woke up, I found that I had fallen on the floor, clutching the bench, and it was still too late. The class teacher called me, probably to ask me why I hadn't come to school yet, and my dad replied, "I forgot to dispose of the stove last night, and we were both poisoned by coal." ”

The class teacher said: "Oh, then don't use it today, go to the infusion, go to the hospital to see what's going on, come again, don't worry, pay attention to the body." When I woke up again, my dad said, "Your teacher said let me take you to the hospital to see, this is not a small matter, said you are good to go to school, I think this is not a big deal, you just take a break, go to school when it is better." ”

I cried and laughed, I wondered if it was really a small thing in my life, I didn't feel how, if I hadn't fainted, I would definitely go to school, but I just couldn't deceive me and make me feel cared for? Just ask, have you ever felt any discomfort? I'll remember you for the rest of my life, but no, never. A homeroom teacher is better than my dad, and I'm used to thinking about it, but I'm more grateful to our class teacher, no matter what the reason, this is a rare kindness for me.

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night


One summer in the third grade of About Mo, this is the Nth day of my life alone, I came home without cooking a good meal, no familiar back, no mother's booing and asking for warmth, dad don't mention it, my dad is basically not at home, I don't know where to go, occasionally heard his news or someone else's there, saying that it was in Shanghai. I'm still optimistic, I just don't smile anymore, I'm no longer lively and cheerful, since when, from a long time ago, just waiting for an opportunity to completely change.

I still go to school and go back to school alone, but I have one more partner in life - I have a sister, she is the daughter of my mother's relative's family married to a relative on my father's side, the son of my second uncle's grandfather - an uncle, people say that according to my mother's side of the name to call, plus she gives me the feeling that she is indeed a sister, she is more than my teenage Yazi, because of my mother's sake, we both met and became familiar, she said: "I am here except for their family to know only you, they are not often at home, I am afraid of the dark, afraid of loneliness, you often come to me to play okay? ”

Whatever the reason, it turns out that I can be needed, which is very good! Because of this sentence, I often go to play with her, and I am embarrassed to go to other people's homes, and I don't have this habit, so every time I go, I think of bringing something to go, going every three or five times, not going every day, I am too afraid that others will get tired of me.

Sometimes I go to her and see a lot of her family, I am nervous, overwhelmed, standing in a place like a piece of wood, motionless, without saying a word, many of those people I am strangers, sometimes look at me with strange eyes, I see that she is very well integrated, I think this should not need me, I left silently, for a long time no longer go. When I went again, it was a month later, I went to her with the good things I thought, wanted to share the happiness with her, she saw me from afar, she shouted, waved her hands, and smiled and giggled on her face.

I had a calm look on my face and just picked up the pace. She murmured in a somewhat aggrieved voice, "You haven't come to me in a long time." I said, "Is there one?" She said, "At least it's been a month." She continued: "The last time you came, I had too many family members, I had to greet people, after all, it was a guest, but you are different, I treat you as a family member, as a friend, you are my very important and important friend here." I think you will understand me, I didn't care about you, I saw you go later, I left you, but you refused to stay, I approached you and whispered, sorry, didn't greet you too much, you said without expression, it's okay, let me be busy, and then you haven't come for a long time..."

I thought to myself, it turns out that she remembers, she knows, all of a sudden into guilt and self-blame, I don't want to look for her, I just thought she had a new circle and new people should forget me, she would be fine, I would too... Suddenly my nose was sore, tears were swirling in my eyes, and I said, "I thought you forgot, after all, I was just a passerby." ”

She said: "Oh, how is it possible, every time you come to my house is what number is with what, what kind of expression I remember, I don't know you, afraid of causing trouble to people, afraid of being bored, not like many people, more people are nervous, see the man is nervous, if you are not too sensitive, the intimate action is rejected, I really want to give you a hug!" As he spoke, he described when I had been to her house and how I had been at her house. I cried and laughed and said to her, "Now thank you for remembering!" Don't say I know. After saying that, she patted my elbow and smiled at me, and I smiled too. There will always be someone who understands your apparent stubbornness and strength and guards your sensitive heart.

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night


It was also the winter of the fourth grade, I spent the night at my second aunt's house, and the next morning I had to go to school, and when I woke up in the morning, it was gray, because I didn't go home, and when I came home, I didn't have any thick clothes. Don't ask, ask is no money, no one bought it for me, believe it or not! hum! I had to wear a sweater vest to school.

It was a bitterly cold day, and the winter of that year was so cold, I walked on the road, my hands crossed in fists, my back hunched, my feet trembling, my mouth was frozen purple, probably the whitest face in my life except for the injury in high school. It didn't snow, the ground was frosted, it looked like ice, my nose was frozen red, my teeth were fighting, my facial features were twisting, and for the first time I felt that the road was so long, as if after a century, I had finally arrived at school.

"Report!" I was still late. "Come in! Get back to your seat! The class teacher stood on the podium and glanced at me and said. I was nervous in my heart, thinking that I was going to collect my language homework for self-study this morning, heck, I came late, and I was bound to die. The class teacher came down to patrol, walked over to me and gave me her suit jacket, saying: Put it on, read carefully, and collect it after homework. ”

Suddenly, my heart was like a tidal wave, my heart was pounding, and I suddenly felt that I had entered a dreamland, and in the dream, my mother used her hot palm to warm my hand, and the cold of winter did not chill the warm heart. Yes, the homeroom teacher at the moment reminds me of my mother, who is as loving as a mother. Just as kind. After the self-study, I took my homework and went to the Chinese teacher's office, and I learned from the Chinese teacher that the math teacher was not in good health. The Chinese teacher seemed to see my predicament, so she gave my daughter's clothes and I gave my coat to the math teacher. Later, she seemed to have not seen her for a long time because of physical reasons, and our math teacher also changed one after another, and I still remembered her, missed her, and tried to find her, wanted to visit her, but in the end it was fruitless. After she left, my math grades slipped even harder, as if to tell me how much I felt for her.

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night


One summer in the fourth grade, some transfer students came to our class, and the other students in the class all brushed their eyes together and looked at the door, looking at each other, whispering, I glanced at the afterglow like no one else to continue studying, not interested, bored. The personality is becoming more and more indifferent, taciturn, no friends, no need, I am very good alone, I can do a few people's work alone. I'm not lonely, really, I enjoy being alone. I thought that no one would want to make friends with me and would avoid it, which was exactly what I wanted. Until one day, a girl broke into my world, her name is Hu Wen, almost the same as my personality, she wants to make friends, but she will not express, she is slow and hot, not afraid, every time she watches several girls playing together, she always looks at it from a distance, sometimes laughing, sometimes smiling, sometimes blinking, sometimes a person squatting there with her hands crossed and clenching her fists to support her chin...

What she didn't know was that there was a girl who had been paying attention to her, and this person was me, afraid that she knew, so every time she pretended to pass by without looking directly, she walked straight forward, took a few steps before slowly looking back at her, or glanced at her with the afterglow when passing by, and I was so attentive to a girl for the first time, probably because I thought she was very similar to me. Later we became friends and I was her first friend in our class.

I will give her homework, I will buy good food for her, I will wait for her to go back to the classroom every time after recess exercises, she will have what others have, I will let her have what others do not have, if I make friends, I will be very good to her, and I will dig out my heart and lungs, and it turns out that I do. She slowly became cheerful, became active, loved to laugh, she smiled very beautifully, and felt that the whole world was full of flowers.

Her teeth are small, white and aligned, she has two small dimples, a round little face, and a touch of crimson on her cheeks like a very ripe red cherry, with her own blush hahaha! The skin is as white as snow, and there is an illusion that the skin is like a shelled egg and full of collagen. Fleshy hands, simple and plain wear, hair tied in a ponytail, no extra broken hair on the face, she is really clean! Clean I want to guard her all the time!

Until now I vaguely remember her sharing her favorite maple leaf to me, and I was the first person in her class to share it. It was the first time I saw the maple leaf described in the book, it was so unreal, I was so excited! She told me that they had a lot there, but they couldn't be red, and where the red maple leaves were going to be picked, very few, they could only give me green maple leaves. After saying that, he pursed his mouth and blinked his eyes. Oops, I'm gone, so cute her! I said to her, "It's all right, thank you for sharing it with me!" Although there was no red one, it was good to see. It's already good, now, a lot of people can't see it, hehe! ”

Until later, we went our separate ways, not in the same school, I also saw the red maple leaves, and I also collected them, but I still treasured the green maple leaves she shared with me, and many years have passed, and the green maple leaves are still like the way she first gave me, flat, the lines are clearly visible, there is no damage, and they have been placed in my notebook. It was as if nothing had passed, and as if nothing had passed, those green maple leaves were a testimony to our friendship. Some people may appear to accompany you for a while, not that you do not cherish, not that you do not have deep feelings, not that you have no luck, but that you have no share.

I still think of you, mention you, pay attention to you, and be stunned when I hear your name, but we don't have a story. I had never given her share to anyone else, and few girls had made me pay so much attention. This is our own little story. Thank you for being in my youth and wishing you all the best!

Rare kindness is a ray of light in the night

The story is not over to continue.........