
"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?

author:Nine Schools Health
"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?
"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?
"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?
"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?

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"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?

Uncle Wang was newly diagnosed with diabetes, and the doctor prescribed acarbose, but the blood sugar control was not ideal. When I went to the hospital for a follow-up consultation, I asked, it turned out that the time of eating was not right, he always ate after meals. When is it right to take acarbose?

Acarbose should be eaten with the first bite of rice.

Staple foods such as rice and noodles that we eat every day are broken down into glucose by a digestive enzyme called α-glucosidase in the small intestine, which is then absorbed into the bloodstream. If the islet function is impaired and the glucose in the blood cannot be metabolized in time, it will cause an increase in postprandial blood sugar.

Acarbose is a α-glucosidase inhibitor that is mainly used to lower postprandial blood glucose. Acarbose, eaten with the first bite of rice, can reduce the rise in blood sugar after a meal by inhibiting the absorption of carbohydrates in the upper part of the small intestine. If you take the drug for a long time after taking the drug, or if you take acarbose after eating, the effect is poorer or even ineffective.

"Safe Drug Knowledge" Why should acarbose be eaten with the first bite of rice?

Source | Medicine gourd baby

Editor丨 Municipal Bureau Press and Publicity Section

【Source: Jining Market Supervision】