
Shenhua helps fight the epidemic: lends first-team buses, donates money and materials, and records anti-epidemic videos

The current round of shanghai epidemic has always touched the hearts of the entire Shenhua team, and Shenhua, which is conducting a fully enclosed training at the Kangqiao base, is paying attention to the epidemic news every day, moving for the selfless work of medical staff and volunteers, and worrying about the temporary difficulties encountered by the citizens.

Shenhua helps fight the epidemic: lends first-team buses, donates money and materials, and records anti-epidemic videos

Due to the closed training, Shenhua soldiers cannot join the frontline of the fight against the epidemic as volunteers, but everyone hopes to be able to do something for the fight against the epidemic. After the club's research and decision, Shenhua decided to lend the first-team player bus to the Kangqiao Town Government for the transportation of medical staff, epidemic prevention volunteers and epidemic prevention materials; the Moreno Public Welfare Fund under the club will donate special funds to the Kangqiao Town Government for the purchase of epidemic prevention materials, including protective clothing, medical masks, disinfectant drugs, etc.; the first-team players recorded anti-epidemic short videos to cheer up the people of the city to fight the epidemic; Shenhua players joined hands with Xiaomingxing Youth Training to record fitness videos for citizens and children who were isolated at home , teach home fitness tips.

Shenhua helps fight the epidemic: lends first-team buses, donates money and materials, and records anti-epidemic videos

Since March 7, Shenhua has been training in the Kangqiao base for four weeks. While strictly complying with the requirements of epidemic prevention, the team is fully prepared for the Chinese Super League in the new season. According to the actual situation of the club at this stage, the team will play in the "all-Chinese class", so the first task of Shenhua this season is relegation.

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