
Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

author:Health Week Talks

 Teeth are an important chewing organ of the human body, if there is no teeth, people can only eat liquid food, otherwise solid food into the human stomach will increase the burden of digestion, increase the incidence of gastrointestinal diseases. Everyone knows that children will start teething after six months, and people will lose teeth when they are old. The loss of teeth in the elderly is a normal thing for everyone. But some people are very curious, when people are old, will they really lose all their teeth?

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

  When people get old, they don't necessarily lose all their teeth. Although tooth loss is an inevitable thing for the elderly, some elderly people can maintain their teeth, reduce the incidence of periodontal disease, and the number of teeth falling out will be reduced accordingly. Even some elderly people can maintain a good mouth of teeth after the age of 70. If the elderly do not want their teeth to fall out, they should prevent the occurrence of periodontitis through the following 3 points, and also pay attention to the care points of teeth.

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

 1. Keep the mouth clean and hygienic. Most of the occurrence of periodontal disease is related to not paying attention to oral hygiene. If the elderly usually develop the habit of brushing their teeth in the morning and evening and gargling their mouths after meals, they can reduce the formation of dental plaque and avoid dental plaque attaching to the surface of the teeth for a long time, which can make the teeth less damaged. Because these plaques will stimulate the gums and destroy the dentin after forming calculus, it will cause gingivitis, periodontitis, make the gums become red and swollen, the gap between the teeth is enlarged, and even the gums are atrophied, resulting in loose and fallout teeth.

  2. Picky eaters and partial eaters. If a person is picky and partial to food, often eat meat, do not like to eat eggs and various vegetables, fruits, for a long time it will lead to a lack of vitamin A, vitamin C and vitamin D, protein, calcium and other nutrients, resulting in tooth structure is not strong enough, but also easy to cause gingivitis, periodontitis, mouth ulcers. Not only that, but some patients may also have anemia and hypoglycemia.

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

 3. Bad tooth habits. Some people are accustomed to chewing food with unilateral teeth when eating, which can lead to excessive accumulation of plaque and calculus on the surface of the teeth that are not commonly used, thereby increasing the incidence of periodontal disease. However, regularly used teeth are also susceptible to excessive wear and tear, leading to periodontal disease. If there is a phenomenon of teeth grinding when sleeping at night, it will also cause excessive wear of teeth to increase the burden on periodontal tissue, resulting in an increase in the incidence of periodontal disease.

4. Systemic factors. The so-called systemic factors mainly refer to severe malnutrition, endocrine disorders, long-term use of certain drugs or blood system diseases in the human body, which may lead to a weakening of the resistance of periodontal tissue and make periodontal more susceptible to disease. If the family has a history of periodontitis and usually does not pay attention to protecting the teeth, the probability of suffering from periodontitis is higher than that of normal people.

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

  What are the key points of dental care?

 1. Brush your teeth morning and evening. Anyone should brush their teeth morning and evening, especially before going to bed, so that they can avoid excessive dental plaque when sleeping at night, so that the teeth are more damaged. It should be noted that when brushing teeth, you should take the correct way, you can not brush twice at will, nor can you use too much force, so as not to clean in place or hurt the gums.

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

 2. Choose the right toothpaste toothbrush. To protect your teeth, you need to choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush. Since everyone's physique is different, everyone can choose toothpaste according to their own needs, such as people who often have their gums on fire can choose herbal toothpaste, and people who want to whiten their teeth can choose baking soda toothpaste. The choice of toothbrush, it is recommended that you try to choose a toothbrush with the right softness, so as not to have too soft bristles, brush teeth or bristles are too hard, hurting the gums.

Do I lose my teeth when I get older? What factors can cause periodontitis? Pay attention to dental care

  People do not necessarily lose all their teeth when they are old, if the elderly usually do not pay attention to oral hygiene, often picky eaters or partial eaters, improper use of teeth or suffering from certain diseases may lead to early loss of teeth. It is recommended that you develop the habit of brushing your teeth morning and evening, rinsing your mouth frequently, and choose the right toothpaste and toothbrush to strengthen the maintenance of your teeth and gums, so as to avoid frequent problems with your teeth.