
"Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service" took advantage of the spring tide to sail - 297 key projects in Jinnan District were launched in an orderly manner

author:Rong media Jinnan

The spring tide of The land of Jingu is surging and the construction of the project is vigorous. Since the beginning of spring this year, 297 key projects in Jinnan District have pressed the "start button" in turn, presenting a construction scene of "starting and sprinting" and drumming up sufficient staying power for the comprehensive construction of socialist modernization in Jinnan.

"Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service" took advantage of the spring tide to sail - 297 key projects in Jinnan District were launched in an orderly manner

Image source: Jinnan Good Client

At the construction site of the new project of the Jinnan District Archives, nearly 200 construction workers performed their duties, united and cooperated, benchmarked against the table construction drawings and timetables, and advanced the construction period with high quality and rapid speed. At present, the main body of the project has been capped, in the decoration and decoration and supporting facilities installation link, is stepping up the main building ceramic panel curtain wall, glass curtain wall skeleton installation and indoor plastering operations. It is reported that the construction progress of the project has reached 75%, and it is expected to be completed in October this year. All aspects of construction adopt cross-operation methods, and supporting projects such as fire protection, ventilation, water supply and drainage, and electrical are also being carried out simultaneously. It is worth mentioning that the floor slabs and stairs of the project have adopted an assembly design, and the overall assembly rate has reached 70%, which has greatly reduced material loss and manpower investment.

"Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service" took advantage of the spring tide to sail - 297 key projects in Jinnan District were launched in an orderly manner

The new archive project under high-quality construction is just one of the many key projects in Jinnan District. Focusing on the spirit of the 12th Party Congress of the district, Jinnan District has arranged and deployed a total of 297 key projects in 6 major fields this year, including green ecological demonstration area, innovation and development agglomeration area, exhibition economic function area, "double carbon" work pilot demonstration area, urban renewal, social undertakings and people's livelihood. Among these projects are the river ecological restoration and green screen upgrading project that highlights the idea of ecological civilization; the Tiannan Kechuang Valley and Huahai Zero2IPO Jingyuan Regeneration Project, which promote the accelerated formation of four leading industrial chains of intelligent manufacturing, big data and artificial intelligence, medical devices and new materials; the National Convention and Exhibition Center Marriott Hotel and the Liandong U Valley Shuangchuang Center Project that digs deep into the economic potential of the exhibition; the Balitai Zhenhaier Energy Roof Photovoltaic project and the Control Equipment Project of the Power Station with an annual output of 500 MWh of China Electric Power. Among them, there are also projects that improve the quality of the city, such as the "Wisdom Jinnan" that is highly concerned by the society, the PPP project of Data Lake (Phase I) and the Baitangkou Targeted Resettlement Housing.

"Striving for a New Journey and Building a New Era of Meritorious Service" took advantage of the spring tide to sail - 297 key projects in Jinnan District were launched in an orderly manner

At the time of the construction of various projects in full swing, the fine management and sincere service of Jinnan District are also "online" in real time. In order to give full play to the role of major projects as the "ballast stone" for economic growth, Jinnan District has taken the service of major projects as an important test means to optimize the business environment and formulated a "one-to-one" guarantee plan. Through the implementation of the five systems of briefing, joint promotion meeting, supervision and visit, listing and supervision, and performance appraisal, the main responsibility of the responsible unit of the project is consolidated to ensure that the key projects are "followed and managed". At the same time, the implementation of the "corps combat" model, under the overall coordination of the district project office, cross-departmental formation of 6 working groups, in-depth promotion of rapid approval and "run at most once" reform, focus on helping project units to solve the problem of labor, materials, raw material supply, promote "elements follow the project", to ensure that the project on the basis of strict implementation of epidemic prevention and control measures, quick start, fast construction, fast results, to add new impetus to the high-quality economic and social development of Jinnan.

The total number of key projects built this year has increased by 23 compared with last year, and the scale, quality and structure have been optimized, and the total investment has reached 192.87 billion yuan, an increase of 11.2% over last year. Up to now, 118 key projects in the region have been started.