
【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal

author:Beautiful new chunks
【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal

It's another year of spring grass, and it's another year of clarity. Qingming Festival is a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. Since ancient times, people have commemorated heroes and martyrs, paid tribute to the deceased, cautiously pursued the distant future, and sent mourning through the Qingming Festival. In order to thoroughly implement the specific requirements on epidemic prevention and control, advocate civilized sacrifices, promote the integration of traditional festival culture with modern civilization, and give traditional festivals a new era of connotation and diversification, the Fengquan Communist Youth League hereby issues the following initiatives:

【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal

Fengquan Communist Youth League online sacrifice sweep proposal is known

【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal

The vast number of young members and young pioneers:

In this season of cautious pursuit of the distant future, commemoration of martyrs, and mourning, in order to carry forward the fine traditions, cultivate a new style of civilization, consolidate the achievements of epidemic prevention and control, and effectively create a safe, civilized and green atmosphere of sacrifice, the Fengquan District Committee of the Communist Youth League issued the following initiatives to the vast number of young league members and Young Pioneers in the whole region:

First, do a good job of personal protection and implement epidemic prevention requirements

In order to achieve scientific and accurate prevention and control, the majority of young members of the League and the Young Pioneers are encouraged to enhance their awareness of protection, not to make on-site sacrifices, reduce the flow of personnel, and effectively reduce the risk of epidemic transmission. If it is really necessary to make on-site sacrifice sweeps, it is necessary to consciously comply with the relevant provisions of epidemic prevention and control, wear masks throughout the whole process of sacrifice sweeping, stagger peaks at the wrong time, divide and batch at the wrong time, obey the guidance of on-site staff, do not gather, do not gather, take the initiative to measure the temperature of the code, maintain a safe distance, and do that the sweep is gone.

Second, carry out online worship and sweeping, and advocate a new style of civilization

Consciously resist feudal superstitious behavior, do not buy and use vulgar sacrificial supplies, and do not throw and burn paper money, set off fireworks, and set up sacrificial supplies in public places such as urban roads, intersections, public green spaces and cemeteries. Carry out online sacrifices and online messages, with the Chinese Heroic Martyrs Network (website: as the main platform, the youth members and young pioneers should actively participate in the activities, carry out online memorials, flowers, remember the martyrs, and express their admiration.

Third, learn the deeds of heroes and martyrs, and inherit the red gene

Young league members and Young Pioneers should take the initiative to learn the deeds of heroes and martyrs through online memorials or online team lessons, write experiences, carry out theme recitations, conduct online exchanges, share learning experiences with parents, teachers, and friends around them, internalize and externalize the spirit of inheriting heroic martyrs in their hearts, consciously practice the core socialist values, inherit the legacy of revolutionary martyrs, strengthen ideals and beliefs, be determined to become talents, persist in listening to the party, following the party, feeling the gratitude of the party, and being ambitious. Down-to-earth upwards towards good young people (team members).

The youth members and young pioneers of the Regiment, the Qingming Sacrifice heroes, cast the Chinese soul together! On this special Qingming Festival, in the way of "online rendezvous", let us remember the martyrs, pay tribute to the heroes, follow the direction guided by the revolutionary martyrs, inherit the will of the martyrs, only strive for the day, live up to Shaohua, and continuously contribute to the construction of the "Colorful Phoenix Mountain Ecological Fengquan City"!

Online sacrifice sweep

Enter the Chinese Heroic Martyrs Network

【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal


Source: Fengquan Communist Youth League

【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal
【Online China Festival• Qingming】2022 Endeavor • Online Sacrifice of Heroic Martyrs Fengquan Communist Youth League Online Sacrifice Sweeping Activity Proposal

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