
The new Apple TV+ show will be serious and naïve


According to foreign media reports, the upcoming Apple TV+ current affairs series "The Problem with Jon Stewart" is more serious than "囧司t" Jon Stewart's show on "The Daily Show", but it covers the same problem.

The new Apple TV+ show will be serious and naïve

"The Problem with Jon Stewart" will premiere on the stream on Sept. 30, and until then, the host has been talking about how he differs from previous news-related series. Stewart was disappointed that people would expect it to be more interesting.

"I like it's more of a conversation," he noted in an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, "and it could be a bad publicity for this show — 'It's The Daily Show, but it's not that fun' — but it could also be more complete." ”

"People will ask, 'How do you get to meet people's expectations?'" Stewart said, "Well, I didn't, I never did. That's not why we do it. We make things that sometimes disappoint people, but sometimes they really like them. ”

"The Problem with Jon Stewart" will air every two weeks on Apple TV+, and each episode will focus on a theme.

Stewart said: "I'm really interested in that area between rhetoric and reality. The first episode is about soldiers, and everyone says, 'Oh, we love our army.' 'Well, I don't know if you noticed, but they may not feel love.' ”

He continued: "The second part is about the idea of basic staff and that they are not the beneficiaries of any intervention. Honestly, it's the same as The Daily Show, we've only slightly adjusted the dial. If The Daily Show is a weather forecast, I think it might be interesting to do something about the climate. It's also very important to let people know that I'm still very naïve. ”