
Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

author:Li Aiqin, nutritionist

As we all know, three meals a day is popular such a sentence "breakfast is like the emperor's breakfast", "dinner is like a beggar's dinner", "eat well early, eat full at noon, eat less late" is indeed correct, because of this, many people think that dinner is not important, can be casually dealt with, or do not pay attention to this, either do not eat, or eat too late, as a supper to eat, or eat too rich, after all, during the day people are busy with work, only at night can calm down, eat a dinner they want to eat...

Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

Some time ago in The Wukong Q&A answered a topic about eating several meals a day, from everyone's comments, it is inevitable to see that in the three meals, the most disposable should be dinner, which also fully illustrates that in people's minds, the portion of dinner is indeed lower, but dispensable, today I do not talk about how many meals a day to eat reasonable, mainly to talk about the things that eat dinner.

Is dinner heavy or not important?

Of course, it is important, three meals a day, each meal has its importance, for some inactive, no workload of the elderly, may not show the importance of dinner, but for normal office workers and children and adolescents, each meal of the three meals is quite important. The interval between dinner and breakfast the next day is very long, and the energy provided should be able to meet the energy needs of evening activities and night sleep, so dinner also occupies an important position in the day.

Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

What are the common problems with eating dinner?

Modern people have work and study nervous, there are love of health, there are shouting to lose weight every day, but no matter what kind of population, there are roughly these three problems in the treatment of dinner:

(1) Do not eat dinner

Most of this part of the population is less physical activity, and people who want to lose weight, although they do not eat dinner, it does not play much role in weight loss, but many people are still very keen on not eating dinner, and occasionally not eating dinner can indeed be hungry, so that your gastrointestinal tract is temporarily empty, but if this is the case for a long time, gastric acid secretion will increase, which can easily lead to the occurrence of some digestive system diseases.

(2) Dinner was too rich

Many urban families, the rhythm of life is tense, busy with work and study during the day, the whole family reunites at night, prepares a table of hearty dinner, because the dinner is too hearty, greasy, and less physical activity, prolongs the digestion time, not only leads to poor sleep at night, high-fat, high-protein food, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases.

Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

(3) Eat dinner too late

For various reasons, many people arrange the time to eat dinner two hours after work, but dinner is too late, and the sleep time will be very close to the evening sleep time, and the emptying time of food entering the stomach is 4-5 hours, so that either sleep is affected or sleep time needs to be postponed.

Eating too late for dinner is prone to diabetes?

Don't look at the simplest dinner, how to eat dinner, eat well or badly, eat time sooner or later, have a certain impact on health. For example, eating too much oily dinner will not only affect sleep, but also increase the risk of coronary heart disease, high blood pressure and other diseases. Skipping dinner can also affect digestive diseases, but what everyone doesn't know is that eating dinner too late not only affects the digestive system but also affects metabolic changes, as well as increased blood sugar after meals.

Recently, the results of a collaborative research team from the United States and Spain, led by scholars from Massachusetts General Hospital and Brigham and Women's Hospital of Harvard Medical School, published in the authoritative journal of diabetes "Diabetes Treatment" showed that eating dinner 1 hour before bedtime led to too little insulin secretion and reduced glucose tolerance, which increased the risk of type 2 diabetes. Melatonin levels in people who ate dinner too much were 3.5 times higher than those who ate dinner 4 hours before their regular sleep, which is one of the reasons for the increased risk of type 2 diabetes. Late dinner time led to a 6.7% decrease in the area under the insulin curve and an 8.3% increase in glucose AUC (release: an indicator of the function of islet β cells), i.e., the later the dinner time, the lower the insulin level and the higher the blood glucose level. As a result, too late for dinner increases the risk of diabetes.

Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

In addition to this, a study published in BMJ Open Dlabetes Research & Care found that dinner had a significantly higher adverse effect on glucose metabolism than breakfast, while whether it was a high GI (release: glycemic production index) or a low GI diet, the effect may be less pronounced at breakfast, and a high GI diet led to a greater response to glucose after dinner than a low GI diet. At the same time, it indicates a decrease in the sensitivity of insulin at night. That is to say, glucose metabolism is circadian, and the body needs more time to consume excess glucose at night to restore blood sugar levels to normal.

Speaking of this, some people may say, that dinner this meal does not eat, so it is not to reduce the consumption of insulin on glucose, at first glance, yes, but in fact, if you often do not eat dinner, lunch is a long time from the next day's breakfast time, if there is no supply of glucose in the body during this time, it is easy to induce hypoglycemia, resulting in insufficient supply of organ nutrition, and the body's resistance will also decline.

Therefore, dinner is very important for the health of the body, not only to eat dinner, but also to eat healthy.

Who says dinner doesn't matter! Authoritative evidence: Eat too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes?

How to eat dinner healthily

First of all, the dinner time is recommended to be completed before 7 pm (generally 5:00-7:00 -) and maintain a regular meal time as much as possible;

Secondly, the types of food for dinner should also be as diverse as possible, and appropriate amounts of foods rich in dietary fiber should be increased, such as whole grain foods, vegetables and fruits, etc., to increase gastrointestinal peristalsis;

Third, the amount of food ingested at dinner should not be too much, try to choose low GI foods, thereby reducing the fluctuation of blood sugar, such as staple foods choose oats, buckwheat, and white rice, noodle steamed buns, rice cakes and other HIGH GI;

Fourth, avoid excessive intake of animal protein at dinner, such as various animal foods, including meat, animal oil, animal offal, etc. Failure to do so increases the risk of coronary heart disease and angina.


[1] New perspectives on medicine Eating too late for dinner, easy to get diabetes? Isn't it recommended to eat again a few hours before bedtime? Authoritative evidence comes academic latitude and latitude [OL] 2022-03-07 07:30

[2] e-Pill Globe Dinner may be more important than breakfast! Eating like this can reduce fat and sugar to protect the heart! New Perspectives on Medicine [OL]2021-08-13 20:44