
21 reasons to go back to Steel City

author:Zero distance to steel city

Hi friends, I believe you have seen last week's "20 Reasons Why Young People Don't Want to Go Back to Steel City", and we did not expect that this somewhat sensitive topic had set off a "big discussion" in the small steel city.

In just a few days, we received the honest voices of nearly 200 young people, saw a lot of concerns of young people who are born in outer steel city, and also heard a lot of positive voices.

So in this issue, we will explore the "attraction of steel city" and re-examine the potential charm and opportunities of this steel city from the perspective of young people.

21 reasons to go back to Steel City

"Why did the young man return to Steel City?"

Let's listen to what young people who want to go back to Steel City are thinking?

21 reasons why young people return to Steel City



——Xiao Tudou, 25 years old, lives in Jinan


After seeing the prosperity, the most nostalgic thing is still in the midsummer night, snuggled next to the South Lake.

——Zhang Shouchang, 21 years old, lives in Jinan


Life pressure is small, the social rhythm is slow, the place where he grew up from childhood, life is familiar, family love, steel city after the transfer to Jinan also has development potential.

——Xue Ziyang, 19 years old, lives in Qingdao


I love my little town, I love this place where I was born and raised, and I can't give it up. I feel far from college four hours away from home.

I think that although my abilities are meager, I also want to make my own contribution to the places I love. I have seen the flowers outside, but I still love the elegant "steel flower" of steel city.

I believe that with the injection of fresh blood from the young generation, the steel city will get better and better and more prosperous. (A little advice, my undergraduate major is a chemistry pharmacy major, I hope steel city can have a little more such a position, after all, I really want to go home)

——Xiao Tian, 19 years old, currently living in Qingdao


Or the home is stable.

--G, 23 years old, lives in Yantai


In Steel City, there are friends you want to meet, parents, lots of happy people and fun things! I want to stay in the small city of Laigang for the rest of my life!

--Hahaha, 19 years old, now living in Jinan


She and I were born in Steel City, and she and I met here. The story begins in Steel City, full of regrets but remembered. Now that we are separated, there is a feeling that we will still meet here and write the perfect ending for our story.

——Kan Hehe, 19 years old, now lives in Jinan


Alone, far from home. Whenever I see my colleagues coming home after work to eat the hot meals made by my parents, the family is happy. When I returned to the dormitory, I only had a sense of loneliness to accompany me, coupled with my limited ability and the compulsion of life, my parents could not afford to take over and live together.

I hope that Steel City will introduce a talent callback policy, the month is the hometown of Ming, looking forward to returning, looking forward to returning, but also the hope of parents' hearts...



Big cities are drunk with wine and green paper, but that is not home after all.

Small cities are quiet and peaceful, away from the hustle and bustle of the world, a person with an attitude to life, Laigang, a small city, too suitable for sunset afterglow, walking with loved ones, but also too suitable for about three or five friends to get together in small restaurants, not as much pressure as big cities. Plain and fulfilling.

——Laigang Xiao Huangqi, 25 years old, currently lives in Jinan


Now the steel city has slowly developed, this time in the hometown as there are many job opportunities, or you do not have a particularly big ambition, this time to stay in Laigang development is more appropriate, because the steel city is after all their familiar place, this time also feel so lonely. It's just that what happens to you in your work and life problems, you can also find your relatives and friends around you to solve, it can be said that the development in Steel City is a more comfortable thing.



After graduating from university, I have traveled to several cities, compared to steel city is a very quiet place, the house price is not high, the income is acceptable, very suitable for a safe and stable life. The basic living facilities are not highly equipped, but they can also be regarded as "small sparrows, complete with all internal organs". In recent years, the changes in the steel city are still quite large, and the old steel city people are looking at it. There is an additional living allowance when you come back from college, one or two thousand a month. The main thing is that Mom and Dad are here

——Peeping in the city, 30 years old, now living in Jinan


Have been to the big city, but also to the small city, the age of the parents slowly increased, but also slowly getting old, after all, not a worker's family, human feelings have also come to the need for our young people to undertake, marry and have children, start a family, and live a stable life. Although there is a line of three points, I can see my family every day, instead of using my mobile phone to tell my relatives to eat and wear warm. Steel City is small, but I love Steel City!

——X.X, 25 years old, lives in Jinan


After graduation, I returned to steel city and joined the big family of mountain steel, I am a person with little ambition, slow pace of the city is suitable for a plain life, Lai steel is my home, I love here and I am willing to become the fresh blood of steel city.

——The last honest man in Jinan, 24 years old, now living in Jinan


Although I have the ideal of a big city, I am also willing to admit my own ordinary, I know that Laigang is definitely not as good as Jinan Qingdao, but I may be more family-loving, and I don't want to regret because I can't come back when my parents need me, I want to have a stable ordinary job here, enough to support myself, enough to take care of my parents, it is very good, of course, I also hope that Steel City can self-revolution, open-minded, do not let some young people who want to come back disappointed

——A zealous Laigang man, 23 years old, now living in Tai'an


Academic qualifications and majors do not have a great advantage, their own ability is not very prominent, even if it is an ordinary person, if you are outside, you also want to enter the factory, it is better to go home, just the right professional; on the other hand, your family situation is very general, it is difficult to afford the housing prices in first- and second-tier cities, parents are old, it is to add less burden to them. The circle of Steel City is indeed very small, and all the people who turn around are acquaintances.

——Qing shu, 24 years old, currently living in Jinan


There may be many reasons not to come back,

But there was only one reason to come back: because it was home.

——S, 26 years old, currently living in Jinan


Steel City people have a slow pace of life, many lords who have been to the big city have complained that this is not good, that it is not good, there is nothing, in fact, you think again, this is not the best reason for you to stay.

——Yan Xiaoge, 32 years old, lives in Jinan


All say that the hometown is not good, there is no hometown where you come from, all say that the hometown is not good, why not contribute to the construction of the hometown, the Jilai high-speed rail will pass the customs immediately, the future steel city will only get better and better, the construction of the steel city needs us to use practical actions to do, less complaints, more efforts, I am proud of my hometown!



It has been more than ten years since I returned to Steel City, and I don't want to say anything about emptiness, and I want to say something true to the young people who are still hesitating about the future.

First say the reason for their return to steel city, graduated from steel city high school, went out to see the big world, said from the heart that college graduation also wants to prove themselves, work hard in the big city, but family reasons, the old man is not in good health, age began to increase, this is a problem that has to be considered, and the opportunity is better, smoothly return to Lai steel to work, it is logical to return to steel city.

I can understand the current young people said, steel city has no good entertainment, shopping has been a large commercial complex, which is consistent with the status quo of steel city, compared to my junior high school, has now developed a lot, as a fourth and fifth line small city, the economy I think has been at the forefront of this level, especially the development of the network, more small distance from the big city, the other is the construction of the steel city high-speed rail, will improve the speed of the steel city into the big city, I believe that the future of the steel city! As for the shortcomings, the lack of education and medical resources is indeed the status quo, which is also an unavoidable problem of the small city, this is hardware, and the service awareness of the government department, which is also a big problem facing the entire domestic society, especially in the north, this is software, I believe that the steel city government will also change.

Whether you go back to the steel city or not, I think it is necessary to measure two or three, everyone's family is different, the experience is different, the characteristics are not the same, the ideal is not the same, the decision is naturally different, everyone should not be selfish, should consider the comprehensive, family, the future, etc. must be considered, may all steel city people have a good development no matter where they are, may the future of the steel city be better!

——Five-star midfielder, 35 years old, currently living in Jinan


I think the purpose of our education is not to get rid of where we come from, but to let us return to our hometown to help our hometown develop better.



Parents have a hot meal in the morning, a cup of hot water in the evening, know that there is always a light left for me, commuting without squeezing the bus, not needing to be too rushed, and the days at three o'clock every day are plain and happy.


21 reasons to go back to Steel City

We expect that the voices of young people will be heard.

Will you go back to Steel City? What is your reason?