
Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

author:W Kan Technology

When I ate this melon today, I thought it was April Fool's Day, but look at the time, April Fool's Day has passed, this may be the funniest joke that Lei Jun heard in 2022, stealing chicken is not a corrosion of rice?

Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

The thing is this, today Vidda pre-warmed up a new product and released a Weibo, and then immediately after, the Internet exposed Vidda's public relations incitement to join hands with Weibo's warm-up information, touching porcelain millet. Although this kind of behavior of elevating oneself by belittling friends is not uncommon, it is the first time that black PR has been caught, and Vidda's car has been turned over too thoroughly.

Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

Although Xiaomi is innocently lying on the gun, it is blessed by misfortune. Vidda's behavior also triggered a scolding voice among netizens, and many netizens left messages, "The means are too dirty", "Waiting for Xiaomi's lawyer letter", "A little Low" and so on. But before the netizens finished venting, Vidda's original blog was deleted, perhaps it was a lack of heart. Despite this, the almighty netizens still kept screenshots, and Vidda really planted it this time.

Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

As a new brand in the field of television, it is undeniable that the gap between Vidda and Xiaomi is still quite large. Touching porcelain millet may be The fastest way for Vidda to get traffic. But Vidda ignores the point that consumers do not care about the popularity of the product when choosing a product, but only value the strength of the product.

As far as I am concerned, I am actually more inclined to choose niche brands, as long as the product is strong, even if it is an obscure brand, I will choose firmly. Therefore, if Vidda's products are really good and Vidda's competitiveness is really strong, consumers will naturally pay for it, and there is no need to go to black millet.

Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

But after the incident, Vidda was spat on and insulted by consumers for using such a bad means to diss Xiaomi's behavior, which seriously damaged Vidda's brand image. Many netizens who have not heard of the Vidda brand have also specifically searched for the brand, which is really a realistic version of "stealing chicken does not become erosion of rice", which is not worth the loss, lifting a stone and dropping it on their own feet.

Xiaomi innocently lies in the gun, competitors eat their own bad consequences, netizens: the means are too dirty

However, Vidda's problem is not unique, and many manufacturers have done or plan to do so. Then the Vidda black PUBLIC RELATIONS event can just sound an alarm bell for other manufacturers, quickly dispel such ideas, consumers do not like this way of publicity. Rather than high traffic and heat, consumers are actually more willing to see manufacturers return to the product itself, and good products are more convincing than any publicity.

If Vidda can spend all its energy on polishing products, it may be able to narrow the gap between xiaomi and xiaomi, and also gain fans of its own brand. Vidda really went astray this time, what is your opinion on this matter?