
How do I manage my time? What is the time granularity of Tsinghua Xueba and Wang Jianlin?

author:New ideas for big data

In our lives, there are bound to be some sudden and impatient problems to solve, and if you find yourself dealing with these things every day, it means that your time management is not ideal.

How do I manage my time? What is the time granularity of Tsinghua Xueba and Wang Jianlin?

In daily life, most of us manage our time in weeks or days, for example, a book is planned to be read in a week, but the specific time to read, there is no accurate arrangement, it is possible that the first day of the week is read; it is possible to read 30 pages a day, just finished a week. Time management is a concept, but also a method, everyone needs to manage their own time, so that they can achieve the highest efficiency of their time.

It's often said that time is money, and that's especially true for successful people. There was once a program to interview Wang Jianlin, the reporter and the camera crew were 3 minutes late, and Wang Jianlin drove away directly at that time, without giving the program group any affection. In fact, this behavior is because Wang Jianlin has a strict time granularity, because for him, not only 3 minutes, or in these 3 minutes he will deal with a lot of things.

How do I manage my time? What is the time granularity of Tsinghua Xueba and Wang Jianlin?

The granularity of time refers to the most basic unit of a person's management of time, different people have different management methods, some people like to take "days" as a unit, time management, then his time granularity is a day. Of course, the time granularity can also be every hour, every half hour, every 15 minutes, or even every five minutes. Below, let's take a look at the schedule of a Tsinghua scholar.

Every day, the bully will get up at 6 o'clock on time and enter the study state at 6:40; after a morning of study, fixed at 11:25 to 13:30 lunch break, of which even what to do back to the dormitory will be recorded in the schedule; then 20:55 to 22:30 review homework, 22:30 to 23:00 to listen to English, 23:00 to 1:00 a.m. self-study and memorize words, until 1:00 a.m. to sleep. Such a schedule is amazing, but for this school bully it has become his habit.

How do I manage my time? What is the time granularity of Tsinghua Xueba and Wang Jianlin?

The more granular your time is, the more convenient it is for you to manage, but this will cause time waste, the smaller the granularity of your time, the more refined your management will be, but relatively speaking, it will be more troublesome to manage, because you cut the time very fine and broken. The more a person cuts time, the more valuable time will be, and the greater the chance of his own success.

How do I manage my time? What is the time granularity of Tsinghua Xueba and Wang Jianlin?

For Wang Jianlin and Tsinghua Xueba, the highest degree of self-discipline is to continuously optimize their time granularity and control the sense of rhythm that continues to improve. The achievements of successful people are different, but what they have in common is extreme self-discipline and perseverance, and time management will only really take effect if you feel that your time is worth managing and needs to be managed.

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