
It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

author:Transparent video

Author: Battle Flash

According to the Global Network, according to the latest news released by the South China Sea Strategic Perception Platform, a Chinese think tank, the US Navy's "Lincoln" aircraft carrier strike group has continued to operate in the waters located in the South China Sea for several days. On March 31, the carrier battle group had sailed to the waters east of the Spratly Islands.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

At a time when the United States and the Philippines are holding annual "shoulder-to-shoulder" joint military exercises in the waters off Luzon Near the Taiwan Strait, the US Navy's "Lincoln" aircraft carrier appeared in the South China Sea, which should not be an accidental coincidence, but an attempt by the United States to exert military pressure on China in two sensitive waters in the South China Sea and the Taiwan Strait. The intention of the United States in this move is very obvious, that is, while continuing to send wrong messages to the Taiwan authorities, it is also trying to show China muscles and let Southeast Asian countries see that the hegemonic status of the United States still exists.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

The United States and Japan are currently colluding with each other to prepare for a "big propaganda" in Southeast Asia, encouraging countries in the region to participate in the Indo-Pacific economic framework designed by the United States and Japan to target China. The appearance of the US Navy aircraft carrier in the Waters of the South China Sea at this time is obviously to create a momentum for the UNITED States and Japan to co-opt, and the purpose is to encourage ASEAN countries to participate in the anti-China alliance established by the United States and Japan. However, this long-outdated routine of the United States simply cannot have much adverse impact on the current situation in the South China Sea. On the contrary, this will only further highlight the embarrassment of the US military strategy toward China.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

Objectively speaking, under the background that the United States has always avoided a major power conflict with China and Russia, any disturbance by the US military in China's peripheral areas can actually be said to be a bluff show. The reason is very simple, the reason why the United States does not dare to provoke a conflict with China and Russia is because this seemingly tall armed force in their hands is actually a silver pewter gun head of the foreign strong. At almost the same point in time when the US aircraft carrier entered the South China Sea, the US military dropped 3 military planes in succession in one day.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

Following the recent drop of the latest F-35C carrier-based aircraft by the United States in the South China Sea, the US military planes have been like a magic accident in recent days. According to the Global Times, in the early morning of March 31, local time, two US Black Hawk helicopters were training at a military airfield in eastern Georgia when they crashed due to a collision accident, which killed an Army captain. On the same day, an E-2D carrier-based AWACS aircraft belonging to the U.S. Navy also crashed off the coast of Virginia, killing one person and injuring two other crew members. The two accidents are currently under investigation.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

Although the US military refused to disclose the details of the two flight accidents to the outside world, judging from the recent frequent accidents in the US military, this super army has a bad life even if it does not fight. U.S. military spending exceeded $800 billion for the first time in the next fiscal year, but in fact much of that money went into the pockets of arms dealers. Expenses for U.S. military training, equipment upgrades, and maintenance do not rise but fall. To this end, in order to save money, the US military has to retire a large number of naval and air military equipment, including the world's most advanced F-22 stealth fighter, as well as the littoral combat ship that has just entered service.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

The United States pursues a global military deployment strategy, and although its military is huge, Sahara has become very small on the entire earth. The adverse impact of the US military's move of "self-destructing martial arts" in order to save costs has caused obviously on the global deployment strategy that is already in trouble due to overstretched equipment. Major problems such as insufficient equipment and funding for the U.S. military, coupled with Washington's keenness to play with fire around the world, have forced equipment, including aircraft carriers, to have to be deployed for an extra long time. The consequence of this is that due to the exhaustion of personnel and the serious damage to equipment, it has become the main culprit that leads to the frequent occurrence of equipment accidents in the US military.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

In this context, the "effect" played by the United States in not giving up its military provocation activities around China, especially in the South China Sea, not only can not cause much military pressure on China, but also makes the US military itself suffer heavy losses due to frequent equipment accidents. Imagine that the U.S. military has become a paper tiger that only scares people but does not bite people, and what qualifications does Washington have to claim hegemony in the South China Sea?

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

In this regard, it can be seen from the irresponsible actions of the United States on the Ukraine issue that the United States can no longer afford or dare to fight a major power war. In the face of china and Russia and other big powers, its army is, in a sense, a kind of decoration. The U.S. military has been reduced to paper tigers, leaving Washington's so-called "military protection commitments" to allies and partners no longer be believed. Therefore, the United States recently dispatched aircraft carriers to show muscle in the South China Sea in an attempt to attract ASEAN countries to participate in its anti-China-Russia alliance, and the result was futile.

It is useless for the aircraft carrier to come, and it has dropped many planes in a day, so what does the United States take to dominate the South China Sea?

Although ASEAN countries maintain close military cooperation with the United States, few people are willing to openly participate in military turmoil in the South China Sea. This is enough to see that no matter how noisy the US military is in the South China Sea, the frequent equipment accidents further highlight the essence of its paper tiger. What's more, the encounters in Ukraine and Afghanistan have once again made ASEAN countries see the unreliability of the United States. Under such circumstances, if the US Navy's "Lincoln" aircraft carrier battle group's disruptive operation in the South China Sea cannot encourage the participation of ASEAN countries, what is the significance?

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