
The director said to the lower-level doctors, if you can't surpass me, it will be a drag on social progress

author:General Surgery


The student is the face of the teacher, and the superior doctor is the face of the superior doctor!

Source: "Gentle Medical Knife" WeChat public account

Author: Dr Chunge

Since ancient times, there is a saying in Chinese folklore: "Teach the apprentice, starve the master", saying that after the apprentice learned the master's skills, he did not respect the master, did not have a grateful heart, but took advantage of his youth and vigor to rob the master's business, and even stepped on the master's feet.

Therefore, in order to avoid surpassing themselves after the apprentices have completed their studies, ancient artists have no foothold in the end, and when teaching skills, they often "leave a hand", holding dry goods and unique work in the palm of their hands, and not easily passing them on.

Modern workplaces also have this practice, old employees in the new people in the heart of caution, teach people only six points, afraid that new people learn to compete with themselves, their own loss of advantages.

In the hospital, many higher-level doctors also have this concept in their minds, regard lower-level doctors as opponents, afraid that lower-level doctors will grow up and grab patients and positions with themselves, so they monopolize all opportunities for progress, deliberately suppress lower-level doctors, and even set obstacles for the growth of excellent and potential young doctors.

A surgical colleague once told me that their former director was particularly narrow-minded, arbitrarily suppressing the doctors in the department, not allowing other doctors to hold academic conferences, not allowing deputy senior doctors to be promoted to professional titles, not allowing lower-level doctors to declare topics, and not giving powerful doctors the opportunity to study and study.

I also often see a lot of surgeons complaining on the Internet, complaining that they are not ladylike, complaining that the superior doctors never give exercise opportunities, long-term let them pull hooks as assistants, as cheap labor, with a large number of basic, auxiliary work to consume their energy, consume their morale, as the old chief doctor for more than ten years, even gallbladder surgery has not been the main knife.

The complaints and complaints of these surgeons are by no means a whim! Unlike other medical specialties, surgery is a practical discipline that relies heavily on transmission, help, and belting!

If the superior doctor does not explain during the operation, many of the skills and tricks of the operation will take the lower doctors to grope for many years to understand; if the superior doctors do not give the opportunity to practice, relying solely on theoretical learning and bystander fantasies on paper, the lower doctors will not be able to become real surgeons for a lifetime.

On the contrary, if the superior doctor has a broad mind and is a good teacher, while operating and explaining when doing surgery, he not only guides the lower-level doctors how to do it, but also tells the lower-level doctors why they do this, and pours out their feelings and experiences in the clinic for decades, if the lower-level doctors understand and eat thoroughly, it is equivalent to having decades of skills and experience of the superior doctors at once, and the technology and level can be rapidly improved in the short term, and they can take a lot of detours, not to mention, they can also pull the peers away from a great distance.

The chief of surgery at a county and city hospital invited me many times to consult for surgery, and every time I did the operation, I was surprised to find that the assistant had been changing. I initially thought it was because different doctors were in charge of the patient, but when I asked later, I realized that it was deliberately arranged by the chief of surgery. He wanted me to bring a doctor from their department with me during the operation, so that the level of the sub-department doctors would improve.

Because a small click during the operation, or a seemingly inadvertent action language, is likely to make the doctor concerned suddenly wake up, or even untie the knots of many years, so that the level has been greatly improved. However, if he does not go on stage, if he just sits by, those reminders or actions, he may not be able to understand what it means, or even if he can understand what it means, he will not have such a deep understanding.

Coincidentally, once a surgical director held an academic conference and invited me to do demonstration surgery, at that time, I also specifically asked, do you want me to bring my own assistant? Because, the demonstration surgery is not better than the general consultation surgery, if the quality of the operation is not high or there is an accident, so many people in the venue and on the Internet will watch, which will affect the reputation of the surgeon.

If you are an assistant who has fixed your partner, you know each other well in surgical habits and cooperation methods, which can ensure the quality of surgery and reduce the risk of errors. Therefore, many surgical masters generally bring their own assistants during surgical demonstrations or live surgeries, and some are cautious, even the eye-supporting hands and instrument nurses bring their own.

The other party looked at me and asked questions, frankly told me, said that if you can not bring an assistant, try not to bring, he wants the doctor of the department to follow me to the operation, so that I can guide and mention them during the operation.

A hundred explanations are not as good as a personal experience, and it is most appropriate to use it on a surgeon. We can go to academic conferences to listen to experts make reports, and we can also watch online live surgery, but all these non-hands-on learning are not as deep as the understanding and harvest of a surgery that we personally participated in!

Once during an operation, I praised another doctor on the team behind my back and said that although his title was not high, he and I had made very rapid progress over the years, and the operation was more beautiful than many doctors with higher titles than him. I also told everyone here that as long as you study hard, the surgery can be as beautiful as he is; as long as you prove your ability to do it, I can give it a chance.

I'm not afraid of you practicing more, I'm afraid you won't practice! I am not afraid to give you a chance, I am afraid that you will not cherish the opportunity! All that I don't understand, I can explain, I can teach you! I'm not afraid of you surpassing me! The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, science and technology are developing, society is progressing, a generation is stronger than a generation, what I want is you to surpass me! If you stand on my shoulders and are inferior to me, it is a drag on social progress!

However, one thing that must also be remembered is that when one day, you have improved, grown, hardened your wings, and can be alone, don't forget who brought you, who taught you, who helped you! I don't mind being everyone's stepping stone, and I don't mind helping everyone get on the horse to give you a ride, but when you are galloping forward, you must not kick me in the back of your hooves!

The Teacher's Tao has a heritage, and the grace is not forgotten! In ancient times, there was a saying that "one day is a teacher, lifelong father", parents gave us life, raised us, and had the grace of life and nurture us; but teachers and superior doctors taught us the principle of being human, taught us the technology and means to make a living, these are all great gifts!

People can't forget their ancestors, and they can't forget their teachers! Why did the ancient artists and believers dare not teach each other? Why do modern workplace newcomers only dare to teach six points? Why do many superior doctors suppress young doctors? Among them, in addition to the problems with the heart of the teacher, there are also problems with the character, and many times they are chilled by the examples of forgetting their ancestors, crossing the river and demolishing bridges, repaying virtue with resentment, and being ungrateful!

The student is the face of the teacher, and the superior doctor is the face of the superior doctor! If the student respects the teacher and always holds the teacher's reputation in front; if the lower doctor is grateful and always puts the interests of the superior doctor in the first place, which teacher does not teach it? Which superior doctor is willing to be an evil person?

Of course, if you really encounter a person who is narrow-minded and narrow-minded, in addition to believing that he is lucky, he can only bear the burden of humiliation and extra hard work.

Those who come are blessed, and those who love to come out love to return. The role of force is mutual, and human feelings are mutual! As students, as lower-level doctors, when we complain about the teacher's conservativeness and complain about the suppression of the superior doctor, we also need to reflect on whether we respect the teacher and respect the superior doctor.

As a teacher, as a superior doctor, you should also understand that the wheel of the times cannot be stopped, the growth of students cannot be stopped, the progress of lower-level doctors cannot be suppressed, and it is better to block than to slacken, rather than blindly curbing the formation of an antagonistic situation of water and fire that is intolerable and mutually wary, it is better to follow the trend to form a virtuous circle in which you learn from me, you chase me, you respect me a foot, I respect you!

I sincerely hope that all students can meet good teachers, all lower-level doctors can meet good superior doctors; all teachers can also bring good students, and all superior doctors can also bring good lower-level doctors!

Editor-in-charge Jingmin