
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!

author:Guigang popularization of law

When it comes to cancer, many people are scared. In fact, "talking about cancer discoloration" is caused by two factors: on the one hand, because cancer does have a frightening side, and on the other hand, it is also because everyone lacks the most basic understanding of cancer.

People often only know the terrible things about cancer, but they don't know that if you want to stay away from cancer, you must start with a scientific understanding of cancer. This article can be said to be the most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, it is recommended to forward the collection!

The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual

People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!
People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!

15 signs and symptoms of early cancer,

A lot of people overlook it!

What are the signs and symptoms of cancer in the early stages, which is a concern for many people. Here are a list of 15 signs and symptoms that may exist in the early stages of cancer for your reference.

1. Lumps, nodules

A lump nodule is not necessarily cancer, and we can make a preliminary judgment about it:

One look at the size. The smaller the nodule, the more benign it is from the probability, of course, it is not absolute, and it should be paid attention to follow-up review; if the nodule exceeds 1 cm, it should be paid attention to. Note that persistent enlargement, especially rapid enlargement of nodules, tends to be malignant and should be paid special attention to.

Two look at the texture. Soft or cystic masses tend to be benign; hard, fixed, or solid masses may be malignant, but the enlarged lymph nodes of the lymphoma are tough to the touch.

Three looks at boundaries and activity. Benign tumors usually have clear boundaries and good range of motion; most malignant tumors have unclear boundaries, and they tend to stick or fuse with surrounding tissues and have poor mobility.

2. Persistent pain is not traumatic

If there is persistent unexplained pain in a part of the body that is not caused by trauma, you should go to the hospital to find out the cause.

3. Cough does not last longer

For long-term cough or blood in sputum, especially long-term smokers, they should be alert to the possibility of lung cancer.

4. Total fever of unknown cause

If the fever is unexplained and persists, be alert to the possibility of cancer and test for it as soon as possible.

5. Inexplicable wasting and fatigue

If there is no active weight loss refining, there is no deliberate diet, weight loss or progressive wasting for unknown reasons, or accompanied by anorexia, fatigue, fatigue, etc., to find out the cause, wasting and fatigue may also be one of the manifestations of cancer.

6. Bleeding without trauma

Non-traumatic abnormal bleeding, such as:

· Blood in the stool or hematemesis, pay attention to exclude bowel cancer, stomach cancer may be;

· Coughing up blood and blood in sputum should be vigilant against lung cancer;

· Irregular vaginal bleeding or non-menstrual bleeding, which may be related to gynecological tumors such as endometrial cancer and ovarian cancer;

· Painless hematuria or with dysuria, with caution of urinary tumors;

· Non-traumatic nosebleeds are carefully excluded to rule out nasopharyngeal carcinoma.

7. Digestive abnormalities persist

If indigestion persists, or is accompanied by acid reflux heartburn, epigastric pain and discomfort, be alert to the possibility of stomach cancer or esophageal cancer.

8. Feeling of obstruction in swallowing food

If there is a feeling of poststernal swelling or burning behind the sternum when eating, pain behind the sternum, or a feeling of foreign body in the esophagus, especially a progressively aggravated feeling of obstruction of swallowing food, be alert to the possibility of esophageal cancer, laryngeal cancer, etc.

9. Hoarseness persists and is difficult to recover

If hoarseness is difficult to recover and lasts for a long time, be alert to the possibility of laryngeal cancer, lung cancer, etc. invading or compressing the recurrent laryngeal nerve.

10. Habitual changes in stool

Changes in stool habits, frequency or traits (such as thinning of stool, stool with pus, blood, mucus, etc.), or alternating constipation and diarrhea, to be wary of colorectal cancer, should be examined in the hospital as soon as possible.

11. Leukoplakia enlarges and burns

Leukoplakia of the oral mucosa, female vulva or male penis glans rapidly enlarge with burning sensation, and care should be taken to exclude cancerous changes.

12. The black mole increases discoloration

Melanoma may be suspected if the mole suddenly enlarges, or the edges become irregular, or the color changes, or there is ulceration and bleeding, or the itching pain, or the original hair on the mole is shed.

13. Fractures are very easy

There is no obvious external force or only a slight external force, fractures that occur easily, may be pathological fractures, and bone malignancies should be vigilant.

Adolescents who experience pain and swelling in non-traumatic joints should pay attention to the investigation of leukemia.

14. The ulcer wound does not heal for a long time

If skin wounds or ulcers persist, be alert to the possibility of skin cancer.

Mouth ulcers are common, but if they persist for a long time and do not heal, oral cancer should be alerted.

15. Abnormal changes in male breasts

Although male breast cancer is rare, if the male breast grows abnormally or other abnormal changes, be alert to the possibility of male breast cancer and see a breast specialist as soon as possible.

People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!

It should be noted that the above manifestations are not specific, can not simply be seated in the number, but just remind you to pay attention to, should go to the hospital for further examination to confirm the diagnosis.

It should also be noted that early and even late stages of cancer can have no symptoms, so it is recommended that people of the right age or some people at high risk of tumors take the initiative to screen.

20 typical manifestations of 20 cancers

Be highly valued!

【Brain tumor】

Headache, ejection vomiting, and visual loss of optic disc edema are the "triple signs" of increased intracranial pressure in brain tumors.

【Oral Cancer】

Mouth ulcers that cannot be cured for a long time should be particularly vigilant against oral cancer.

【Nasopharyngeal carcinoma】

Aspirational nasal blood.

【Lung Cancer】

Paroxysmal irritating dry cough, bloody sputum.


Myasthenia gravis.

【Esophageal cancer】

Progressive dysphagia.

【Stomach Cancer】

Progressively worsening epigastric pain, vomiting, hematemesis, or melena.

【Colorectal cancer】

Symptoms of intestinal irritation and changes in bowel habits (frequent stools, diarrhea, or constipation, sometimes alternating constipation with diarrhea, tenesmus often have stool intentions, bloating), blood in the stool.

【Pancreatic cancer】

Back pain, abdominal pain, jaundice, weight loss.

【Liver cancer, gallbladder cancer, cholangiocarcinoma】

Pain in the right upper quadrant, mass in the right upper quadrant, jaundice.

【Breast Cancer】

Painless and progressively growing masses in the breast, nipple changes, enlarged lymph nodes under the armpits.

【Cervical cancer, uterine cancer】

Contact vaginal bleeding or irregular vaginal bleeding, especially after menopause.

【Ovarian cancer】

Bloating, lower abdominal mass, ascites.

【Kidney Cancer】

Hematuria, low back pain, abdominal mass: renal cancer "triad".

【Bladder cancer】

Painless gross hematuria.

【Prostate Cancer】

Frequent urination, urgency, incomplete urination, continuous, laborious, etc.

【Testicular cancer】

Painless mass of gradual enlargement of the testicles.


Painless lymph node enlargement, analgesia (localized pain after drinking alcohol), night sweats, fever, weight loss, itchy skin.

【Bone tumor】

Unexplained bone pain, pathological fractures without trauma.


Abnormal changes occur in pigmented nevi.

People's Daily: The most comprehensive anti-cancer manual, worth collecting!

The above are typical symptoms of some common cancers. However, it should be noted that the symptoms are only a reference, just a reminder to go to the hospital for further examination, rather than just based on the symptoms and performance of the symptoms to think that there is some kind of cancer, which is unreliable and will increase unnecessary annoyance and anxiety.

However, if the above more typical manifestations are not taken seriously, the opportunity for diagnosis and treatment may be missed.

Source: Sina Weibo, @People's Daily, Lingzhi Science Popularization

Review: Huang Zhijun

Editor: Wu Yuting