
The six questions of marketing experts have made 90% of enterprises think deeply

author:Shenzhen straight line management consulting

Marketing is closely related to the development of enterprises, and many companies are aware of the role of marketing, but more research data shows that 90% of corporate marketing is based on the whims of the boss, or the planning department behind closed doors. There are many companies that spend a lot of money on marketing, but the effect is not good, here we need to think about the six questions raised by marketing experts!

The six questions of marketing experts have made 90% of enterprises think deeply

1. What is the basis of your marketing plan?

In many customer cases that line management has contacted, we have found that many companies' marketing is to follow the trend, or the boss's decision to pat his head, resulting in many strategies can not be landed. The real marketing plan should originate from the marketing strategy based on the comprehensive cognition of market analysis, enterprise analysis, competitors and target groups. Based on objective and accurate data analysis, we can generate insight and accurately know the current market position of the enterprise and the market direction it will reach.

2. What is the biggest advantage of your business or product?

With a comprehensive grasp of the market and competitors, with a macro understanding of the enterprise, for all enterprises that pursue marketing effectiveness, the second problem should be to truly find the core advantages of the enterprise or product, and enlarge this core advantage to the extent of being widely recognized.

3. Where are the real needs of your customers?

Yes, we must ask, where is the real need of our customers? How can I tell that that's the real need of my business's target demographic? The customer's desire to buy must be that the company's products have impressed the customer in some aspects, making it a psychological feeling worthwhile. First of all, different products in different industries, the psychological needs of customers are inconsistent, and the sensitive points of purchase are also different. But one thing is the same: communicate with customers sincerely, listen to their suggestions, and find your real selling point. Maslow's theory of the needs of human nature is a very good insight into human nature, which is worth reading and thinking about by every marketing person who pursues it.

4. Can you meet customer needs or even do better?

Found the needs of customers, but in fact, most customers can not accurately describe their needs, as Ford founder Henry Ford once said, "If you ask people what they want, they will tell you want a faster carriage." "Customers often do not know what they want, a lot of vague descriptions, need to be able to really insight into customer needs, through the surface of communication, to find the key factors of demand." For enterprises, after identifying the real needs of customers, to transform the service system of enterprises, to seek changes in enterprise products, so that target customers can obtain more value, is to enhance the competitiveness of enterprises, and break through the fundamentals of homogeneous markets.

The six questions of marketing experts have made 90% of enterprises think deeply

5. Have you established a complete marketing system to make it more convenient for your customers to know and buy you?

In our view, with a comprehensive grasp of the industry, enterprises, products, and consumer groups, with good products and good services, and a considerable number of consumer groups, for marketers, it means that there is a good marketing foundation, but does it mean that the enterprise and brand must be successful? Not really. Establishing a complete marketing system and providing a more humanized purchase experience is also the key to the success or failure of marketing. Many enterprises have problems in the construction of the marketing system, straight line management consulting launched the "CEO marketing special training camp" in which the top-level design around the company's next 3-5 years of strategic goals for marketing top-level design, to solve the marketing ideas, marketing strategies, business models and other issues and reach an agreement; architecture design to help enterprises design marketing architecture, and put forward suggestions for improvement of the enterprise structure, to ensure that the results of the top-level design of marketing can be effectively implemented, hoping to help enterprises, less detours, win the market. In today's product era, the buying experience will no longer be independent, but part of the competitiveness of the product, which is even more obvious for industries that do not have significant product competitiveness or are very homogeneous. The humanized marketing experience is not only manifested in whether your marketing strategy is exquisite, but also in the fact that the enterprise marketer returns to the source, comes up with sincerity, and starts from the customer's point of view.

6. Can you consistently and effectively achieve the above 5 points?

Today, the marketing revolution is no longer the slow change of the past, in this era, we have seen countless new brands launched rapidly, and countless new brands have quickly become tomorrow's flowers. This is a big marketing era, and it is necessary to no longer be innovative, but to truly show brand sincerity and create value for the target consumer group.


While Motorola was still intoxicated with the V8088, Nokia was catching up. While Nokia was still focusing on the low-end console market, Jobs's Apple had already sneaked in. When China Mobile was complacent about high profits, WeChat users had exceeded 400 million. When China's banking industry made money and made a soft hand, Ali launched a virtual credit card. When many people still want to rent a façade to do business, the double 11 online transaction is far more than 100 billion. You can refuse to learn, but your competitors will never! --Jack. Welch

The six questions of marketing experts have made 90% of enterprises think deeply
The six questions of marketing experts have made 90% of enterprises think deeply