
The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

Original | Pregnancy

This year's foreign netizens really have no heart!

Two days ago, the British music diva "Sister Stone" Jessie J angrily angered netizens' comments on social platforms!

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

Half a year ago, the baby that Sister Stone had painstakingly conceived unfortunately miscarried, the pain had not yet subsided, and now the unsympathetic netizens actually began to humiliate her figure and asked her: Is it pregnant!

Sister Stone angrily said to netizens: Don't comment on other people's weight anymore, everyone, in the past six months, I weighed 10 pounds (about 9 pounds), I feel very good, as long as I feel good and healthy, I don't care at all. ”

What makes Sister Stone angry is that the netizens' wanton evaluation is not only a humiliation, but also directly and cruelly tears open her bloody wounds!

In the singing world, Sister Jieshi is a well-known international diva, and she is always enthusiastic and dazzling on the stage.

But in real life, she is very distressed a lot of times, from childhood to adulthood, the stone sister has been plagued by illness, not only the most beloved career is bumpy, even the expectation of becoming a mother has not been fulfilled.

All along, Sister Stone has longed to become a mother, but heaven has always made her unable to do so, allowing her to experience two huge blows.

The first time was in 2014, when Sister Stone was diagnosed with endometriosis, where endometrial tissue that was supposed to grow inside the uterus grew outside the uterus.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

This can lead not only to severe pain, but also to infertility.

At that time, the doctor only gave the stone sister two choices: either to hold back the pain, or not to do hysterectomy.

Sister Stone's answer was: I will be fine, I will definitely have children!

The desire to be a mother overcame all odds, and after years of battling endometriosis, she finally managed to conceive in 2021.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

This hard-won baby is all her expectation, and to be a mother is like experiencing a miracle in her own hands, and her heart is full of ecstasy and happiness.

Even when morning sickness came, she was thrilled because she never thought she would have the opportunity to experience all this pregnancy.

"I was pregnant and I really did, I didn't expect it to be so easy because the doctor told me that I would not be able to have children due to endometriosis and I really appreciated it, it was an experience of a lifetime for me.

People say I'll never get pregnant... So for me, to be able to experience morning sickness and all of this, just to be able to go through this, I was already going to cry with joy. ”

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

From her words, you can feel her ecstasy and happiness.

But this happiness did not last long, and a month later, she went to the obstetric examination, and the doctor told her: I can't find the baby's heartbeat!

This news gave her a heavy blow: I was completely broken, I was looking forward to the arrival of the little life with all my love, and the happiness that was once heavenly had become the pain of the child's departure!

"It felt like my whole world was numb, and I remember walking down the street and falling straight to my knees, crying out in pain."

The day before the obstetric examination, Sister Stone also laughed with her friends and said that she didn't know how to control the joy of sharing pregnancy during the performance, but before she could perform, an accident happened: losing a child is one of the worst feelings in the world!

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

Miraculously having a child, having and losing, such a double blow is too cruel for the stone sister who is extremely eager to become a mother.

But Sister Stone's love for her children has not receded, and in a recent interview, Sister Stone mentioned: I still want to be a mother, I like small babies, I like children, I like everything related to it.

I sincerely hope that Sister Stone and all the girls who are looking forward to the baby can usher in their own little angels as soon as possible, and I also hope that netizens will think twice when they say slanderous words!

"Because of endometriosis, six years of infertility, experienced the warmth and coldness of human feelings!"

Endometriosis experienced by sister stones has made it very difficult for many mothers to walk on the road of pregnancy.

American female singer Halsey, because of endometriosis suffered 3 miscarriages, underwent four surgeries related to endometriosis, and her body was tormented by chronic pain for many years.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

Fortunately, last year, she finally got her baby as she wished.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

I know that there is a mother, because of endometriosis, 6 years of infertility, during which she experienced the cold and warm of human feelings, and she was miserable.

After 2 years of marriage, there was no contraception, no pregnancy, and the elderly in the family prepared various home remedies, Chinese medicines and supplements for her.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

3 years without pregnancy, went to the hospital to check out endometriosis, the doctor said that it is more serious, may not be able to conceive a child, the pressure of the family and their own pressure, so that she is overwhelmed.

After finding out the problem, she and her husband have been running for the disease, and finally considered going abroad to do test tubes.

One mum also shared her experience on Twitter after experiencing 16 miscarriages and stillbirths of twins because of endometriosis.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

After all these things, she finally had a successful pregnancy, but because of many losses, she did not dare to share it with her family until 7 months of pregnancy.

She tried to hide her growing belly because she was afraid of another miscarriage, of having to go through the pain in front of everyone again.

This kind of begging and not being able to get, getting and afraid of losing the mood, only the mother who has experienced it understands!

What is endometriosis?

To understand endometriosis, you have to start with the endometrium.

The endometrium originally resides in the uterine cavity and is involved in a series of physiological processes as hormones fluctuate.

Endometriosis is when the endometrium that originally lived in the uterus appeared in a part of the body outside the uterine cavity, and the endometrium settled elsewhere.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

The most common places for the endometrium are: the ovaries, fallopian tubes, pelvic peritoneum, the rectal fossa, the bladder and other places.

The endometrium that runs away, as in the uterus, thickens, breaks down, and bleeds during each menstrual cycle, but because these tissues cannot leave the body, it is trapped, which can cause a series of problems.

What are the symptoms of endometriosis?

Endometriosis can cause pain, especially during menstruation, which can be severe and can also cause fertility problems.

Common symptoms include:

(1) Severe dysmenorrhea. The intima that runs away is also the intima, which is difficult to move by nature, and every time the great aunt comes, the uterus is bleeding, and the endometrial lesions that run to the ovaries and pelvic abdominal cavity will also bleed, which may cause severe dysmenorrhea.

(2) Painful sexual intercourse and urination. The exodus endometrial tissue destroys not only the microenvironment of the pelvic abdominal cavity, but also the pelvic floor nerves, which can lead to painful intercourse, a feeling that is particularly strong around menstruation.

(3) Fatigue, constipation, etc. Endometriosis may cause fatigue, diarrhea, constipation, bloating or nausea, especially during menstruation.

(4) Infertility. The rate of infertility in women with endometriosis is as high as 40%.

Pregnant mothers should remind all girls: If every time you come to the great aunt, the pain is more serious than once, or if you are pregnant for more than a year and have not moved, it is recommended to go to the hospital in time to do a good examination to eliminate the risk!

What causes endometriosis?

At present, the specific causes of endometriosis are not very clear, and possible causes include the following:

(1) Retrograde menstruation. Menstrual blood reflux is one of the widely recognized causes, that is, menstrual blood reflux to the pelvic abdominal cavity during menstruation, and the active intimal tissue in the menstrual blood continues to be planted and grown.

(2) Transformation of peritoneal cells. Hormones or immune factors promote the transformation of peritoneal cells (cells located on the inner side of the abdomen) into endometrio-like cells.

(3) Scars from implant surgery. After surgery, such as hysterectomy or caesarean section, endometrial cells can attach to the surgical incision.

(4) Endometrial cell transport. The vascular or tissue fluid (lymphatic) system can transport endometrial cells to other parts of the body.

(5) Immune system disorders. Problems with the immune system can prevent the body from recognizing and destroying endometrioid tissue that grows outside the uterus.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

There are also a number of factors that increase the risk of developing endometriosis:

●No fertility

●Early menarche

● Short menstrual cycle (less than 27 days)

● Menstruation is large and lasts more than seven days

●Higher levels of estrogen or long-term exposure to estrogen

●Low weight index

●Genetic factors

●Any disease that prevents the normal flow of menstruation out of the body

●Reproductive system abnormalities

Of course, having a risk doesn't necessarily mean it will appear, but the chance of it happening will be slightly greater!

The most common complication of endometriosis is infertility!

How does endometriosis cause infertility?

To become pregnant, the egg must be released from the ovary, pass through adjacent fallopian tubes, fertilize with sperm, and then attach to the wall of the uterus to begin to develop, while endometriosis can block the fallopian tubes, making it impossible for the egg and sperm to combine.

There are also a number of reasons that can also lead to infertility:

(1) Overgrowth of tissue around the ovaries can prevent the egg from entering the fallopian tubes.

(2) The overgrowth of the endometrium of the ovaries will prevent the occurrence of ovulation.

(3) Women with endometriosis have low levels of chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), which is a vital hormone for maintaining pregnancy.

What are the chances that a woman with endometriosis will conceive naturally?

According to research published in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, it is estimated that 30 to 50 percent of women with endometriosis experience infertility.

Women with mild and moderate endometriosis can become pregnant and full-term, and doctors recommend: people with endometriosis should not postpone childbearing, as the condition may worsen over time.

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now

If endometriosis causes infertility, how should it be treated?

Treatment of infertility in women with endometriosis usually involves removing tissue that prevents conception, using traditional assisted reproductive techniques, or both.

Common treatment options include:

●Laparoscopic surgery. Excision or destruction of all visible endometriosis lesions, but preserves the uterus, one or both ovaries, and at least part of the ovarian tissue.

Women who have been treated through surgery should start trying to conceive as soon as possible, or use drugs to avoid the recurrence of endopathy and cause infertility.

●In vitro fertilization (IVF). Assisted reproductive technology is also an important measure for patients with endometriosis to obtain pregnancy.

●Intrauterine implantation (IUI) and fertility drugs. This is an option for women with mild to moderate endometriosis.

As for the success rate of treatment, it depends largely on the degree of disease progression, and patients with mild to moderate endometriosis are more likely to achieve postoperative success.

Finally, if there is endometriosis, it is best to have a holistic assessment with your partner before pregnancy.

It's also important to remember: not every woman with endometriosis will have difficulty getting pregnant.

Endometriosis generally does not affect pregnancy if a pregnancy is successful, and in fact, hormonal changes caused by pregnancy can often reduce symptoms and disease progression, albeit temporarily.

I hope that every girl who is trying to get pregnant can get her wish!

Reference articles and image sources

"British Newspaper Sister - so miserable! British diva Jessie J was infertile due to illness, and after pregnancy, she was unable to have a miscarriage, and was humiliated by netizens...

The super diva eventually became pregnant, but miscarried after 1 month: how happy it was at the beginning, how painful it is now