
April 3, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Broadcast, Good Luck Old Yellow Calendar

Daily Motto: The enemy of learning is their own satisfaction.

April 3, 2022 Zodiac Horoscope Broadcast, Good Luck Old Yellow Calendar

Gregorian calendar: Sunday, April 3, 2022

Lunar calendar: Lunar calendar 2022 March (big) the third day of the first month

Qingming (April 5) Gu Yu (April 20)

Stem branch: 壬寅 癸卯 丙戌 戊子

Gold Book Gold Book Gold House on the earth Thunderbolt fire

Genus: Tiger

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Lucky Zodiac Sign: Pika Rabbit Monkey

Unfavorable Zodiac Sign: Dog Day Chong Long (Gengchen)

| this day, the dog and the dragon clash, and the earth branch is the Tatsu dragon, according to the old yellow calendar, it is not very beneficial for the people who belong to the dragon, and it is not appropriate to do major things. Today is not very favorable to those who belong to the Dragon (Gengchen). The gods are in the north, so be careful when you move north.

Increase the luck of the suggestion: today with cattle and sheep to torture, with the dragon, with the chicken harm, with the tiger, the horse three, with the rabbit six.

Luck advice: Zodiac dogs are best friends with rats and snakes, but they can help themselves at work, and most importantly, they can fund themselves in terms of financial luck.

On that day, Dali belonged to pigs, tigers, horses, and rabbits.

Unfavorable dragons, chickens Do not use Pepsi.

Shipping color: black, green, red daji.

Suitable: marriage certificate sacrifice bathing marriage sweeping house decorating the wall

Taboo: Burial

Lunar Festival: Shangwei Festival, Green Festival

Peng Zubai taboo: If you do not repair the stove, you will see the disaster and do not eat dogs to go to bed

Don't repair the stove and the like, it is easy to cause disasters. Don't eat dog meat, otherwise the dog will go to bed.

Chong: Chong Long (庚辰) 寛北

Stars: Bi Yue Wu

Julius Day: 2459678.5

Zodiac: Heavenly Prison (Sopranos Day)

Ji Shen: Minri Kyo an Remove The God Yudo Naruto

Fierce God: God of Death, Heavenly Thief, Five Departures

Yang Guishen: Zhengxi

Yin Gui God: Northwest

Fortuna: True West

Hi God: Southwest

Blessed God: Northwest

Fetal God: Kitchen stove perched outside the northwest

Monthly Order: 癸卯

Month name: Season Spring

Phenology: Initiation of electricity

Moon Phase: Crescent Moon

Koda: Goushi Kota

Water Control: Eight Dragons Control Water

Gold: Seven days to get gold

Split: Two people split the cake

Liu Yao: Daan

Sooner or later, during the day, the fierce "friend leads" the funeral should not be fruitless, and the funeral that cannot be done on this day will take the friends away together.

The Twelve Gods: Dangerously in place

Everything is fierce on this day. This is caused by a misunderstanding of the word "danger", which means "high", and high is dangerous, so there is a saying of "danger". However, "high" is the day of the zodiac, so it is the day of the zodiac. ...

Twenty-Eight Stars: Southern Star Sun Horse - Fierce Duty Sun Star

The stars are good to build new houses, enter the official and close to the emperor, can not be buried and released water, the fierce star is in the place of the woman's death, life and death have no heart, to return to hugh and marry the groom, Confucius Nine Curves special difficulty, release water to open the door of the destiny of the wounded.

River Tuluo Book Nine Stars: Eight Whites - Taiyin Star (Earth) - Ji Shen

Sitting on the yin star, all kinds of calamities do not invade each other, seek to learn the achievements, and know that there is a search. Congenital dry northwest Houtiangen northeast

On the way back from the wind, I am afraid that there will be a disaster, and I will remember it in the secret language, and I will not act lightly. It is called Fortune Star

Mother Earth Sutra: Poetry: Too old to be a year, high and low are abundant. Spring and summer are sweet, and autumn and winter are everywhere. Silkworm mulberry ripe Wudi, Gumai Yi Jiangdong. Mulberry leaves are not expensive, but silk is half abundant. Looking at the three autumns, the grains of rice are heavy. Although the people were happy, the six animals were slaughtered.

Bu Yue: The head of the tiger is worth the age, and it is in the field seedlings. The mulberry leaves are expensive, and the silkworm lady is free from sorrow. The rice is more fruitful, and the cultivator does not have to worry.

Peng Zi 4, He Ugly 5, Geng Yin 6, Xin Ji 7,


Propylene 3, Ding You 4, Peng Shu 5, Hehai 6.

On the day of yin, 卯時, Shen shi, hai shi auspicious.

Unfavorable ugly hours, hours, noon hours, and untimely times.

The rest of the time.

Note: After the winter solstice, all go straight into Shunfei, the above numbers are purple and white, all are shunbu nine palaces, such as 1 white into the middle, and then 2 black to dry and so on.

Today's Gua Xiang: Gong Gua

Xiang Yue: The treasurer often beats his heart to go, but it is a pity that it is difficult to get his hands on the spot, and when he is not satisfied, he is patient, and he opens his mouth when he is idle. This gua is superimposed with the gua (下艮上艮). Gen is a mountain, the two mountains are heavy, and the metaphor is static. It is the opposite of the tremor. After the climax, there must be a low tide, entering the relatively static stage of things. Still as a mountain, stop when it is appropriate, and act when it is appropriate. Stop and go, both moving and static, should not lose the opportunity, should be just right, move and move appropriately, and stop at the right time.

Career: After a period of development, adjustments should be made, actions should be temporarily suspended, and lessons learned should be summarized. Do not be presumptuous because of greed for fame and fortune. Self-restraint, self-restraint, prudence in words and deeds, and do not blindly pursue others. After resting, when the right time comes, show your skills again.

Business: Enter a state of stagnation, do not blindly venture forward, but should stop at the right time, enter a quiet retreat, do not be disturbed by the outside world, especially should maintain inner and intellectual tranquility, and do not easily cooperate with others. Wait for the right moment, there will be a bright future.

Seeking Fame: We should maintain a pure purpose and keep the right path. Don't be tempted by merit, be loyal and loyal, and you can succeed.

Going out: It is better to be cautious and choose another good day.

Marriage: heavy feelings, treat each other with sincerity, but whitehead to old age.

Decision-making: calm, introverted, not like activities, not good at communication, loyal and honest, faithful. Pay attention to listening to the advice of others and protect yourself. Opportunities are not available, it is not appropriate to actively engage, stop at the end, do not hold unrealistic ideas.

Daily Proverbs: In order to illuminate the night sky, the stars stand high in the sky.