
The 2022 Lake Race countdown starts in 100 days with a total distance of 1367 km in 8 stages

On April 1st, the 2022 21st Qinghai Lake International Road Cycling Race Countdown 100-day Launching Ceremony was held in Golmud Olympic Square.

The 2022 Lake Race countdown starts in 100 days with a total distance of 1367 km in 8 stages

According to the website of the International Cycling Union, 11 events in China in 2022 have been registered with the International Self-League, and the Lake Race is registered on the website of the International Self-League as the International Self-League Professional Series level, according to this level, the Lake Race belongs to the international A-class event in the mainland sports event level system.

According to the organizing committee, the 21st Lake Race will be held in Qinghai Province from July 10 to July 17, 2022. The opening ceremony was held in Xining City on July 9 and the closing ceremony in Golmud City on July 17. There are 8 stages in the whole course, passing through Xining City, Haidong City, Haibei Prefecture, Hainan Prefecture and Haixi Prefecture, with a total distance of about 1367 kilometers. This year will be the first time in the 20 years since the Lake Race was held to extend the route to Golmud, known as the Pearl of the Hanhai Sea. It is reported that this year's lake race route will fully display the natural landforms of plateau characteristics on the basis of maintaining the high difficulty and high altitude characteristics of the event, more integrated into the diversified humanistic customs, reflect the layout of the province's economic and industrial development, and run the theme of "green, humanistic, harmonious and experience" through the whole process of event organization and dissemination, and organize a wonderful bicycle sports event.

The 2022 Lake Race countdown starts in 100 days with a total distance of 1367 km in 8 stages

Executive Deputy Director of the Organizing Committee of the Lake Race, Director of the Office of the Organizing Committee, Secretary of the Party Group and Director of the Qinghai Provincial Sports Bureau, Introduction: Over the past 21 years, under the strong leadership of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government and the care and support of all sectors of society, the Lake Race has added vitality to reform, sought breakthroughs through innovation, and vividly interpreted the profound connotation of the new development concept through the theme of "green, humanistic, harmonious and experience" and the concept of "green, sharing, openness and integrity", and constantly burst out a strong pulse of high-quality development. It has become a high-quality platform for publicizing the beautiful scenery of Qinghai, developing humanistic tourism resources, and expanding high-level opening up.

In order to extend the event publicity cycle and release the functional value and brand effect of the event. The event will be launched online + offline at the same time, including offline launching ceremony, online prize activities, etc., to further strengthen the brand leadership and innovative brand development of the Lake Race, and expand the brand potential.