
Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on April 3, 2022

Horoscope analysis of the stem branch on April 3, 2022

Zhen Qian/Wen (Original)

Time combination of April 3, 2022: The day of the year of non-yin

On this day, there are good things to communicate with the elders, but there are also urgent things, and it is easy to be impulsive or careless, but there are also nobles.

Sometimes, as long as a place is slightly changed in a certain house or space environment, the environment of this house or this space becomes comfortable or smooth, and this effect can be very good. However, some houses or some spatial environments have to change a lot of places, and they may not be able to achieve the best results. Why? On the surface, it is generally believed that the more places to adjust, the easier it is to have an effect, or the more certain it is, or the more opportunity it is. In fact, this is not the case, why is it not so? This is clear from the perspective of returning to the main contradiction and secondary contradiction of the thing itself. It is well known that the development of things is always determined by the principal contradiction, and therefore philosophy often says that the principal contradiction should be grasped, and this is also the meaning. Why do some houses change slightly or change or only change one place, such as changing a gatehouse and then getting up and running smoothly? Mainly grasping the main contradiction, manifested in the space, in fact, is to find the most insufficient or the most critical place and node in the house or this space environment, and then, we adjust it, the role of the entire house or space environment is different, so it will produce such an effect. On the contrary, sometimes, the main place can not be changed, or there is no way to change, we can only change in some secondary places, in fact, the effect of this effect is much worse, because this main place has not been changed, the main place has not played a role, its effect must be a lot different. This is also why it is said that the jack gate tower four or two houses, but it should be noted that not all the time is the jack gate tower four or two houses, there is a prerequisite here is that this gate tower plays the most important role in the environment of this house and space, at this time, this sentence is true. On the contrary, when the gatehouse is not actually important in this house or in this spatial environment, then this sentence cannot be established, it is impossible to say when this gatehouse is more important than the house, no, it cannot always be like this. Only when this gatehouse plays a decisive role in the corresponding house or space environment, it is the real jack gatehouse four or two houses. This is also why I always emphasize with many people that the real house layout and decoration are not simply what gourds are placed here, what mirrors are placed here, etc., these are secondary, you must start from the six things, focus, that is, such as the doors, stoves, rooms, beds, toilets, balconies, etc. of modern residences, one or two of these often must play a more important or critical role, and must be understood and figured out first. By extension, for example, when we analyze a combination of birth time, isn't it also like this, sometimes not all things have to be ignored one by one, but the most important point is that you must first understand the specific combination of such a birth time, which point is the most important, it has the force to move the whole body, mainly at this point, analysis, deliberation, then, the birth time combination contains or reflects a lot of things can be reasoned out, accurate reasoning. And not always thinking about trivial, insignificant things. Moreover, once you grasp this key point, the time point and time change presented by this key point can often be grasped very accurately, and there is actually infinite fun in this aspect.

Judging from the time combination of this day, it is the C fire yen, and the fire of this spring is of course wang, because spring is for the muwang fire phase, and this fire phase also means wang, which can be understood as the power of the second wang. In fact, in my understanding, the fire in these five elements is not exactly the same as the fire in real life, and the fire in life is the kind of visible fire we are talking about, such as the fire that burns wood, the fire that is lit, and the fire that is like the fire of the fire machine. In these five elements, my understanding is that the definition of this fire will be broader, not only including the tangible fire in this life, but also the invisible fire. It is the temperature, everything relative to cold and warm can be used as fire, not necessarily burning wood to make a fire, as long as it is warm, hot, very hot, high temperature above the cold, these are also the embodiment of fire, one is tangible, one is invisible, it is this tangible and invisible two sides that really constitute this fire. For example, the fire phase of this spring is relative to the winter, and its temperature begins to rise slowly, right? Compared to the cold of winter, it is warm. Therefore, when we understand the qualitative characteristics of these five elements, we must have divergent thinking, and we must look at it from a broad perspective, and not take it too narrowly. My experience is that to understand things and learn knowledge, we must have a broad sense of thinking and vision, and when using things and giving play to the role of things, we must have a narrow sense of touch and habits. The fire on this day is prosperous, because there is a fire in the wood of the year, and the 戌 is still a library, and this ju appears quite timely, why is it said that it is timely? Mainly after the Yin 卯木 is born of the C fire, this fire is very strong, at this time it is necessary to balance it, restrain it, just this is the library, so the power of a part of the fire converges, it has such a role. Therefore, although there are many things in this day, or things will be urgent, this degree can still be grasped, and even the development of some things is still more measured or just right, or just right, such as the timing is just right, such as things are just right, and so on. So this library has such a good role, in fact, it is a regulatory role, this is like the twelve meridians and the qijing eight veins, if the twelve meridians are rivers, this qijing eight veins are like lakes, when the water of the river is too much, this can be stored through some lakes. When the water of this river is insufficient, the water of this lake can flow into the river, which is such a mutual regulation effect. Absolutely. At least, it will not cause waste, nor will it let the development of things fall into passivity, which is the big role of the library, and it is easier for ordinary people to ignore this. At the same time, this day in the wood fire at the same time, this year and month water is prosperous, naturally has a regulatory effect, such as the moon on the official star has the role of conditioning, that is, to restrain the C fire, plus the wood is the noble person of decoction water, the surface water is also weak, but the decanter water, nongshui to the noble people are powerful, is to borrow the strength of the noble for their own strength, from this point of view, this day is very conducive to the communication with the elders, family, boss, everyone in communication, coordination of some things when the chance of success seems to be great, Or everyone can agree. Coupled with the dignitaries and nobles, it can also be seen that there are good things in this day, or good things in the family, or good things in the people around them, and so on. In this day, it is sometimes easy to be impatient or easy to be careless, sloppy, and proper attention to these aspects can be done.

People born on the day of the Cymbal are a very careful person on the inside, sometimes careless on the surface, and have a good personality and are inclusive in the heart. There are good things for people who are born with pigs, rats, monkeys, and chickens, and those with 4 or 8 or 9 at the end of the birth year number have a good harvest, and the favorable time period is between 9 and 11 o'clock in the morning.

Lucky star, drive attention.

The above is my personal analysis, please refer to it.

The most difficult part of a person's essay today is sometimes to only see their own strengths, or only to see their own shortcomings, if both see and clear at the same time, the troubles will be much less.

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