
Documentary: A dog that suddenly broke its chains stirred up a relationship with her cousin

Text: Low-key happiness

Figure: From the network

A few days ago, I saw that there was a fire rescue wife in Nanjing who touched the whole network of "China's good husband" Chen Chaosheng, seven days after his death, his wife Wang Xueyu also unfortunately died on March 29, his condition suddenly deteriorated, the rescue was ineffective and unfortunately passed away, this is a touching story, but there is a most heartbreaking ending, making people tearful, although the story is sad, but full of strength. Someone commented: their story overturned my concept of love.

Documentary: A dog that suddenly broke its chains stirred up a relationship with her cousin

The story of Chen Chaosheng reminds me of the experience of my aunt's family. Grandpa and Grandma had a total of seven children, of which the eldest was the eldest. When she was twenty years old, my aunt married into a neighboring village.

My uncle is a well-known carpenter in a few nearby villages, and my family still has a piece of my uncle's work, a large wardrobe, which has been nearly thirty years and is still the same. The furniture bought from the furniture store in the same period either fell off the door leaf or the paint peeled off, and it was no longer available.

Because of his uncle's excellent craftsmanship, the aunt's family can be regarded as a well-off family of that era. However, the weather was unpredictable, and my uncle had an unfortunate car accident when he went out to purchase wood, and although he saved his life after rescue, he also became disabled, and he could only spend the second half of his life in a wheelchair.

At that time, my aunt was just thirty years old, and my cousin was only six years old. The top beams and pillars of the family collapsed, and the burden of life suddenly fell on the body of the aunt, who was busy with the work in the field during the day, and at night, under the dim oil lamp, made some straw weaving to sell money to supplement the family.

The excessive labor made the aunt more and more haggard, and the uncle could not bear to let the aunt accompany him to suffer and said to her: "CuiPing (the name of the aunt), the second half of my life is like this, how can I get food myself, I don't want to drag you down anymore, let's divorce you find a healthy person to live a good life, follow my hard days can not see the head." ”

Documentary: A dog that suddenly broke its chains stirred up a relationship with her cousin

The always weak aunt lost her temper with her uncle: "What are you talking nonsense, husband and wife are going to help each other, what is called a hard day, whose life is not bitter, having you in our family is complete and happy, and you are not allowed to have these messy thoughts in the future." ”

With the encouragement and support of his aunt, the somewhat decadent uncle regained his strength, and although he could no longer do carpentry work, he quickly mastered the technique of shoe repair with his own dexterous hands. Although the life of the aunt's family cannot be the same as in previous years, it is still a happy family.

Her cousin graduated from high school at the age of eighteen, and she did not enter the university, so she went to the provincial city with a group of little sisters in the village to work. In the process of working, he fell in love with a young man from Zhongshan, Anhui, who picked her up and took her to the night shift every day, prepared breakfast for her in the morning, and was very protective of her, and the two soon went to the point of talking about marriage.

Documentary: A dog that suddenly broke its chains stirred up a relationship with her cousin

My cousin once talked to my aunt about the boy's home in northern Anhui, and family life was more difficult. "As long as the two of you have a temper and can live a good life, the quality of family conditions does not matter, for so many years, your father has been sick, our family's life is not rich, but I think it is very happy." 」 The aunt said to her.

After passing the level of the eldest aunt, the cousin took the boy back to his hometown and prepared to recognize his relatives. One morning, my cousin and the boy came to my house to visit my grandmother, and the big dog in the yard saw the living people, and screamed desperately, and I hurried out to meet them, while scolding the dogs that jumped up and down, and unexpectedly, the big dog suddenly broke the chain and pounced on them.

Thanks to the speed of my hand, I stepped on the remaining chain with one foot and quickly subdued it. What was even more unexpected was that the boy saw this scene, actually used his cousin as a shield, pulled her clothes to block her in front of him, and almost fell down his cousin due to excessive force.

Seeing that I subdued the dog, he laughed and said, "I have been afraid of dogs since I was a child, and when I saw it suddenly rush up, I was scared to death." This inadvertent little episode disappointed her cousin, and soon after, she broke up with the boy, in her words: "He can't even stop a dog man, what can I expect from him in the future?" ”

Let my dog spoil my cousin's love affair, I felt very unhappy at the time, but also felt that my cousin was a bit nitpicky, and now seeing the encounter between Chen Chaosheng and his aunt and uncle, I suddenly realized that my cousin's choice was right.

Documentary: A dog that suddenly broke its chains stirred up a relationship with her cousin

True love must be projected in deeds. At a critical juncture, a man who only cares about his own safety must not be indifferent to love. Because his love is selfish, and selfish people don't know how to give. Smart women, try to stay away from such people, otherwise, the one who will be hurt will only be yourself in the end.

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