
James posted a photo of his second son with the text "Prince" caused controversy Is the fans a bit nitpicky?

Being a James fan is bliss! James has spent nearly 20 seasons in his career at a very high level of athleticism. They are all 37 years old this season, and still average 30.1 points per game, temporarily in the position of the NBA league's top scorer. Although the Lakers' record this season is not ideal, it is likely that they will not be able to enter the playoffs, but James's personal performance is not to say: averaging 37.2 minutes per game, can score 30.1 points, 8.2 rebounds and 6.3 assists.

James posted a photo of his second son with the text "Prince" caused controversy Is the fans a bit nitpicky?

But James is not a dollar or a renminbi, and everyone can't like him. There are also many fans who often pick out some negative things from James's brilliant career. Even James, who shares photos and captions of his family on his personal social media, will come up with something to say.

James posted a photo of his second son with the text "Prince" caused controversy Is the fans a bit nitpicky?

James posted a photo of his second son, Bryce James, on his personal social media today with the caption: "He, Prince." "It caused controversy among fans. Many fans said: James really regards himself as king? Fat Ding personally thinks that such a statement is not a bit critical?

James posted a photo of his second son with the text "Prince" caused controversy Is the fans a bit nitpicky?

Isn't calling one's son "prince" an expression of love? In our real life, don't many people call their girlfriends "little princesses"? This is not to make yourself king, but to express a kind of pampering for children!

In fact, the title of James's "king" is not given to himself, but a nickname given to James by fans. If Jordan is called God in basketball and James is called "King" in the NBA, it is not too much!

James posted a photo of his second son with the text "Prince" caused controversy Is the fans a bit nitpicky?

In fact, compared to James's eldest son Brownie, Bryce is more likely to become the "little prince" of the NBA. Bryce will not turn 15 until June, but has grown to be as tall as Brownie (1.91m), and he and his brother are currently attending Sierra Canyon Middle School in California, where he is said to be much more talented than Brownie.

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