
"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

Please, don't talk to me – stop saying "learn to be sociable" to me.

The phrase "learn to fit in" will plunge the constellation into an endless abyss, doubling their stress. If you force this sign to fit in, it may seem to you to help them improve their social skills, but they will be very painful, they will be very tired, and it will be a kind of torture and pain for them.

So what is this constellation? Today, Xiaobian will take you to explore these five aspects from the five aspects of personality, ability, social cattle disease, illusion, and friends. "Some people are born to be "dumb." --Unsociable Capricorn

"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

"Dumb" – personality

Capricorn personalities make them unsociable.

They look mature and stable, and that's because they're independent in their bones, so they're used to being lonely.

I like to focus on doing my own things and living my own life alone, so that they are stress-free and free, but they are enjoying loneliness. They responded to the phrase that low-level social really isn't as good as high-level solitude.

On the contrary, they insist on joining in the fun and forcibly joining the group, but they are not used to it, and they will make themselves very painful and embarrassed. Or don't force them to be their own in the world.

"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

"Dumb" – ability

Ambitious, they can bear hardships and stand hard work, and have superior abilities, so on a psychological level, they look down on those who are less capable than themselves, or those who do not do well.

They hate all the useless socializing that wastes their time, and the fake and useless socialization is actually a waste of their precious time in life.

"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

"Dumb" – social cattle disease

Not good at words, so I will not use clever words to please others, and I am more upright.

You might say that the Capricorns I've seen have that social bovine disease, that they may be the so-called social bovine disease in front of people, but whether they fit in or out only their own hearts know.

For example, in a pleasant social situation, in fact, what they really feel is pressure, unable to really express their inner feelings, in fact, this is also related to their bad words, at that time they may look very happy, but in fact, they are very tired inside.

"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

"Dumb" – the illusion

They don't fit in, and some of them are actually phenomena of their own making.

Because Capricorn has a city in their hearts, those hypocrisies and falsehoods are clear in their eyes.

See more hypocritical human hearts. Too lazy to participate. To put it mildly, I feel dirty with my own thoughts when I participate. They can see a lot of people smiling on their front feet, and their faces are hideous. Insisting that they get along with these people who don't look good will exhaust them.

"Some people are born to be "dumb." "Capricorn

"Dumb" - friends are as light as water

In many people feel that they are lonely, solitary and unsociable, unwilling to make friends.

In fact, in their not unwilling to make friends, know what kind of people are suitable or not suitable for making friends, rather than indiscriminate, the friendship of friends is as light as water.

Capricorns seem to be okay with anyone in their hearts, but no one can enter my heart, and they always keep a certain distance from any friend.

What kind of Capricorn are you? Feel free to comment below and discuss together.

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