
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?

Introduction: I don't know how much we know about the sensitivities of our body parts, in fact, there are many parts of our body that are very fragile, such as our kidneys, because if we stay up late every day and do not pay attention to diet, they are very vulnerable.

For some parts of the outside of our body, such as the throat knot of boys, it is also very fragile, because it looks sexy, so there will be many people who can't help it


Touch it, but this kind of behavior is actually very dangerous, I don't know if you have seen a news, that is, when a girl kissed her boyfriend's throat knot, the boy was taken to the hospital on the spot, and was not rescued.

This just reflects the fragility of the boy's throat knot, in general, although it is naked on the outside, but it can not be touched casually, the following we will use the form of a comic to take everyone together to understand how fragile the boy's throat knot is, and while protecting it, we need to pay attention to what behaviors can not be done.

How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?

How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?
How fragile is a boy's "throat knot"? What actions may cause harm to it?


After reading the above comics, should the boys take better care of their throat knots? When others intentionally touch him, for the sake of their own health, please boys must protect themselves and do not let others touch them casually.