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On the last day of March, the end of 31 classic literary works is offered as a response to the April reading day on earth.

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The end of these 31 literary works

It's a stroke of genius

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There is no end to everything, and countless expanses are inescapable.

Three points has become a dream, and posterity complains with hanging air.

Luo Guanzhong's Romance of the Three Kingdoms


I wanted to cry a lot, but I felt that this heart was drier than the desert.

[Law] André Kidd's Pastoral Symphony


The burden of misfortune cannot but be shouldered,

Feelings are our only words.

The old man has endured everything,

Posterity can only caress the traces and sigh.

William Shakespeare, King Lear


His gaze fell on the blue vase on the desk in front of him. The vase was empty, empty for the first time in years on his birthday. He felt as if an invisible door had suddenly opened, and a cold wind whizzed through the hall into his quiet room from another world. He felt a death, he felt immortal love: for a moment his heart was full of mixed feelings, and he thought of the invisible woman, no substance, full of passion, like music from afar.

Stephen Zweig, Letter from a Strange Woman


Now my life, my whole life, no matter what comes to me, at any time, will not only never be meaningless as it once was, but also has an indisputable meaning of goodness, and I have the right to inject this meaning into my life!

[Russian] Leo Tolstoy, Anna Karenina

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The last time he dropped his eyes to look behind him, he said "goodbye" softly, still looking back at the green water that flowed forward forever and did not stop for a moment.

Barkin "Home"


The white horse took her back to the Central Plains step by step. The white horse is old and can only walk slowly, but it can eventually return to the Central Plains. Jiangnan has willows, peach blossoms, swallows, goldfish... Some of the Han people are handsome and brave teenagers, handsome teenagers... But this beautiful girl was as stubborn as the ancient Gaochangguo: "That's all very good and good, but I don't like it." ”

Jin Yong ,White Horse Whistling West Wind》


Ah, that's enough, that's enough! Can no longer write down, the text should always be implicit, but also like wine, shallow pouring is best.

Lin Haiyin,"Old Things in Seongnam"


Human ingenuity is contained in these two words: waiting and hope!

[Law] Dumas,"Count of Monte Cristo"


Only the day we wake up, dawn is dawn. The days of dawn will come more and more. The sun is just a star in the morning.

[Beauty] Thoreau's Walden

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Many years ago, I don't know who wrote four poems on it with a pencil, but after being washed away by the rain and covered by dust, the handwriting has probably disappeared. The four verses are reproduced as follows:

He lives, despite the strange tribulations of fate,

He rested in peace, closing his eyes only because of the loss of angels;

Birth and death are the natural laws of life,

The same is true of day and night.

[Law] Victor Hugo, Les Misérables


Save the children...

Lu Xun's Diary of a Madman


He got on the secondary platform and walked rapidly east along the railway line. In the distance, he saw that Hui Ying, who was wrapped in a red scarf on her head, Ming Ming, who had a red scarf on her chest, and a puppy with a brass bell ringing around her neck, were rushing towards him...

Lu Yao,"Ordinary World"


In two or three hours, the pigeons will take off. As the pigeons catapulted into the sky from their nests, they skimmed over her sturdy figures over her curtains. The oleander in the opposite pot blossomed, and another season of flowers and grasses began.

Wang Anyi", "Long Hate Song"


The ancestral old clock played calmly, as if saving half a day's time, waiting for the night to be quiet, moving out one by one to count: "Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang" rang six times. Six o'clock was five hours ago... This time-lagged timing inadvertently contains the irony and sentimentality of life, deeper than all language, all laughter.

Qian Zhongshu "Siege of the City"


In the early spring of 1997, Ah Yan died. At the end of 1998, Chung Shu died. The three of us were lost. It was so easily lost. "The good things in the world are not firm, and the clouds are easy to scatter and the glass is brittle." Now, I'm the only one left.

I soberly saw that the apartment that used to be "our home" was just an inn on the road. Where home is, I don't know, I'm still looking for a way back.

Yang Dai, "The Two of Us"

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What I am doing now is the best and best thing I have ever done in my life; what I am about to get is the most peaceful and peaceful rest I have ever received in my life.

Charles Dickens, A Tale of Two Cities


I kind of miss everyone I've mentioned, like even Strared and Akley. I think I even miss that bastard Morris, interesting. Don't talk to people, you will miss everyone.

J. D. Salinger, "The Catcher in the Rye"


So we fought hard, like a boat against the current, constantly being swept back by the waves and going back to the past.

Fitzgerald, "The Great Gatsby"


When I came to the end of my life, when I opened my eyes for the last time at the end of my life, when all my intellectual and memories disappeared into the abyss of the past, and returned to the innocent feelings and dreams of childhood, that is when the quantum rose smiled at me.

Liu Cixin "Ball Lightning"


Of course, that's not me.

But, isn't that me?

The universe, with its unending desires, refines a song and dance into eternity. What kind of human name this desire has is negligible.

Stetson, "Me and the Temple of Earth"

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Yau Ma Tei is forever in Sangsang's heart.

Sangsang looked at this grass house, and in the mist of tears, they were connected into a large piece of gold.

The pigeons seemed to know that their owners would leave them early the next morning and leave them forever, circling in the air. Finally, they joined each other end to end, as if forming a huge white garland, swirling around Sangsang high and low.

Sangsang's ears are the sound of beautiful pigeon feathers across the air. His eyes flashed with a white light like metal.

On this morning in August 1962, many adults and children in Yau Ma Tei saw the huge swirling white wreath in the air...

Cao Wenxuan's "Grass House"


"Son, who are you?"

The child replied:

"I am the day to come."

[French] Roman Rolland, "John Christophe"


This man came and died here on his own. When people tried to free him from the skeleton he was embracing, he turned to dust.

[French] Victor Hugo, Notre Dame de Paris


I'm too tired and too old to learn to love. Let me go forever.

Graham Green, "The End of a Relationship"


This is the beginning of a new story about how a man gradually comes to life, who gradually transforms, gradually moves from one world to another, and gradually realizes a reality that he has so far completely failed to understand. This could be the subject of a new novel— but that's the end of our current novel.

Dostoevsky, Crime and Punishment

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She didn't look back once.

【Sun】Keigo Asano, Midnight Night"


And just like that, I went to earth.

Gorky's "Childhood"


This person may never come back, maybe "tomorrow" come back!

Shen Congwen", "Border City"


There are no beautiful stories I have written above, only because they are full of memories of my childhood, which cannot be forgotten and unforgettable. That's it for sure.

Xiao Hong's "Legend of Hulan River"

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[West] Cervantes' Don Quixote

Text/CCTV News "Night Reading" reorganization

Photo/Visual China

This month's Night Reading ends with:

Hope every one of you

Say goodbye to all the unhappiness, unhappiness, and unhappiness of March

Harvest all the tenderness of the world in April, when the spring blossoms

Which book/article ends in a stroke of genius?

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CCTV News "Night Reading" is specially recommended for reading

Producer | Li Zhe, editor-in-chief, | Wang Ruolu

Edit | Yang Yuting Proofreader | Gao Shaozhuo


Thumbs up and looking forward to April!