
More and more expensive mobile phones but few changes and innovations How often do you change to a new mobile phone?

Recently, a report on "4 years after 00 has not changed the mobile phone" has aroused heated discussion on the Internet. The report said that young people no longer have the "anxiety of changing machines" as they used to be. Many consumers said that their mobile phones have been used for four years, and the reasons for not changing mobile phones are: first, mobile phones are selling more and more expensive, and second, mobile phones have no transformative innovation, but only make some small adjustments in function, which cannot stimulate their desire to shop.

More and more expensive mobile phones but few changes and innovations How often do you change to a new mobile phone?

Some consumers complained that they used to spend 1999 yuan to buy high-end mobile phones equipped with the latest flagship chips, and now spend 1999 yuan, can only buy plastic mid-frame, performance is not as good as the old flagship, everywhere exudes a compromise atmosphere of mid-range mobile phones. And these mobile phones that do not have transformative innovations are just tinkering in function, or making a fuss on the screen, engaging in full screen, bang screen, and folding screen. Either just make a fuss about the color, or make a fuss about the functional parameters...

More and more expensive mobile phones but few changes and innovations How often do you change to a new mobile phone?

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