
Beijing South Railway Station Police Station was established for 8 months, and the new sheriff realized the "one mouth clear" in the jurisdiction.

author:Bright Net

The interview lasted 3 hours and received no less than 30 phone calls, which was the normal work of Wu Hao, the head of the three police districts of the Beijing South Railway Station Police Station of the Beijing Municipal Public Security Bureau Bus Corps. And whenever he leads the shift, Wu Hao, who is also engaged in several functions such as strike, internal service, and patrol, is even more busy with clothes and feet.

From the anti-terrorism patrol to the head of the police district, from the appointment of the new officer to the master of the light... Eight months later, the 32-year-old Wu Hao became one of the few rising stars at the Beijing South Railway Station police station.

Beijing South Railway Station Police Station was established for 8 months, and the new sheriff realized the "one mouth clear" in the jurisdiction.

A bitter persuasion to persuade the driver of the black car

On December 26, 2020, the Beijing South Railway Station Police Station was inaugurated, and Wu Hao took the lead in taking charge of the work of the three police districts of the station. "It's hard to get started." When a new official takes office, the pressure is like a mountain, not to mention that Wu Hao is facing a brand new position.

Wu Hao's first shift came as the coldest wave in Beijing's history, with temperatures as low as minus 16 degrees Celsius.

In the winter in Beijing, it is cold and freezing, dripping water into ice. In order to prevent the occurrence of frostbite, Wu Hao and his team members braved the severe cold, from the culvert under the bridge to the green belt, from the sewer to the Xiaoliang River, step by step to clean up, and transferred the people who stayed overnight in the corner of the jurisdiction to a safer position.

Under the severe cold, human life is at stake. In the daily rehearsal and cleaning, Wu Hao never slackened off. In the work, from the cleaning of the jurisdiction to the small shift, he has done everything in detail, participated with his heart, and achieved "one touch" and "one mouth clear".

Wu Hao's team members came from 6 different units, except for him and another young policeman, the rest of the police officers were over 49 years old. As the lead person in charge and also the youngest policeman in the team, how to unite the team members and lead the team has become a "hurdle" in front of Wu Hao.

Although he was very desperate, Wu Hao still felt a deep sense of responsibility like Mount Tai pressing the top: 3 months after the start of the shift, the results of the "grainless harvest" strike made him restless.

On April 12, Wu Hao and his strikers patrolled plainclothes near the bus station at Beijing South Railway Station. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of a man who was illegally soliciting passengers at the station, like Liu Mou, a driver who had been warned and fined by him for disturbing the order of the black car.

Fixing your eyes on it, it is really Liu Mou.

"Liu Mou even knew that he did not correct his mistakes, and he made mistakes again and again." Thinking of this, Wu Hao did not say a word, and rushed straight forward with the strike team members, and captured Liu Mou on the spot.

Although the police station, which has only been in service for more than three months, is still in the dilemma of difficulty in monitoring and collecting evidence, lack of personnel and materials, and lack of case-handling venues, Wu Hao, with the active coordination of the leaders of the police station, the friendship and help of fraternal units, and the full help of the police officers Wang Yang, Hao Xin and other members of the crackdown team, overcame many difficulties and began to investigate and handle Liu's case.

Liu, who thought that people were "stolen" and obtained, would quickly admit his disorderly behavior, who knows, in the handling of the case, Liu Mou was all kinds of "circles", taking care of him left and right.

"Thirty-six counts, attack the heart." After Wu Hao had a deep understanding of Liu's personal background, he knew about it and moved him with affection.

After a bitter exhortation, in the interrogation room, Liu Mou, who was deeply aware of his illegal behavior, admitted what he had done.

After nearly 24 hours of continuous fighting, Wu Hao finally sent Liu to a detention center. According to his later follow-up understanding, Liu Mou has been reformed after returning from the detention center and has become a regular taxi driver.

After more than 100 days of accumulation, Wu Hao overturned the first "mountain" on the way forward, achieved a breakthrough from 0 to 1, and at the same time, fired the first shot of the South Railway Station police station to crack down on handling cases.

Beijing South Railway Station Police Station was established for 8 months, and the new sheriff realized the "one mouth clear" in the jurisdiction.

Cases of false testimony have been painstakingly paid and have not received satisfactory results

Wu Hao, who "opened the door", had divine help and was invincible. Over the next two months, his results climbed steadily until June 15, a day that Wu Hao could not forget.

On this day, he summoned a man suspected of holding a fake disability certificate - Li Mou in accordance with the law.

In order to summon Li, Wu Hao made great efforts. The first step is to find Li Mou, whose witnesses do not match through a large number of investigations. The second step is to find li's trajectory through investigation and visit. The third step, along the trajectory of Li Mou targeted deployment, squatting, but unsuccessful. In the fourth step, a visit was carried out near Li's residence, but it was also unsuccessful. In the fifth step, through the neighborhood committee, community residents, etc., li was found in a hospital in Changping District, and Li was summoned according to law.

A series of efforts in the early stage finally had preliminary results, and at the moment when Li was summoned, Wu Hao's joy was something that others could not feel, this is because: since the opening of the police station, Wu Hao found through field investigation and visits that there are more people using fake certificates in the jurisdiction where the police station is located, and if Li is taken, he will certainly be able to punish one hundred people and play a great deterrent effect.

However, accidents always come unexpectedly. I thought that this case had been nailed down, but because of the evidence collection problem against Li Mou, it could not be handled slowly.

"Frontal attack", "side knocking", "roundabout copying"... Wu Hao dispatched the elite strength of the team to take turns, and finally did not attack Li Mou's "mountain".

This time the case cost a lot of money, but got zero results.

Although Wu Hao is very clear that not all efforts can get satisfactory results, he also deeply feels his shortcomings and deficiencies.

Beijing South Railway Station Police Station was established for 8 months, and the new sheriff realized the "one mouth clear" in the jurisdiction.

Help find a mobile phone knock on the door late at night, help the poor and the crisis to be tireless

In the early morning of August 20, a woman surnamed Luan sent a pennant to the Beijing South Railway Station police station: "With the heart of loving the people, do things that benefit the people." ”

This matter has to start from 10 days ago. That day, it was Wu Hao leading the class. At about 10:00 p.m., 110 received a report: a woman surnamed Luan in the south square of Beijing South Railway Station lost an Apple mobile phone worth nearly 10,000 yuan and contained important information.

After receiving the police, Wu Hao immediately carried out work with the police on duty. After arriving at the scene, he calmed the anxious Ms. Luan while guiding Ms. Luan to recall more details as much as possible.

However, coincidentally, according to Ms. Luan's recollection, no trace of the lost mobile phone was found from the surveillance video.

At about 12:00 p.m., Wu Hao suddenly had a clever move, thought of the positioning function of Apple's mobile phone, and soon, through the location of Ms. Luan's husband's mobile phone, locked the location of her mobile phone.

Wu Hao drove a police car, took the lost couple straight to the mobile phone positioning point, knocked on the door door to find the whereabouts of the mobile phone.

At about 1:00 a.m. the next day, Wu Hao asked the whole building where the mobile phone was located, but still did not find the whereabouts of the mobile phone, and at this time, the mobile phone used by Ms. Luan's husband to locate had also run out of power, so he had to go back to his home.

The next day, Wu Hao, who was at a loss, thought of the community police and thought of the community property. Unfortunately, after a busy day, it was still fruitless.

Sleepless night. At night, the persevering Wu Hao repeatedly combed through the clues, checked the surveillance video, and finally found that Ms. Luan's mobile phone was picked up by a person riding a bicycle, but the figure was blurred and could not be distinguished.

However, Wu Hao soon found that the picker's bicycle characteristics were obvious: when the picker got on and off the bike, the saddle of the bicycle was very undulating. According to this, Wu Hao judged that the bicycle was either a broken seat or a seat cover similar to a plastic bag on the saddle.

Early on the third morning, with clues, Wu Hao came to the cell where the mobile phone was located.

Kung Fu pays off. Soon, the sharp-eyed Wu Hao found a car in the community that was also the only car with a plastic bag on the seat and in line with the characteristics of the bicycle in the surveillance.

Through surveys and demographic information inquiries, he finally locked the owner of the vehicle, and the result surprised him: the man lived in the opposite building of the mobile phone locator.

At 7 o'clock that night, Wu Hao contacted the owner of the vehicle and successfully helped Ms. Luan get back the mobile phone.

33 hours of hard work, although it can not be exchanged for a prominent record, but in exchange for Ms. Luan's thousands of thanks, Wu Hao believes: very worth it!

At work, Wu Hao always helps the poor and is tireless: in only 4 hours, he helped an old gentleman who brought his 90-year-old mother to Beijing to see a doctor to find more than 20,000 yuan in lost medical expenses; in only 3 hours, he helped Ms. Zhang, who was penniless and trapped in the South Station, find the lost mobile phone...

He changed from an armed police soldier to a sudden policeman, and his wife was also busy on the public security front

6 years ago, Wu Hao transformed from an armed police special combatant to a patrol officer in the anti-terrorism department, although his identity has changed, but the business is still a familiar field, and this work is 5 years.

In the past five years, his professional skills have become more and more sophisticated, and his emergency response has become more and more skilled, but he has rarely been involved in public security law enforcement activities such as mediating disputes and cracking down on case handling, just like a blank piece of paper. And these are precisely the skills that Wu Hao, as the head of the police district, must have.

Wu Hao is well aware of his shortcomings and deficiencies, and also understands that there is only one way to go: hard work, hard work, and hard work!

Wu Hao purchased books such as the Law on Punishment for Public Security Administration and the Provisions on procedures for Public Security Organs in Handling Criminal Cases at his own expense, and conducted targeted study in a targeted manner. In the past 8 months, the police district has achieved zero complaints and zero reports.

Although Wu Hao's career is booming, he cannot let go of his family's guilt: he is from Anhui, but his hometown in Anhui has not returned for three years; his child is only two years old, but he has no time to take care of it, he has to entrust the child to his parents in Fangshan; his wife is an auxiliary police officer at the Beijing West Railway Station police station 9 kilometers away, but because of the busy work, the gathering is less and more, for them, the distance is like the end of the world.

Correspondent Zheng Can

Text/Beiqing-Beijing headline reporter Dong Zhenjie

Source: Beijing Toutiao Client