
The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

author:Nine Schools of Education
The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

On October 17th, the 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held in the China Transmission Auditorium.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Liao Xiangzhong, secretary of the party committee and president, Li Zhong, deputy secretary of the party committee, and Yang Yi, member of the standing committee of the party committee, assistant to the president and director of propaganda, attended the meeting. Zhang Shaohua, director of the Party and Government Office, Zhang Genxing, deputy secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission and director of the Supervision Department, Guo Jingna, minister of student work, Li Wei, director of the Ministry of Security, Zhang Hongsheng, dean of the Graduate School, Liu Shoubing, director of the Domestic Exchange and Cooperation Office and director of the Alumni Work Office, Liu Penglou, secretary of the General Branch of the Logistics Party, Long Xiaonong, director of the library, Zhu Chuanxin, secretary of the Youth League Committee, Hao Xianzhen, deputy director of the Organization Department of the Party Committee, Xiao Huaiyu, deputy director of the Teachers' Work Department of the Party Committee, and Shao Yan, deputy director of the Academic Affairs Office, attended the opening ceremony.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Wang Yuyang, representative of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Students, Chen Qian, president of the Peking University Student Union, Zheng Jiaxin, member of the presidium of the Tsinghua University Student Union, and representatives of the student union and graduate student union from 20 sister universities in Beijing were invited to attend the meeting.

Wu Nan, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and secretary general of the Student Union, Fu Haiju and Liu Zhaojie, deputy secretaries of the Youth League Committee, Zhou Ziyan, director of the Office of the Youth League Committee and deputy secretary general of the Student Union, members of the Presidium of the Conference, members of the 12th Youth League Committee, and 330 representatives of undergraduate students and 135 graduate students from 21 colleges/research institutes of our university attended the conference.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

The opening meeting of the conference was presided over by Guo Yijia, Executive Chairman of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

At 10 a.m., amid the majestic sound of the national anthem, the General Assembly was officially opened. Before the opening meeting, Wu Nan, deputy secretary of the Youth League Committee and secretary general of the Student Union, reported to the conference on the attendance of the delegates.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Liu Qianqian, Executive Chairman of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China, delivered an opening speech. Liu Qianqian said that this congress is of great significance to strengthening the self-construction of the student union and the graduate student union, improving the leading, cohesive, and combat effectiveness of the regimental and student organizations at all levels, and inspiring the vast number of young students to work hard and forge ahead, work hard, and be promising.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Wang Yuyang delivered a speech on behalf of the Beijing Municipal Federation of Students. He said that the Student Union and graduate students of the Communication University of China have continuously maintained and enhanced their political leadership ability, paid attention to strengthening service levels and self-construction, focused on the main responsibility of the main business, adhered to strict management of the association, and made unremitting efforts and positive contributions in serving the universal needs of students, improving the overall level of service, and deepening reform and innovation.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Zheng Jiaxin, a member of the Presidium of the Tsinghua University Student Union, delivered a speech on behalf of the Student Union of fraternal universities. She said that the Student Union and Graduate Student Union of communication university of China have made remarkable achievements in ideological construction, campus culture construction and service communication channel construction, which has provided valuable experience for the scientific and coordinated development of the group work of many colleges and universities. It is hoped that in the future, the two universities will continue to strengthen interaction and cooperation, jointly unite and guide the majority of students to strengthen their ideals and beliefs, and actively participate in the great practice of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era with higher morale, full enthusiasm and vigorous vitality.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Qu Yaoxin, Executive Chairman of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China and Convener of the Current Student Union, delivered the "Report on the Work of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China" to the conference. The report systematically reviews the work of the 43rd Student Union from three aspects: "deepening organizational reform and establishing a fresh and sunny image of the student union", "creating brand cultural activities, building an innovative campus cultural development platform", and "actively safeguarding the rights and interests of students and serving students wholeheartedly", encouraging the students of Guangdong University to inherit the chinese cultural gene of "loyalty, self-confidence, tolerance and competition" with the excellence of the small self, the arrogance of the big me, and the realm of no self, to walk the world and strive for self-improvement.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Zheng Xiaowei, Executive Chairman of the 17th Graduate Student Association of Communication University of China and Convener of the 17th Graduate Student Association of Communication University of China, delivered the "Work Report of the 17th Graduate Student Association of Communication University of China" to the conference. The report comprehensively reviews the work of the past year and puts forward four ideas for the work of the Graduate Student Association: first, clarify the positioning of the Graduate Student Association and continue to play a leading role in thinking; second, optimize the innovation forum and build a high-quality academic platform; third, improve the service level and pay attention to the physical and mental health of graduate students; fourth, continue to strengthen its own construction and promote the scientific development of the Graduate Student Association of our university. It is hoped that in the future, graduate students will play a greater role in prospering academics, inheriting culture, serving students, and creating a harmonious campus.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Li Zhong, deputy secretary of the party committee, delivered a speech on behalf of the party committee of the school He expressed warm congratulations on the convening of the conference, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the Youth League Municipal Committee, the Municipal Federation of Students, the Student Union and the Graduate Students' Association of fraternal colleges and universities, and extended sincere greetings and good wishes to all the representatives and all the students of our school who have been working together for the reform and development of the school for a long time. Deputy Secretary Li Zhong highly affirmed the fruitful work results of the current student union and graduate student union, and at the same time put forward expectations for the organization of the group and study of our university. He pointed out that the student union, the graduate student union, and the vast number of students should be new young people with the responsibility of the times, be the practitioners of campus construction, be the main force serving students, strive to grow into media talents who "carry forward the tao and revere virtue, and apply it to the world" and the newcomers of the times who are worthy of the great task of national rejuvenation, and contribute to building our school into a world-class media university with Chinese characteristics.

After the opening meeting, 14 delegations carefully deliberated the "Report on the Work of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China" and the "Work Report of the 17th Graduate Student Union of Communication University of China", and discussed in depth the "Constitution of the Student Union (Graduate Student Association) of Communication University of China (Revised)", the proposal of the delegation, the election method of the general assembly, and the list of candidates proposed by the Standing Committee of the 44th Student Union and the Standing Committee of the 18th Graduate Student Union.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

The delegates spoke enthusiastically, talked about their experiences from different angles, imagined the future development of the school, and actively offered suggestions and suggestions for the in-depth work of the student union and the graduate student union.

Wu Chuyi, a representative of undergraduate students, said that at this conference, the democratic atmosphere of the school was fully felt, and each student could make suggestions and suggestions for the development of the school, and enhanced the sense of belonging, responsibility and honor of the school. As a student representative and the head of the branch, I deeply feel that the mission is glorious, the responsibility is on my shoulders, and I should more actively reflect the needs of my classmates in my future study and life, and contribute to the development and construction of the school.

Zheng Xueru, a representative of graduate students, said that the report mentioned that the construction of a "service-oriented" and "demand-oriented" tuanxue organization was impressive. In the past year, the Graduate Student Association has actively understood the academic needs of graduate students, innovated the content and form of the "Golden Rose" academic season, and held a series of high-quality academic activities, which has built a broad platform for creating a good academic atmosphere. As a representative of graduate students, we will continue to enhance our ideological quality, practical ability and sense of service, serve the majority of students, and truly become a new era media youth with ideals, skills and responsibilities.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

At 15:30, the 39th Student Congress and the Second Phase of the 10th Graduate Student Congress were held, and the "Resolution on the Work Report of the 43rd Student Union of Communication University of China (Draft)", the "Resolution on the Work Report of the 17th Graduate Student Union of Communication University of China (Draft)", the "Constitution of the Student Union (Graduate Student Union) of Communication University of China (Revised)", and the list of suggestions of the Secretary-General of the Student Union and the Graduate Student Union were deliberated and adopted in turn.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Tian Yuan, executive chairman of the 17th Graduate Student Association of Communication University of China, informed the conference on the proposals of representatives of undergraduate students and graduate students on behalf of the Preparatory Committee. Since the launch of the student proposal work in June this year, the 39th Student Congress has received a total of 377 valid proposals, and the 10th Graduate Student Congress has received a total of 202 valid proposals, and after the merger and repetition, a total of 574 formal proposals have been submitted. The proposal has a wide range of contents, involving student management, cultural construction, campus life and other aspects, which fully reflects the sense of ownership of the student union and the graduate student union to strengthen their own management and participate in the construction of the school.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

In accordance with the election procedures and methods, the general assembly elected the Standing Committee of the 44th Student Union of communication university of China and the standing committee of the 18th graduate student association of communication university of China.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Zhu Chuanxin, secretary of the Youth League Committee of the University, expressed warm congratulations to the members elected to the new Standing Committee, hoping that the league organizations at all levels should further cultivate the awareness of taking the initiative, the courage to take the initiative, the determination to take the initiative to change, continue to enhance the organizational strength, leadership, service and contribution to the overall situation, improve the political position, focus on deepening reform, maintain vigorous vitality, show a clean and healthy atmosphere, build a "fresh, sunny, positive, upward" organizational culture, and jointly create a campus atmosphere of "exchange, mutual assistance, unity and progress".

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

Guo Yangxi, Executive Chairman of the 43rd Student Union, delivered a closing speech to the conference. It is hoped that the new student union and graduate student union will grasp the theme of the times, have the courage to self-revolution, serve the growth of students, and build the student union and graduate student union into a common home rooted in the whole school and serving the whole school.

After the conference, the Standing Committee of the 44th Student Union of Communication University of China and the Standing Committee of the 18th Graduate Student Association of Communication University of China held their first meeting in the China Transmission Lecture Hall to deliberate and approve the presidium of the 44th Student Union of Communication University of China and the presidium of the 18th Graduate Student Union of Communication University of China.

The 39th Student Congress and the 10th Graduate Student Congress of Communication University of China were successfully held

The student congress and graduate student congress system is the institutional arrangement for the majority of students to discuss student affairs and participate in campus governance, the legal basis and authoritative source of the student union and the graduate student union organization, and an important way for the majority of students to experience socialist democratic politics with Chinese characteristics on campus. The convening of the Student Congress and the Graduate Student Congress is to implement and effectively practice the spirit of the 27th National Congress of the National Federation of Students under the background of further deepening the reform of the Student Union and the Graduate Student Union of Colleges and Universities. The conference was organized by the 39th Student Congress and the Preparatory Committee of the 10th Research Congress of Communication University of China, which played an important guiding role in the construction of the group organization of our university. Facing the future, the student union and graduate students' union of our university will further clarify the functional positioning, continuously consolidate and enhance the political, advanced and mass nature of the tuanxue organization, strengthen the ideological and political guidance of the students, enhance the practical effect of serving the vast number of students, and unite and lead the vast number of media students to be socialist builders and successors for the all-round development of morality, intellectuality, physical fitness, beauty and labor.

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