
【Tuesday, March 29, 2022】Interpretation of the zodiac horoscope

【Tuesday, March 29, 2022】Interpretation of the zodiac horoscope

Xiaoyun Broadcast: Tuesday, March 29, 2022, the 27th day of the second month of the lunar calendar (壬寅年癸卯月辛巳日), the legal working day.

Tegi Zodiac Sign: Cow, Chicken, Monkey

Zodiac Signs: Sheep, Dragons, Snakes

Today's decline: rats, tigers, pigs

Hi God Direction: Southwest

Fortuna Directions: True East

Suitable: moving, banqueting, opening, trading, signing, buying a house, collecting money, shipping, money lending, seeing, going to work, opening the light, praying for blessings, entering the population, and offering

Taboo: get married, travel

Lucky numbers: 1, 4

Lucky colors: black, silver, blue

NO.1 Ugly cow

The god of food is in charge, and the "triad" auspicious star is in his life

On a day when the cattle people are shining, the talent shown at work makes the colleagues around them impressed, and even some people take the initiative to approach, and you are close to the set. Your luck is strong, your communication is very successful, whether it is negotiating important business or dealing with some tricky things will be very smooth!

NO.2 Unitary chicken

Shoulder to shoulder with the principal, the "three-in-one" auspicious star entered the fate

Chicken people today's fortunes are high, do things pragmatically and responsibly, do not take shortcuts, take seriously, and can stimulate their own potential, and may also have collaborators to find the door, the harvest is full. In addition, pay attention to maintenance, take time to exercise can make the body get a good relaxation.

NO.3 Shen Monkey

Robbing the rich man, the "Liuhe" Ji Xing entered his life

Monkey people are in a happy mood, active in work, have a rich imagination, and the combination of work and interest makes it easy for you to achieve excellent results and do more with less. And today's life is free and relaxed, even if the outdoor weather is not good, it will not affect your good mood, and you can still enjoy fun in indoor leisure activities.

NO.4 Not sheep

God Eater is in charge

It is a day of the sheep's heart, good mood, positive efforts, work very smoothly, even if there is a small problem will not bother you, has the effect of doing more with less. In addition, there will be things that make you excited, such as relatives and friends who have not been in contact for a long time, bonuses, hidden wealth, etc.

NO.5 Tatsuryu

The wounded officer was in charge, and the "Tianxi" peach blossom was killed

Dragon people pay and reap a day in direct proportion, as long as active efforts can get the affirmation and recognition of the leadership, in addition, although there is a possibility of facing challenges, but full of confidence you are not afraid, careful consideration can succeed. Love is prosperous, single people have the opportunity to meet their lovers; those who have partners are very loving and feel that they cannot leave each other.

NO.6 Snakes

The rich man is in charge

A smooth day for the snake people, can strengthen confidence, even if they have not done things can be quickly started, and today's events are finished today, this responsible attitude has been praised by the leaders. Good fortune, good interpersonal relationships bring you a lot of opportunities to make money, harvest rich.

NO.7 Dogs

The wounded officer was in charge, and the "red bird" peach blossom was killed

Dog people may have a headache this morning and their work is not going well, but in the afternoon, the fortunes began to rise, and things became more and more smooth. Love luck is better, single people pluck up the courage to confess to the opposite sex, the probability of success is high; those who have partners are flat in feelings and prone to cracks.

NO.8 Noon Horse

Partial to the rich

Although the centaurs have partial fortune today, but the wealth comes and goes, if you are not careful, it is easy to lose money, so the financial management should be more cautious, there will be a big surplus. In addition, it is easy to be pulled by friends to eat, drink and have fun, be careful not to spend money excessively because of face, especially women should restrain their desire to shop.

NO.9 卯兔

Seven kills

Rabbit people today are careless no matter what they do, resulting in continuous mistakes, all efforts and efforts are in vain, and they need to maintain the delicate thinking of the past. In addition, interpersonal relationships are not good, and we must be careful in words and deeds when getting along with people, so as to avoid laying unfavorable factors.

NO.10 Sub-rats

Partial Indian principal

Rat people are prone to jealousy one day, see colleagues being strongly praised by the leader, feel particularly dazzling, if you do not suppress this emotion in time, interpersonal relationships will go to a low. In fact, as long as the mentality is correct, the advantages of others as a magic weapon to improve themselves, so that they will be more confident and broad-minded.

NO.11 Yinhu

The official is in charge, and the "crime" of the fading star is killed

Tiger people are easy to get excited today, and getting along with people will produce some disputes or bumps, so in life and work, we must pay attention to their words and deeds, so as not to destroy the harmonious relationship between everyone because of some small things. Go for a walk after eating and listen to the laughter of the children, which will make your day's fatigue disappear in leisure.

NO.12 Pigs

Zhengyin is in charge, and the "crime rush" of the fading star is killed

The pig people are depressed today, losing the passion and enthusiasm of the past, unable to lift their spirits in anything, coupled with the increase in unexpected events, and even more anxious. It is recommended to maintain the patience of the past, in fact, as long as the patience is calmly handled, all problems can be solved.

Today's Yellow Calendar Pro

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 in the Gregorian calendar

February 27, 2022 in the lunar calendar

On the 24th day after the sting, Commander Otogi

Dry Branch Nong Yin Year 癸卯月 辛巳日 (White Ash Gold)

The nichigan is xinjin, which is born with the dried decoction water of the moon and the water of the year dry nong.

NisshikoMibi, Yozuki Suzuki Aioi, Yonen Toragi Sobi harm.


Chong (Yi Hai) Pig, Xu Dong

The underworld Suzaku is full of days

Suzaku is the Sopranos Day, the Star of Heaven.

The full day is the meaning of the full harvest, which means the day of abundance, harvest and happiness.

folk custom

Red Sand Day, The Day of The Great Evil

Ji Shen

Grace, Sacred Heart, Queen of Heaven, Merit, Stagecoach, Heavenly Witch, Phase Day


Suzaku, Da fu, Earth Rune, Past Death, Five Voids, Heavy Sun, Red Sand Day, Ten Evils and Great Defeat Day


Moving, banqueting, opening, trading, signing, buying, collecting money, shipping, money lending, seeing, going to work, opening the light, praying, entering the population, and offering


Get married, travel

Fortuna is just to the east

Hi God Southwest

Southwest of Fukujin

Auspicious time

Ugly hour (01:00-02:59) Nongchen time (07:00-08:59)

A noon (11:00-12:59) B weishi (13:00-14:59)


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