
2022 Game Quadratic Weibo Highlights | Material Marketing Officer

Material Marketing Officer

In-depth weibo industry social play

Rhythm planning throughout the year

Material Marketing Officer Phase I

Walk into [Game Quadratic]

Z generation users regard new games as a trend and are interested in interesting marketing, which also shows that not only the game market, but also provides more possibilities for cross-border marketing combined with games in different industries, and digging deep into the game circle around IP has become a significant marketing trend.

Weibo game Z era users accounted for 70%, game-related content read more than 1.8 trillion, animation-related content read 1.2 trillion + . Phenomenon-level IP Weibo became popular, and the number of readings related to the sixth anniversary celebration of the glory of the king accumulated 6 billion+. The two-dimensional ecology of Weibo games helps brands from "entering the circle" to "breaking the circle".

What is the two-dimensional ecology of Weibo games like?

"What are the characteristics of the game quadratic group?

Content resources and cross-border marketing

Game quadratic industry link model

For details, please see the figure below

2022 Game Quadratic Weibo Highlights | Material Marketing Officer
2022 Game Quadratic Weibo Highlights | Material Marketing Officer
2022 Game Quadratic Weibo Highlights | Material Marketing Officer

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