
The main theme of the film and television drama successfully broke the circle of young audiences to brush the screen! "Content is king" climbs to the top stream

author:Bright Net
The main theme of the film and television drama successfully broke the circle of young audiences to brush the screen! "Content is king" climbs to the top stream

Major theme TV series such as "Ideal Shines on China", "The Age of Awakening" and "Mountains and Seas" are both ideological and artistic, and have repeatedly refreshed the ratings data. Draft: Li Jie

#Awakening Years yyds# Read 1.18 Billion, #Shan Hai Qing #1.69 Billion, #TV Series Ideal Shines on China #3.02 Billion... Weibo, a platform with entertainment star fans and an annual cumulative scale of more than 20 billion "rice circle" users, will be more and more frequently dominated by major theme film and television dramas in 2021.

The heat isn't just online. Yesterday was the day of the 94th anniversary of the martyrdom of Chen Yannian. Shanghai Longhua Martyrs Cemetery, Chen Yannian, Chen Qiaonian and other martyrs' tombs are full of flowers. Many Gen Z also left handwritten letters to the martyrs. A young man born in 1995 said that he learned about the story of revolutionary martyrs through "The Age of Awakening" and was deeply touched, "In the play, Chen Qiaonian said' Let our children and grandchildren enjoy the happiness of cutting through thorns and thorns', he and I are both post-90s, but he sacrificed himself for the rise of the nation, this spirit is worth learning."

At the time of the centenary of the founding of the party, the main theme creation is full of stars. Since the beginning of the year, a number of major theme TV dramas have relayed "hegemonic screens", "Crossing the Yalu River", "Mountains and Seas", "The Age of Awakening", "Top-Secret Mission", "Ideals Illuminate China", "Hit the Water in the Middle Stream", "Glory and Dreams", "Big Waves and Sandstorms", "Hundred Refining into Steel", "Armageddon", etc., all of which are ideological and artistic, and have repeatedly refreshed the ratings data.

Reviewing the main theme works that have been empathized by young audiences since this year, it is not difficult to find that there is a "two-way rush" - young creators are trying to improve the quality of major theme film and television creation, and countless young audiences do not hesitate to "seal the gods" for mainstream works. Through these examples of "two-way travel", there is a question that has been asked many times, and the answer is becoming clearer. Have the barriers between Generation Z young people and the main theme of the main theme been broken? Content is king, quality speaks!

Immersed in major themes, young creators work hard with heart and soul

Whether the magnificent epic of a hundred years of dream building, a hundred years of glory, and a hundred years of struggle can come up with several works that match them to respond to the people's expectations is the creator's proposition of the times.

On June 19, director Jin Ye posted his chat records with Jiang Xianyun's nephew Jiang Meicheng on his personal social platform, including a piece of Jiang Meicheng's post-viewing feedback on "Ideal Shines on China": "I watched "Choice" three times, acted well, and shot well! Thank you Director Kim! Thank you Wang Yibo! Thank you to all the cast members in front of and behind the scenes! "Recognized by the descendants of the archetypal characters, the characters are half successful. And when Jiang Xianyun's loud lines on the Internet brushed the screen, "I am worthy of the country, worthy of the people, worthy of the war, worthy of the world", the young audience seems to have resonated with the play.

Once, the first impression that "Ideal Shines on China" brought to the audience was that of an actor. The participation of a large number of young actors, especially "traffic stars", has certainly brought high attention, but the other side of the double-edged sword is the defense mechanism that may cause some viewers to instinctively "question traffic". Director Fu Dongyu did not hide the audience's previous wait-and-see attitude, because he believed that after the drama was broadcast, the public would have a fair evaluation. He said: "Youth and mainstream, traffic and art, are not naturally opposed, in the final analysis, it depends on the concept and attitude of creation, whether we can adhere to the realism of realism, and whether we can invest in emotional realism, which is the key." Looking back at the creation of the play, a large number of young forces have been gathered, and the average age of the producers, directors and screenwriters of each episode is only 35 years old. For young actors, shooting is a youthful cultivation. The crew of "Home is Yumai, The Country is China" from Lhasa to Yumai needed to climb over two mountains at an altitude of 5100 meters, and the entire shooting was completed on the icy plateau. "I Am Xiaofang" filmed the winter scene in the hot days of Haikou, Wu Lei wore a cotton jacket and a leather hat, and suffered from heat stroke on the first day, and every subsequent day was fighting the high temperature. "Tianhe" was filmed in the Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon in Linzhou, and the actor Deng Lun insisted on not using a stand-in at the edge of the cliff, and he completed the climbing cliff by himself. It turns out that young people put themselves into the performance in a clumsy but closest to the real way, and the audience will be infected by them.

The director of "Big Waves and Sands" Jana Shahati also feels the same way, in her opinion, the series can be well received by young people after broadcasting, which is inseparable from the hard work of creation. She described to reporters the days when the actors read the script, "In the middle of the long desk in the crew office, different periods and versions of material books have formed a small wall. Separated by it, sometimes it takes some effort to see the expression of the actor on the other side, and sometimes it is very clear, because the height of the 'wall' changes from time to time with the node of the actor borrowing and returning the book. ”

It is precisely because all creators, including young people, listen attentively to the echoes of history and strive to get close to the great soul of revolutionaries, that works can dock with humanity in the great history of the intestines, so that history, art and life can be perfectly landed.

Paying attention to the main theme, young audiences have never been on the sidelines

When "Mountains and Seas" was broadcast, netizens became the "spiritual villagers" of Yongquan Village one by one, worrying about water and electricity, and worrying about the cultivation and sales of mushrooms. After the "Age of Awakening" aired, the popularity lasted for four months, and young people expressed their admiration with "yyds", the highest praise in the online world. "Ideal Shines on China" only airs one episode a day, and Gen Z said, "Every day amway a character who moves China, and then every day I use 'rope life' to my friend Amway this good drama." Paying attention to the main theme, young audiences have never been on the sidelines.

In the process of watching the main theme, what do young audiences value?

The UP owner of the screen name "Sugar Treasure" seemed quite sad at the end of "Mountains and Seas", "My heart is very unwilling, in my heart, debuff, Debao and Splash Their stories are not finished." She said that she would learn about the past of Minning, which is not far away from now, through the Douban task force, and then find an opportunity to walk around the prototype of the present and the past.

Netizen "Haihai" is already the "tap water" of several main theme works. He often shared moving plots with his peers, such as Mao Zedong's remarks about "shoes and roads" in "Hitting the Water in the Middle Stream", such as Cai Yuanpei's speech on the inauguration of Peking University president in "The Age of Awakening". He said that many friends around him, like himself, are becoming more and more interested in the "history that has been studied but not very well understood", "the Chinese at that time and the story of their pursuit of ideals have become our new sustenance, and also let us think about the meaning of ideals and life."

More young people are not completely consistent with the main theme of "on the head" and the reasons for being intoxicated by it, some people are obsessed with the famous scenes "described in textbooks" in "The Age of Awakening", some people will be in tears for the warm and brilliant expression of young people running in the mountains in "Mountains and Seas", the yearning for a better life is warm and brilliant, some viewers see their daily life from the cross-time and space narration of "Big Waves and Sands", and some people are deeply impressed by the film-style scene scheduling of the "Buttons" episode in "Ideal Shines on China".

Carefully observing the works of these young people who are "fengshen gods", it is not difficult to find that the actors and themes are not the only benchmarks for the audience to judge. The main theme and the path of "two-way rushing" for young audiences are becoming clearer and clearer: compared with stereotypical history textbooks or overly entertaining interpretations, flesh-and-blood characters, real and delicate creations, exquisite productions, and a good story that reaches people's hearts are the "good dramas" that Generation Z values. Chief reporter Wang Yan

Source: Wen Wei Po

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