
The World Championship +1TV Cup ended at the same time! Both figure skates were full, and qianjin rarely stormed away, shouting Ulla

In the early morning of March 28, Beijing time, the Figure Skating World Championships ended at the same time as the 1TV Cup participated by Qianjin and K Bao! This time PK, the world championships were born a new king, and the 1TV Cup has a figure skating ceiling to enjoy, from the number of people, the 2 figure skating events are basically full.

The World Championship +1TV Cup ended at the same time! Both figure skates were full, and qianjin rarely stormed away, shouting Ulla

The last day of the Figure Skating World Championships was a performance skating competition. After the performance skating, the Figure Skating World Championships came to an end. At this World Championship, the best winner is naturally the Japanese team, which won a total of 2 gold and 2 silver results, including the men's singles and women's singles championships, while Uno Masama became the new king in the absence of Chen Wei and Yu Yu, and Hanaori Sakamoto helped the Japanese team win the women's singles championship after 8 years in the absence of Sherbakova, Trusova and Vallieva.

The World Championship +1TV Cup ended at the same time! Both figure skates were full, and qianjin rarely stormed away, shouting Ulla

The 1ST Cup, which deliberately stole the world championship, also came to an end, and as a result, Sherbakova led the red team to reverse the victory over Vallieva's blue team. The performance of the 2 matryoshka dolls was impeccable, With Vallieva taking a slight lead in the short show and Sherbakova completing a reversal in the free skating competition. This is similar to the winter Olympic games. The difference is that Vallieva has come out of the pain of the Winter Olympics.

The World Championship +1TV Cup ended at the same time! Both figure skates were full, and qianjin rarely stormed away, shouting Ulla

Serbakova became the biggest winner, including jumping, free skating, total points championships, qianjin in the eyes of many people are elegant existence, but ushered in the 18-year-old she may be too happy, the post-game dialogue tube is also a rare "runaway", roared a few voices, shouted "Ula" to celebrate, let people see a different image of the Winter Olympic champion.

The World Championship +1TV Cup ended at the same time! Both figure skates were full, and qianjin rarely stormed away, shouting Ulla

All in all, figure skating fans are cool these days. A cycle is over for the time being, and it is also worth paying attention to when the matryoshka dolls will return to international competitions. Next month, they also have ice performances.

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