
Works by Kent Avimir

Works by Kent Avimir

Kent Iwemyr

Born in Sweden in 1944

Lives and works in Holstahammar

The Swedish painter Kent Iwemyr works mainly on small and medium-sized paintings, which reflect the daily life of his environment, and he uses extraordinary expressions to embody subtle ironic implications. In order to reflect the untrained visual language in his paintings, the perspective of the characters and the anatomy are in a secondary position, condensing the anti-academic approach.

Kent Iwemyr's childlike aesthetic opens up the narrative and gives each scene a contradictory vibration between anger, melancholy, joy, love and serenity. There is no shortage of bright colors and matte winter colors. The figure stands on the stage like a doll and moves on all fours, as if practicing some kind of gesture. Viewers can see a panoramic view of everyday life from a slightly higher perspective, and of course the types of characters and recurring stories. He deliberately kept his work in a state of ambiguity, consciously positioning his work as a landscape painting that transcended the stipulations of art history.

Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir
Works by Kent Avimir

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