
Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

Free linear beauty. Calligraphy mostly exists through the way of "line", and to some extent, the art of calligraphy is also called the "art of line". The flexibility and change of the lines give the calligraphy elements the characteristics of line form liberalization, and with the changes in the thickness, horizontal and vertical, virtual and real of the calligraphy pen, it will bring people different visual feelings and psychological experiences.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The rules are beautiful. The artistic treatment of calligraphy elements is similar to the screen arrangement in the print advertising design, although there are differences in the construction method between the two, but the arrangement and processing of each part are indeed similar, and they all belong to the service of the overall effect. Therefore, when drawing calligraphy elements in the design of print advertisements, special attention should also be paid to the chapters of calligraphy elements, and it is necessary to bring people a visual experience from the aspect of chapters.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

Abstract aesthetic beauty. The artistic beauty of calligraphy is mainly manifested in the relationship between virtual and real, so that people can experience the empty inspiration and broad sense of art. In the field of art, artistic beauty is an important research topic, which emphasizes the integration of "intention" and "environment" to achieve the mutual unity of subjectivity and objectivity.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The visual picture of calligraphy elements in print advertising works is the embodiment of "real", which can directly present the information of the work, but the visual impression brought to people by this level is relatively weak, so it is necessary to introduce the "virtual" element in the work to express the second layer of information of the work. The integration of calligraphy elements and print advertising works needs to use the actual picture and picture association to create a good information transmission path of the work, so as to achieve the combination of virtual and real, and enrich the connotation of the work.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

In order to enhance the visual impact of advertising and bring people a deep feeling, it is necessary to carefully conceive the work and convey more abundant information in a limited space, and to achieve the fusion of virtual and real, and the two complement each other. In the design of print advertising works, the expression of the combination of virtual and real has extremely high requirements for the designer itself, which can make the print advertising design more vivid and vivid, and enhance the picture sense of the work.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

In the art of calligraphy, it is often mentioned that it is airtight and loose, which vividly illustrates the dense layout of calligraphy art. Through the combination of denseness, a sharp contrast can be formed, and the sense of space and artistry of calligraphy art can be enhanced. When carrying out the design of print advertising works, we should fully consider the dense relationship between calligraphy art, better control the layout of the work, realize the coordination of various parts, form an excellent aesthetic visual effect, and bring people a sense of beauty that combines closeness.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

In the design of print advertising, the correspondence with "white" is sparse, and the secret is photographed with "black", which is the so-called white without black and black. The clever design of blank spaces in the work can be very good enough to attract the attention of the audience. Blank space can provide a good auxiliary effect for calligraphy elements, and the dense combination of calligraphy in the picture can effectively alleviate people's visual fatigue and help strengthen the legibility of the work.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The ink forms of the middle line of calligraphy are diverse, the most obvious of which is the change in thickness, that is, the sense of weight of calligraphy. The thick line form reflects a relatively large amount of weight, giving people a sense of boldness, while the fine ink marks reflect a relatively light weight, bringing people a delicate and elegant experience. When designing a print advertisement, designers need to combine the screen layout and theme expression of the entire work to carry out thickness and detail planning, so as to achieve good results.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The line is the basic element of print advertising design, and there are two forms of existence, one is to draw the corresponding lines through the corresponding auxiliary tools when designing, such lines are more regular, neat, evenly distributed, and it is difficult to change the thickness; the other is a hand-drawn irregular line, which has obvious changes in thickness and thickness, and the drawing is more flexible and has strong humanistic characteristics.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The chiaroscuro expression of calligraphy elements in the design of print advertising is mainly the embodiment of black and white visual effects, combined with the overall style of the work, with the help of calligraphy chiaroscuro changes and the correspondence between ink and white space, resulting in contrasting beauty. The chiaroscuro performance of calligraphy can further highlight the visual effect of print advertising works and enrich the spatial layout, while the chiaroscuro form of calligraphy can also strengthen people's creativity.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

In the art of calligraphy, chiaroscuro is the manifestation of the brightness of ink, and different chiaroscuro processes will have different effects on the picture graphics and visual effects. If the "dark" is gathered in a certain picture space, it can produce a more eye-catching visual effect. By distributing "dark" around the space, you can achieve the effect of highlighting "light". Through partial light and dark compatibility, it can blur the division of space. In the design of print advertising works, the flexible application of calligraphy elements is light and dark, which makes it easier to express its connotation.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

The artistic expression of calligraphic elements in print advertising design is mainly the inner thought and emotion conveyed through the appearance in the work. The artistic conception emphasizes the integration of love and scenery, and the art of calligraphy attaches great importance to the construction of the artistic conception, and its unique hazy beauty will bring people a fuller imagination. The art of calligraphy emphasizes the unity of heaven and man, and this concept is very helpful for the creation of artistic conception, which can promote the good unity of inner emotions and external appearances.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

In the design of print advertising, the introduction of calligraphy elements of the artistic expression can construct a scene of the out-of-picture realm and bring people a deeper thinking image. At the same time, under the influence of culture, works and admirers are more likely to have emotional resonance, form an immersive experience, and experience their emotions and thoughts from the works. In order to better play the artistic expression effect of calligraphy elements in the design of print advertising, designers need to accumulate and learn for a long time, and have sufficient practical experience, combined with the theme of the work and their own design style to design better works.

Calligraphy elements in advertising design!

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