
Smart people who know how to turn

Smart people will overcome their inertia and turn at the right time.

Of course, smart has a smart way of life, just as there is a down-to-earth approach, but it is necessary to make a timely turn.


Overcoming inertia lies in knowing that if you rely on certain paths for a long time, you will be basically unable to change some of your habits.

Smart people who know how to turn

To overcome inertia, you need to make your mind turn in time to stimulate your own spirituality.

As Wang Chuan said:

"The only way to avoid path dependencies is to always keep yourself multiple paths to choose from, explore synchronously, and adjust regularly."

This is the way smart people live, so that they always maintain a sober cognition in life, and they can also retain multiple paths for themselves to choose.

Smart people who know how to turn

1: Let the mindset take a turn

In this life, good is also a mentality, and bad is also a mentality.

That is to say, all day long the mountains and seafood, enjoy the happiness and contentment, is also the mentality.

Hunger all day long, feeling unwilling and discouraged, is also the mentality.

The world is uncertain, no one can guarantee their own happiness, and one day it suddenly slips away from their hands.

Happiness is gone, which means that suffering has come.

And when a person is in a difficult situation or even a trap, he needs to adjust his mentality in time.

If you can't adjust your mentality in time, it's easy to let yourself be surrounded by a lot of darkness and don't do anything.

Smart people who know how to turn

Many times, happiness and distress lie in whether the mindset is right or not.

Cartoonist Zheng Xinyao once said:

"When we're done, it doesn't mean we're at the end of the road, it's a reminder that it's time to turn a corner."

Smart people always know how to turn at critical moments, rather than blindly going through dead ends, and taking out the mentality of turning is creating their own wonderful life.

Knowing how to make the mentality turn is to know how to accommodate more life possibilities.

Don't be blind, be obsessed, don't be discouraged, do things well, be a good person, happiness is around.

Smart people who know how to turn

2: Turn your eyes around

We are all mortals, and mortals have a shallow eye.

However, it is not terrible for a person to have a shallow vision, but it is terrible to deliberately hide it when he discovers his own shortcomings.

Many things, in fact, from the moment before it is generated, can be killed in the cradle in time, avoided in time, in order to stop loss.

In other words, when we know how to make a turn in the eyes, to put it bluntly, we can use personal experience and thinking, and then draw certain conclusions.

This conclusion is that if we continue to live in a short-sighted vision, the world we see is bound to be small, cruel, dirty, and painful.

Smart people who know how to turn

Just as a person's vision is always so narrow, then their life situation must be very bad, because others are improving, but they are standing still.

To turn your eyes around is to avoid falling into the same trap, knowing that there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people.

Only by letting your eyes stand on a high place can you see a bigger scenery.

Only by turning our eyes to other places can we make life full of diversity.

In fact, everyone likes to change, but no one likes to change.

The change of liking is that by seeing different things and experiencing different lives, you will find the beauty and excitement of this world.

But no one likes change, because change means a lot of trade-offs, even sacrifices.

Smart people who know how to turn

3: Let people take a turn

Life, life, is never perfect.

We can't take all the beautiful things for ourselves, and only when people learn to achieve a certain balance between trade-offs can life be wonderful.

In fact, smart people, their attitude towards life, have always cherished and expected.

For their own lives, even if sometimes because they do not have much experience, there are no corresponding resources, and even because of the inferiority of human nature, they live a life of getting by and living.

Smart people who know how to turn

But smart people will make a turn in their lives and then let themselves make changes in time.

This kind of change is to accept the imperfections in real life, and to be able to reconcile with yourself, and then to do as much as possible to compare hearts to hearts.

Be kind to yourself, be kind to others, know how to adapt, know how to turn, and make your life take a turn.


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