
Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS?

Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS? In the daily use of Apple mobile phones, I believe that most people only receive some "spam" text messages occasionally at the beginning, so they are not very concerned. Because of the increasing number of "spam" text messages, they are harassed many times a day and forced to turn on the interception of text messages. This has also led to some text messages being inexplicably intercepted, but they can not find where, today Xiaobian will take you to find out where the intercepted text messages are:

Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS?

Step 1: Open the settings, find [Info] and click, then go down to find [Spam];

Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS?

Step 2: After entering [Spam SMS], you can view some of the intercepted SMS messages, you can view the intercepted SMS one by one, and finally you can decide whether you need to restore to the SMS according to your own needs.

Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS?

The "junk" sms in Apple's mobile phone is really annoying, and frequent harassment leads to only turning on the interception SMS function, but also because the interception SMS function cannot receive some normal SMS messages. Where to find iPhone Intercept SMS? 2 steps to teach you how to see where the block sms blocking function is, learn to like the collection! During the operation, any questions are welcome to leave your questions in the comment area in time!

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