
The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

author:Xia Ting baby

For this competitive society, it is difficult for any industry to survive. Especially the sales of car dealers, merchants will think of models.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

When holding auto show events, several well-known models are invited to attend, which can greatly increase the flow of people, and at the same time increase the sales of cars.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

In the profession of modeling, she has several kinds, some model artists will choose to be excellent on the catwalk, and some will choose to be a car model all the time. However, some models will choose to turn to the entertainment industry, and today she is one of them.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

She is the well-known model Qu Yuyao, before entering the entertainment industry, she was a professional model, but also attended many activities related to planes and car models.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

After the development of car models, Qu Yuyao turned around and entered the entertainment circle, thus starring in his first drama movie "Season of Youth", and soon after, he starred in the comedy movie "Happy Heaven" with Jiang Wu, Du Haitao and others. It's a pity that the audience didn't pay attention to Qu Yuyao, maybe being an actor is not something that can be fired in a day or two.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

In the same year, Qu Yuyao went to participate in the Beijing International Auto Show All-Star Model Election, and Qu Yuyao unexpectedly won the Best Photogenic Award in the competition, so he was known by many fans and netizens. After returning to the entertainment industry, Qu Yuyao began to star in TV series, and also starred with a number of star celebrities, so that Qu Yuyao's efforts were finally not in vain.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

Then he was installed by the director to play some roles of otaku gods and goddesses, and at the same time starred in "Strange Cohabitation", "Late Night Pharmacy", "Late Night Bookstore 3", etc., almost all of which played some of the more controversial protagonists. However, the editor feels that the "Late Night Bookstore" starring Qu Yuyao is indeed a bit quite good-looking, and the plot in the play is indeed somewhat similar to the ghost of Qiannu.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

For Qu Yuyao, this may be the best achievement, because today's resources are slowly reaching out to her, and at the same time, fame is also slowly accumulating. However, Qu Yuyao usually attends some auto show activities and is dressed up very well, and at the same time, he is particularly temperamental.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

Take today's photos, first of all, a white one-piece short skirt is worn, and white is more dazzling and dazzling out of mud and not stained, followed by the matching of jewelry is very noble temperament.

The most photogenic model in Changchun, Jilin Province, is not only beautiful but also sexy, I don't know who remembers her?

In addition to a long light blond hair is even more charming, so the bottom is more white and delicate long legs, the overall matching effect is very fashionable and does not lose a little sense of gorgeous.

For such an artist, I don't know if everyone likes it? If you want to say something in your heart, you may wish to leave a comment area, pay attention to the next article of the editor is more exciting!