
12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

The ascending sign is the way you wear a mask,

The descending sign is the way you take off your mask;

And people gave it a name: partner.

If the ascending point is the way the self appears to the outside world, the descending point is related to the abandonment of the self. There, we turn our consciousness to "no-self" and focus on "relationships" rather than "individuals."

So, probably no part reflects our true appeal to our partner and relationship more than the descending point and the seventh house.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

We are deeply attracted to completely different people and then form intimate connections, and in the process, we meet each other and even more with ourselves. Perhaps that's why we also refer to our partners as our "other half."

So, what qualities of people make us really feel familiar and strange, as if we have seen another self?

The descending constellation is an important reference. Usually, the traits of this zodiac sign stand out in long-term partnerships, and it makes us initially excited and makes us eventually complete.

So, what about your partnership? What are the characteristics of TA? What qualities of the other person will impress you into a relationship?

This guide to descending signs by Brian Clark, a lecturer at the London School of Astrology and a renowned astrologer, will give you some useful insights.

I wish you find the tatties you best fit in every encounter.

No matter how we define our significant other, their image and traits can be traced from our descending signs.

Since birth, our significant other has been embedded in this position opposite the ascending point. Since the ascendant sign can describe the self-image positioning of the individual, it implies that the other half complements our personality, just as in the mirror we see another familiar and unfamiliar "self".

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

Partners exhibit qualities that we possess but are difficult to perceive, and this is like the projection of psychology, and we tend to see from others what we are not aware of.

Sometimes we are fascinated by it, and sometimes we hate it; these qualities that make us love and hate can be reflected in the descending signs.

Here we enter into the mystery of relationship building, where the people and qualities that attract us both complement and disagree with us. Here, light and shadow intertwine, and the shadows we are "forced" into are actually part of our own subconscious.

The energies of the descending sign and the seventh house (divided by the descending point) will be embodied in our other half, but whether they come to the end with us or not, this energy will always be part of our nature. And through partners and relationships, we are able to connect with this missing part of ourselves again.

Ascending Libra Descending Aries

Traits that attract you to others include confidence, directness, independence, autonomy, and bravery. But if you use these qualities as the ideal partner criteria, the uninhibited and pioneering spirit you admire will eventually show a wayward, unproductive, self-centered side.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

The light and shadow of the other person is to motivate you to live a bolder and more adventurous side of yourself, to speak up and defend your needs and desires.

Relationships will let you know that your independence and enthusiasm are threatened when you try to please others, so the key is to learn to be yourself.

While you tend to support the wishes and goals of others, your relationships with others teach you how to support yourself and maintain confidence in the face of adversity. To use a metaphor, you're actually building a relationship with your own courage and beliefs.

There is a spontaneity in your nature that allows you to quickly put your energy into the development of the relationship, but if you find the relationship boring, then your enthusiasm will be extinguished.

Therefore, you need to build relationships with people who can accept your true nature and support you in living your life.

Ascending Scorpio Descending Taurus

You will initially be attracted to the reliability and patience of others. Their steadfastness brings you hope, their commitment warms you, their generosity fascinates you, and their good taste soothes you.

Since you think a stable, down-to-earth partner will allow you to balance yourself, you tend to choose people who can both support your life and be self-sufficient and resource-generating; however, the gentle, comfort zone-friendly "money manager" may also be stubborn, rigid, and possessive.

When happiness becomes indulgence, when stability becomes boring, it is a reminder that you need to reflect on the issue of your inner sense of self-security through the mirror of intimacy.

Sensory enjoyment and emotional pleasure are important elements of a long-term relationship. You don't hesitate to share what you have with your significant other, but relationships with people will teach you how to distinguish between "mine" and "his, because not everything can be shared.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

The intimacy of your relationship is directly proportional to the level of trust you and the other person have built.

Ironically, once you find the inner cornerstone of stability, you are instead free to enjoy all kinds of relationships and friendships.

Ascending Sagittarius Descending Gemini

You'll be attracted to people who are young, changeable, funny, able to draw your attention and make you think. Strong adaptability, good eloquence and communication skills, intelligence, flexibility are the qualities you admire.

Through relationships, you will find meaning in life, and your own ingenuity will be revealed.

But most importantly, through separation and intimacy, you learn to understand and navigate the unpredictability of life.

You may be well versed in the theory of relationships, but it is not easy to get into an intimate or stable emotional relationship. You will naturally experiment with possibilities in all relationships, because this will satisfy your curiosity and curiosity.

Emotionally, physically, or psychologically, you need a lot of space to slowly learn to take responsibility.

The other half will help you find in yourself qualities you appreciate, such as flexible thinking, eloquence, adaptability, and coordination.

Through interaction and communication with others, you will be able to fill in missing ideas and better understand yourself.

Ascending Capricorn Descend Cancer

Your sensitivities, nourishing traits, and family outlook form part of your relationship. You like people who are emotionally rich, warm, protective, and able to understand and respond to your needs.

When the shadowy side of the relationship appears, the once careful care will make you feel suffocated and bored, and the once caring will be replaced by anxiety. Caring can be misunderstood as love and passion.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

Emotional inequality is very painful, but sometimes you have to learn how to discriminate and face separation from others, although it is a difficult lesson.

Your relationships with your mother, other family members, and the patterns of childhood love and care will be reflected in your relationships as adults.

Gentleness, kindness, caring, nourishing, and ability to express emotions are all attractive traits in your eyes. Once you are united with the other person, you want the relationship to last forever, including the "traditions" associated with family life.

Through relationships with others, you learn to be generous with yourself and find your own belonging; relationships help develop an inner sense of security and make you feel dependent in the world.

Ascending Aquarius Descend leo

You'll initially be attracted to the talents of others, their positive and optimistic mindset, their playful nature, and their abundance of creativity.

But if the person is focused only on himself, then the dark side of your relationship will be revealed. When the talent and light that once made you worship turn into arrogance and conceit, you should be aware that it is a reminder to look for confidence in self-creativity and self-expression.

Falling point Leo hints at how you know how to reinvigorate a dull relationship. On the other hand, when the initial enthusiasm fades, you may get bored or tend to be cold to the relationship. Therefore, you need a partner who can stimulate your nature, creativity and inner child. He can give you the same passion.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

By being attracted to the confidence and creativity of others, you have the opportunity to connect to your own inner talents. The key is not to look up to others, but through each other, to discover and bloom your own unique light.

Ascending Pisces Descending Virgo

The qualities you appreciate include humility, self-control, responsibility, and work ethic. Because pragmatism and a sane and calm demeanor are attractive, you'll be attracted to people who make you more focused.

But the shadow side of the descending virgin is that the partner may be too picky to accommodate your flaws.

In a relationship, a sense of ceremony and order is important, and you want to share the day-to-day work with the other person. At the end of the day, you will share the day with each other, and through listening, analyzing and combing, your partner can help you sort out some ideas and clear your mind.

Intimacy allows you to explore the boundaries between yourself and others. Through socializing, you learn to look at problems dialectically and deal with the chaos in your own life. Communicating with others can help you set priorities for handling things.

Although you are sensitive to the evaluation of others, it is important to remember that others are far less judgmental than you are in your heart about self- judgment.

All in all, you'll be overwhelmed by the other person's focus and diligence and want to discover something deeper, a feeling that leaves you scratching your head.

Ascending Aries Descending Libra

You admire people who are cultured, easy-going, communicative, romantic and idealistic.

While these traits appeal to you, you may also find their dark side, for example, the "social host" who seems to be thinking about you everywhere is actually self-centered, or, beneath his elegant and delicate appearance, there is also vulgarity and rudeness.

But the person who draws you into a relationship is for you to find balance in your life — each of us has both the divine and the mundane.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

You're very familiar with the ideal relationship model, but it's hard to make a commitment in reality. Like other wind signs, in all intimate relationships, you need some space and distance.

Qualities that attract you to others include a sense of justice, a gift for communication, a good aesthetic, and high emotional intelligence. Libra embodies the social attributes of Venus, so how to combine Plato's spirit with worldly lust is very important to you.

Ascending Taurus Descending Scorpio

You are attracted to something strong. If this person has a strong personality, deep emotional tension and passion, and perhaps some mysterious, unknown or even dark colors, for you, TA may be an irresistible magnetic field.

But when you find yourself unsatisfied, or deceived, your fiery heat will be extinguished and slowly freeze. You may swing back and forth between intense excitement and possessiveness, being pulled and torn apart. However, by descending the other side of Scorpio, you will gradually understand the complexity, depth, and close bonding of feelings.

Descending Scorpio implies that in a relationship, you will reveal your most intense, extreme, and even negative emotional feelings within yourself.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

Honesty, trust, and profundity are qualities you appreciate, so you're a good fit to build relationships with people who can communicate deeply. You want to be totally engaged, but not obsessed.

You may be caught up in healing care with your partner because you are intrinsically eager for the relationship to be transformed into a more mature, fuller state.

Through relationships, you will gain unprecedented creativity. So, in a relationship, if the other person gives enough respect, you will manifest miracles.

Ascending Gemini Descending Sagittarius

You'll be attracted to optimists who are independent, free-spirited, and can inspire you to gain a broader perspective. If the other person knows you very well, is very frank, and can give you encouragement, it seems to you to be charming.

However, wise teachers often hide dogmas and prejudices behind them, and you need to be aware. In life, you will meet many wise people, and you will also meet many "false polymaths".

As a descending shooter, you will cross many boundaries through relationships, go further afield, or see the broader possibilities of life. You may also meet someone with a completely different cultural background than you, for example, your partner may be a foreigner or have a large age difference with you. You'll be fascinated by the environment in which they grew up, the cultural education they received.

Thoughtful, visionary, idealistic, freedom-loving, and moral, these keywords are what you aspire to, especially when the other person is independent, passionate about life, and constantly seeking the truth. These qualities are so precious to you, but intimacy is meant to teach you how to find your beliefs.

Ascending Cancer Descending Capricorn

Stability, patience, maturity, and emphasis on tradition are all qualities that will impress you. Your partner's positive planning for the future, their commitment to work risks, and the occasional humorous self-deprecation will all appeal to you.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

Behind the decline in Capricorn, there may be pessimistic cynicism. Or, your expectations and pursuits of life will be subtly and balanced in your relationship with your other half. This helps you establish your authority.

When choosing the other half, you care more about whether the other person is principled, committed, frugal, patient, authoritative, and has personal ability.

You want to be able to go to the top of your life with each other and gain each other's approval. Therefore, you may not fall in love and get married too early. Or you'll be with an object that is more mature. In fact, it is you who make your relationship mature and valuable, and you need to be respected and affirmed.

As a result, perfect relationships emerge over time. Descending Capricorn implies that you tend to choose competent authority figures as lifelong partners.

But relationships with others are meant to teach you how to achieve your own success.

Ascending Leo Descending Aquarius

The qualities that attract you include openness, friendliness, strong intellectual curiosity, independence, and equal freedom. Marriage may seem like a friendship to you, but the nuances between friends and lovers are important.

Friends and commitment, independence and community, are all key in your relationship. Through these two subjects, you will learn to respect the individual, others, and your own ideas.

The independence of the other half, humanitarianism, thirst for knowledge, not being influenced by the outside world, and not taking the usual path are all places you appreciate. You appreciate the other person's ability to jump out of the box.

However, when the shadowy side of the relationship is revealed, the other person's uniqueness may seem rude and rebellious to you, while the innovation and inspiration of the past are somewhat ungrounded.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

Intimacy helps you tap into your inner self and how to find a small world of independence in your group life. By interacting with your partner and peers, you will discover a different side of yourself.

Ascending Virgo Descending Pisces

Descending Pisces suggests that you may tend to see confused, rambunctious qualities in others. Your partner and close friends are probably not the kind of people who go according to plan and they lack the sense of order you want.

While the relationship you're investing in is a deep connection built on a desire for intimacy, it may lack boundaries. Therefore, you will find it difficult to be alone and apart.

You can feel your partner's emotional changes, and you will try to meet each other's needs and appease their insecurities, but this may make you lose your emotional independence and ignore your own needs, which will breed entanglement and misunderstandings between each other.

What you appreciate is the sensitivity, artistic air, gentle attitude to life, and natural compassion and ability to care for others. However, human nature is not always perfect, and the "shadows" of the real world often emerge from the cracks. Therefore, the dreamy, creative genius you are obsessed with may also be a person who is confused, confused, lacks direction, and cannot cope with various realistic demands.

The "great imagination" you once admired now seems to you to be an escape from reality.

12What kind of partner do you need to rise? This guide to the descending signs takes you to find the most suitable partner

But you have to understand that imagination is also indispensable to a relationship, because a partner will help you increase your perception and creativity, allowing you to find a part of your true self.

Through relationships and partners, you will also become aware of your own loftier pursuits.