
Qingwei | Cai Jietian: Rainy day

Rainy days

Q/Cai Jietian

Qingwei | Cai Jietian: Rainy day

The wind blew the memories into long lines, and it was another rainy day.

I've loved rainy days since I was a kid. I like the rain, I like the coldness of the rain, the loneliness of the part. The raindrops are with a faint sense of tranquility, but also with a touch of sadness.

Like when it's raining, sitting alone in front of the window and counting the raindrops. In the face of rain, there are always many emotions, it is like, it is sadness, it is attachment. Rainy days will make people feel peaceful, quietly watching the raindrops fall by the window, the mood will become very calm, and the heart is full of full of ease. The mood on a rainy day seems to be their own mood, bit by bit. Rainy days, easy to recall, easy to miss. Rainy days, easy to listen to songs, easy to be lonely. On a rainy day, it is easy for people to count the roads they have traveled with the most authentic thoughts.

I like to walk alone in a secluded place on a foggy rainy day, walking alone in such a quiet and wonderful rain, listening to the rustling sound of the rain gently tapping the large leaf poplar or the broad leaves of the plane tree, the kind of beauty that moisturizes the bottom of the heart, and gradually forgets the irritability and sorrow, only one heart is completely peaceful and quiet. Like a light drizzle. I can't help but think of Li Shangyin's famous sentence: "He Dang cut the candle in the west window together, but when it rains at night in Bashan". The glitz and bustle of the world, triumphant and out of favor, need us to treat it with a normal heart, and this is not the case for rain, only by removing impetuousness and more calmness can we taste its fun and poetry, and feel its subtlety and beauty.

Walking in the light rain is a rare pleasure. Dripping with light rain, the floating dust on the body is being washed, and the floating dust in the heart is also being washed, just as a light rain of lightning flutters from above our heads, from our hearts, from the cracks of our tired spirits. I will certainly no longer complain about some unfairness in life, no longer glad that fate has given me a unique favor, and at that time, I just want to find a real self. I like the smell of dirt that pervades the rain, and I like the world that looks new and fresh after the rain. The rainy day is wet, the ground is wet, far and near, inside and outside, it is all a moist air, a fresh feeling, a generous comfort, like in the quiet rainy night, let the soul be silent, the body and mind will enter an unprecedented relaxation.

The first memories of those years, the thoughts of being watered by the rain, accompanied by the dripping and fluttering raindrops, slowly flowed into the rainy days of April.

Qingwei | Cai Jietian: Rainy day

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